Logarithmic temperature dependence of the conductivity of the two-dimensional metal
Pudalov V.M., Brunthaler G., Prinz A., Bauer G.
PACS: 71.30.+h, 72.15.Rn
We report on the first observation and studies of a weak delocalizing logarithmic temperature dependence of the conductivity, which increases the conductivity of the 2D metal as Τ decreases down to 16 mK. The prefactor of the logarithmic dependence is found to decrease gradually with density, to vanish at a critical density, nCja ~ 2 ž 1012 cm"2, and to have opposite sign further at η > η<ž,2ž The second critical density sets the upper limit on the range of existence of the 2D metal, whereas the conductivity at the critical point, Gc,2 ~ 120e2/h, sets an upper (low temperature) limit on its conductivity.