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VOLUME 64 (1996) | ISSUE 6 | PAGE 397
Fluctuation-induced pseudogap in high-temperature superconductors
We study the effect of fluctuations on the ac conductivity of a layered superconductor for c-axis electromagnetic wave polarization. The fluctuation contributions of different physical nature and sign (paraconductivity, Maki-Thompson anomalous contribution, one-electron density-of-states renormalization) are found to be suppressed by the external field at different characteristic frequencies Αχ, ~ Τ Tc, u>mT ~ max{T Tc.t"1 }, wdos ~ mm{T,t~'}). As a result, the appearance of a nonmonotonic frequency dependence (pseudogap) in the infrared optical conductivity of high-temperature superconductor is predicted. PACS: 74.25.Gr, 74.40.+k