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VOLUME 30 (1979) | ISSUE 1 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Lagunov A.S., Balandin V.A., Acoustical properties of B-modification smectic liquid crystals in static magnetic fields 1  (3)
Kukhtarev U.V., Odulov S.C. , Inversion of a wave front associated with a four-wave interaction in media with nonlocal nonlinearity 4  (6)
Shagalov M.D. , Drizhuk A.G. , Polarized electroluminescence in gallium nitride 9  (11)
Blagoveshchenskii M.M. , Dokukin E.B. , Kozlov Zh.A. , Parfenov V.A. , Two-roton bound state in helium II 12  (14)
Petrov M.P., Grachev A.I. , Photogalvanic effects in bismuth silicate (Bi12SiO20) 15  (18)
Kerbikov B.O. , Ground state energy shift in the proton-antiproton atom 18  (22)
Lidorenko N.S., Nagaev E.L. , Intermediate state of materials experiencing a semiconductor-metal phase transition 22  (25)
Vasil'ev B.I. , Vishnyakov, Galochkin V.T., Grasyuk A.Z., Dyad'kin A.P., Zhugalkin A.K. , Kovalevskii V.A., Kosinov V.N., Oraevskii A.M., Sukhanov A.N. , Starodubtsev N.F. , Comparison of the effectiveness of excitation of various modes in the CCl4 molecule in a strong IR field 25  (29)
Belinskii V.A. , L-A pair of a system of coupled equations of the gravitational and electromagnetic fields 28  (32)
Rokos I.A. , Rokosova L.A. , Kirikov V.A. , Gladkii V.V. , Uniform deformation and birefringence of crystals in a nonuniform electric field 31  (36)
Zakharov V.E. , Ivanov M.F. , Shur L.N. , On anomalously slow stochastization in certain two-dimensional field theory models 34  (39)
Vinokurova L.I. , Gapotchenko A.G. , Itskevich E.S. , Kulatov E.T. , Determination of level positions in the spin subbands of ferromagnetic cobalt by means of experiments involving pressure 39  (45)
Karlov N.V. , Meshkovskii I.K. , Petrov R.P. , Petrov Yu.N. , Prokhorov A.M. , Laser control of permeability of a molecular screen 42  (48)
Bochkov G.N., Kuzovlev Yu.E., On the variational principle of nonequilibrium nonlinear statistical thermodynamics 46  (52)
Gurevich I.L., Klimov A.I. , Mairov V.N. , Maleshko E.A., Nikol'skii B.A., Selivanov V.I. , Precise determination of the frequency of hyperfine splitting of muonium in quartz 49  (56)
Kaulakis B.P., Presnyakov L.P., Serapinas P.O. , On the possibility of studying autoionization states of negative ions in terms of the broadening and displacement of the Rydberg series of neutral atoms 53  (60)
Keshishev K.O. , Parshin A.Ya. , Babkin A.V., Experimental detection of crystallization waves in He4 56  (63)
Volkov Yu.M. , Agnat'ev A.I. , Kolomenskii G.A., Lakovichev E.F. , Makhnovskii E.D. , Nadtochii A.V. , Popov V.V. , Fominenko V.P., Chizkov V.P. , Alpha decay of giant resonances in Ni58 nuclei 59  (67)
Gedalin E.V. , Transverse hadron moments in quark and gluon jets 63  (71)
Dal'karov O.D., Ksenzov V.G. , The annihilation cross section for e+e- hadron near the N\vec N threshold 66  (74)
Muzafarov V.M., Troitskii V.E., Potential-free formulation of the inverse scattering problem 70  (78)
Kartvelishvili V.G. , Likhoded A.K. , Slabospitskii S.R. , Inclusive production of D-mesons in e+e- annihilation 73  (81)
Baturin V.N. , Koptev V.P. , Maev E.M. , Makarov M.M., Nelyubin V.V., Sulimov V.V. , Khanzadeev A.V. , Shcherbakov G.V. , Neutron production from 24, 25, 26, Al27, Ca40,44, Cu, Sn116,124, Ta181, and Pb nuclei at proton energies of 1 GeV 78  (86)
Get'man V.A. , Gorbenko V.G. , Grushin V.F. , Derkach A.Ya. , Zhebroskii Yu.V., Karnaukhov I.M. , Kolesnikov L.Ya. , Lukhanin A.A. , Rubashkin A.L. , Sanin V.M. , Sorokin P.V. , Sporov E.A. , Telegin Yu.N. , Study of the γ ρ→ n π* reaction with polarized protons and photons at E=340 MeV 82  (90)

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