VOLUME 68 (1998) | ISSUE 6 |
PAGE 491
Superconductivity in the presence of fermion condensation
Shaginyan V.R.
PACS: 71.27+a, 74.20-z
Fermion condensation (FC) was studied within the density functional theory. FC can fulfill the role of a boundary, separating the region of strongly interacting electron liquid from the region of strongly correlated electron liquid. Consideration of the superconductivity in the presence of FC has shown that under certain circumstances, at temperatures above Tc the superconductivity vanishes, while the superconducting gap smoothly transforms into a pseudogap. The pseudogap occupies only the part of the Fermi surface, shrinking with increasing temperature and vanishing at Τ = Τ*, while the single particle excitations of the gapped area of the Fermi surface have the width 7 ~ (T — Tc).