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VOLUME 63 (1996) | ISSUE 12 | PAGE 979
Orbital magnetism of 2D chaotic lattices
We study the orbital magnetism of 2D lattices with chaotic motion of electrons within a primitive cell. Using the temperature diagrammatic technique we evaluate the averaged value and nns fluctuation of magnetic response in the diffusive regime within the model of non-interacting electrons. The fluctuations of magnetic susceptibility turn out to be large and at low temperature can be of the order of Xl^fI)3^2ι where kjr is the Fermi wavevector, I is the mean free path, and χι, is the Landau susceptibility. In the certain region of magnetic fields the paramagnetic contribution to the averaged response is field independent and larger than the absolute value of Landau response. PACS: 75.10.-b, 75.90.+W