Study of the relative scale invariance in the reaction π- +p → -Lambda +x (Λ forward)
Abramov B.M. , Dukhovskoi I.A., Kishkurno V.V. , Krutenkova A.P., Kulikov V.V., Matsyuk M.A., Radkevich I.A., Turdakina E.N., Fedorets V.S.
We measured the cross section of the reaction π~ρ—>AK° and the ratio of the cross sections γ = da/du\Umaxfr~p—>AK °)/ d2cr/dudMi\u^Um&x (n~p—>AX) (M2X =0.45-0.70 GeV2) at momenta Ò0 = 2ìú, 2.69, and 3.25 GeV/c. This ratio depends little on pQ in the interval from 2.13 to 8 GeV/c (calculated from the data of Foley et a/., Phys. Rev. 10D, 2763, 1974). This points to the existence of a relative scale in variance in the reaction π ρ —»ììç.