VOLUME 83 (2006) | ISSUE 4 |
PAGE 206
On scaling fields in ZN Ising models
V. A. Fateev+*, V. V. Postnikov, Y. P. Pugai+
+L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 117940 Moscow, Russia * Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Astroparticules, UniversitéMontpellier II, 34095 Montpellier, France Sochi's branch of People Friendship University, 354348 Sochi, Russia
PACS: 74.50.+r, 74.80.Fp
We study the space of scaling fields in the ZN
symmetric models with the factorized scattering and propose simplest
algebraic relations between form factors induced by the action of
deformed parafermionic currents. The construction gives a new free
field representation for form factors of perturbed
Virasoro algebra primary
fields, which are parafermionic algebra descendants.
We find exact vacuum expectation values of
physically important fields and study correlation functions of order
and disorder fields in the form factor and
conformal field theories perturbation