Phase Transition with Suppression of Magnetism in BiFeO3 at High Pressure
A. G. Gavriliuk+*∇, V. V. Struzhkin+, I. S. Lyubutin*, M. Y. Hu, H. K. Mao+
+Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington DC 20015, USA *Institute of Crystallography RAS, 119333 Moscow, Russia ∇Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow reg., Russia HPCAT, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Advanced Photon Source, ANL, Argonne, IL 60439, USA
PACS: 71.27.+a, 71.30.+h, 81.40.Vw, 81.40.Tv
Magnetic behavior of a Bi57FeO3 powdered sample was studied
at high pressures by the method of nuclear forward scattering (NFS) of
synchrotron radiation. The NFS spectra from 57Fe nuclei were recorded at
room temperature under high pressures up to 61.4 GPa created in a diamond
anvil cell. In the pressure interval 0 < P < 47 GPa, the magnetic
hyperfine field H Fe at the 57Fe nuclei increased reaching a
value of T at 30 GPa, and then it slightly decreased to
T at P = 47 GPa. As the pressure was increased further, the
field H Fe has abruptly dropped to zero testifying a transition from
the antiferromagnetic to a nonmagnetic state (magnetic collapse). In the
pressure interval 47 < P < 61.4 GPa, the value of H Fe remained
zero. The field H Fe has recovered to low-pressure values during