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VOLUME 67 (1998) | ISSUE 2 | PAGE 101
Effect of hole-hole scattering on conductivity of two-component 2D hole gas in GaAs/(AlGa)As heterostructures
The temperature dependences of both zero-magnetic-field resistivity ρ and magne-toresistance of 2D hole gas in GaAs/(AlGa)As heterostructures have been investigated in the temperature range of 0.4 — 4.2 К. When the temperature Τ is increased (i) the resistivity ρ grows with the decreasing derivative dp/dT and (ii) the positive magnetore-sistance diminishes from about 40% at Τ = 0.4 К to about 1% at Τ — 4.2 К. The results have been explained in terms of the temperature dependent mutual scattering of the holes accompanied by the momentum transfer between two different spin-split subbands.