VOLUME 40 (1984) | ISSUE 11 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Bogdanov A. N. , Galushko V. A. , Telepa V. T. , Yablonskii D. A. ,
Spin reversal In 1800 domain walls of the spin-flip phase of easyaxis antiferromagnets
Degtyarev L M. , Ibragimov I. M. , Sagdeev R. Z. , Solov'ev G. I. , Shapiro V. D. , Shevchenko V. I. ,
Numerical simulation of two-dimensional Langmuir turbulence
Aleksakhin I. S. , Bogachev G. G. , Zapesochnyi I. P. , Ugrin S. Yu.,
Observation of radiative transitions between lithium-atom autoionization states excited by an electron beam
Esayan S. Kh. , Ivchenko E. L. , Lemanov V. V. , Maksimov A. Yu. ,
Anisotropic photoconductivity in ferroelectrics
Bakun A. A. , Zakharchenya B. P. , Rogachev A. A. , Tkachuk M. N. , Fleisher V. G. ,
Observation of a surface photocurrent caused by optical orientation of electrons in a semiconductor
Tsiple M. Yu. , Ovchinnikov V. L. , Shpenik O. B. ,
Formation of excited states of zinc, cadmium, and mercury atoms and ions in collisions with low-energy protons
Volovik G. E. , Khmel'nitskii D. E. ,
Phase-transition splitting caused in exotic superconductors by impurities
Berman I. V. , Brandt N. B. , Alekseev V. A. , Kostyleva I. E. , Sidorov V. I. , Pyatkina O. P. ,
Superconductivity near the metal-insulator transition in amorphous α-Ge33As12Se55 |
Novikov B. V. , Ubushiev E. A. , Cherednichenko A. E. ,
Intensification of exciton reflection in CdS crystals due to the emptying of shallow pockets
Realo E. Kh. , Rebane K. K. , Khaas M. A. , Tygi Ya. Ya.,
Coherent transient effects in the Mossbauer radiation of 57Fe |
Bozhko S. I. , Sveklo I. F. , Tsoi V. S. ,
Diffraction of conduction electrons by a copper (012) surface
Alkhazov G. D. , Berlovich E. E. , Wagner H. , Derschel K. , Panteleev V. N., Peau E. W. , Polyakov A. G. , Tikhonov V. I. , Heddrich W. , Hunermann H. ,
Static and dynamic deformation of the nuclei of europium and samarium isotopes in the transition region
Voloshin M. B. , Shifman M. A. ,
η (8.3) as a bound state of colored scalars
Guzhovskii B. Ya. , Dzyuba B. M. , Protopopov V. N. ,
Observation of a giant Gamow-Teller resonance in the compound nucleus 118Sb |
Chestnov Yu. A. , Sokolovskii B. Yu. , Solyakin G. E. ,
Manifestation of deformed shells in the fission of samarium by 1- GeV protons
Matveenko A. V. ,
Hamiltonian for a diatomic molecule
Linde A. D. ,
Generation of isothermal density perturbations in an inflationary universe
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