VOLUME 59 (1994) | ISSUE 6 |
PAGE 402
Effect of magnetic induction on the Kosterlltz-Thouless transition in layered superconductors
Martynovich A. Yu.
The effect of external magnetic field on the resistive transition in a decoupled, layered, Josephson superconductor is investigated. The critical induction BCT, which is quite small with respect to the lower critical field Hd, is obtained. At a small induction, B< Z?cr, the second-order resistive transition occurs as a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. At a large induction, В > Bct, the second-order phase transition changes to a first-order transition and the vortex pair dissociation has a hysteretic behavior in the temperature interval which is close to and below the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature TKT. The lowest boundary of this interval decreases with increasing induction and coincides with the temperature of the resistive transition.