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Articles download statistics

Downloads today1:18'900
Downloads last 30 days2:277'398
Downloads for all time3*:33'925'072
*Since May 5, 2007

Downloads (2024)4:47237
Downloads (2023)5:99839
Usage factor (2024)6:152
Usage factor (2023/2024)7:241

1Total number of today's downloads of all articles from our website
2Total number of downloads of all articles from our website in the last 30 days
3Total number of downloads of all articles from our website
4The number of downloads of articles published in 2021
5The number of downloads of articles published in 2020
6Median of the downloads statistics for articles published in 2021, calculated according to the Counter Usage Factor
7Median of the downloads statistics for articles published in 2000-2021, calculated according to the Counter Usage Factor