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VOLUME 51 (1990) | ISSUE 12 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Kalashnikov O. K. , Nonequivalence of perturbative infrared properties of gluon propagator in various gauges 681  (601)
Demichev A. P. , Iofa M. Z. , Gupta-Bleuler operator quantization in superstring theory 685  (604)
Amelin A. I. , Gornov M. G. , Gorov Yu. B. , Il'in A. I. , Koptev V. P. , Morokhov P. V. , Oganesyan K. O. , Pechkurov V. A. , Savel'ev V. I. , Sergeev F. M. , Chernyshev B. A. , Shafigullin R. R. , Shishkov A. V. , Production of ultraheavy hydrogen isotopes in absorption of π- mesons by 6.7Li nuclei 688  (607)
Kukushkin I. A. , Makarenko V. E. , Molchanov Yu. D. , Otroshchenko G. A. , Yan'kov G. B. , Energy of alpha particles in triple fission of the fissile isomer uranium-238 693  (611)
Datsyuk V. V. , Izmailov I. A. , Kochelap V. A. , Anomalous luminescence of disperse media during generation in whispering-gallery modes 695  (613)
Belov A. A. , Lozovik Yu. E. , New adiabatic invariants in the problem of two H atoms which are far apart 698  (615)
Baranov Yu. F. , Piliya A. D. , Esterkin A. R. , Anomalous slowing of lower hybrid waves in toroidal plasma 701  (617)
Kozhevnikov V. F. , Electron heat capacity of liquid cesium 705  (621)
Kop'ev P. S. , Mirlin D. N., Sapega V. F., Sirenko A. A. , Geminate radiative recombination in GaAs/AIGaAs quantum-well structures in magnetic field 708  (624)
Maslova N. S. , Tunneling from localized surface states of semiconductor with Coulomb correlations 712  (627)
Gubankov V. N. , Lisitskii M. P. , Serpuchenko I. L. , Sklokin F. N. , Observation of penetration of Abrikosov vortices into superconducting niobium films with the help of a Josephson tunnel junction 716  (630)
Zverev V. M. , Silin V. P. , Uryupin S. A. , Relationship between elastic and superconducting properties of high-Tc superconductors 720  (634)
Plakhtii V. P. , Bonnet M. , Golosovskii I. V. , Mill' B. V., Roudeau E. , Fedorova E. I. , Magnetic structure of Er2Cu2O5 723  (637)
Men'shikov A. Z. , Dorofeev Yu. A. , Klimenko A. G. , Mironova N. A. , Random magnetic fields and tricritical behavior of diamagnetically dilute antiferromagnets (Ni1-xMgx)O 726  (640)
Polishchuk I. Ya., Burin A. L. , Maksimov L. A. , Anderson localization in crystals with heavy isotopic impurities 730  (644)
Denisov Yu. V. , Rylev A. P. , Artamonova M. V. , Petrova T. N. , Behavior of density of vibrational states in glassy systems 734  (647)

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