VOLUME 60 (1994) | ISSUE 4 |
PAGE 252
Spectrum of a charged Bose gas in a quantizing magnetic field
Samarchenko D. A.
A charged Bose gas in a quantizing magnetic field below the critical temperature for Bose condensation, Tc2(H), is analyzed. The Bose condensate forms a vortex lattice in this case. In a periodic potential of this sort, the transverse motion of a particle becomes unbounded because of the translational invariance of the lattice. As a result, the spectrum of excitations is of a band nature and is governed by the 2D quasimomentum in the perpendicular plane. The Green's function of the gas is found; the periodic vortex structure of the Bose condensate is taken into account. The spectrum of excitations of a Bose gas is derived for a square vortex lattice. © 1994 American Institute of Physics.