page number of Russian version in brackets |
Sonin E. B., Fomin N. V.,
Symmetry of vortex structures, axial currents, and Kelvin waves in super-fluid 3He |
Pudalov V. M., Semenchinskii S. G.,
Current distribution in a 2D electron layer with a quantized Hall resistance
Vdovin A. V., Skok E. M., Uvarov E. I.,
Anisotropy of the electron g-factor in the InSb conduction band
Esipov S. E., Levinson I. B.,
Electron temperature in a quantum well. Energy loss caused by optical phonons
Barsov S. G., Getalov A. L., Grebinnik V. G., Gordeev V. A., Gurevich I. I., Zhukov V. A., Kirillov B. F., Klimov A. I., Kruglov S. P., Kuz'min L. A., Lazarev A. B., Mikirtych'yants S. M., Mikhaiiov B. P., Nikol'skii B. A., Pirogov A. V., Ponomarev A. N., Selivanov V. I., Suetin V. A., Shilov S. N., Shcherbakov G. V.,
Muon spin relaxation in crystalline and amorphous states of Cu10Zr7 |
Vasil'ev A. N., Gaidukov Yu. P., Popova E. A., Fedotov V. Yu.,
Temperature dependence of the ultrasonic attenuation in indium
Aleksandrov Yu. A., Vavra J., Vrana M., Goralik L., Kulda I., Lukash P., Mikula P., Chalupa B.,
Depolarization in the diffraction of polarized neutrons by a tungsten-186 single crystal
Lupal M. V., Pikhtin A. N.,
Excited acceptor-like states of the exciton bound on a single nitrogen atom in gallium phosphide
Prikhot'ko A. F., Pikus Yu. G., Shanskii L. I., Danilov D. G.,
Low-frequency Raman spectra β- and α -oxygen single crystals
Alekseevskii N. E., Mitin A. V.,
Magnetic properties of UBe13 in its superconducting state
Kusmartsev F. V., Tsvelik A. M.,
Semimetallic properties of a heterojunction
Savchenko E. V., Rybalko Yu. I., Fugol' I. Ya.,
Defect formation in self-trapping of excitons in solid neon
Fal'ko V. I.,
Boundary layer (on the order of the correlation length) in 3He-B |
Kiyachenko Yu. F., Litvinov Yu. I.,
Increase in scale length in a liquid as the glass transition temperature is approached
Svirskii M. S.,
Oscillations of the energy, magnetic moment, and current with a period equal to the normal or superconducting flux quantum in cyclic systems
Solomonov Yu. F.,
Heteroexcitonic molecule
Dorofeev O. F., Rodionov V. N., Ternov I. M.,
Beta decay under the influence of a quantizing magnetic field
Kirzhnits D. A., Losyakov V. V.,
Interaction of a magnetic monopole with a material medium
Volkovitskii P. E.,
Inclusive baryon-exchange reactions
Afonin A. I., Bogatov S. A., Borovoi A. A., Vershinskii A. G., Gavrilov S. L., Dobrynin Yu. L., Ketov S. N., Klimov Yu. V., Kopeikin V. I., Levina L. A., Machulin I. N., Mikaeliyan L. A., Nikolaev S. V., Ozerov K. V., Sinev V. V., Tolokonnikov S. V., Kheruvimov A. N.,
Search for neutrino oscillations in an experiment in the reactor of the Rovno nuclear power plant
Apalikov A. M., Boris S. D., Golutvin A. I., Laptin L. P., Lyubimov V. A., Myasoedov N. F., Nagovitsyn V. V., Novikov E. G., Nozik V. Z., Soloshchenko V. A., Tikhomirov I. N., Tret'yakov E. F.,
Search for heavy neutrinos in β decay
Balin D. B., Vorob'ev A. A., Vorob'ev An. A., Zalite Yu. K., Markov A. A., Medvedev V. I., Maev E. M., Semenchuk G. G., Smirenin Yu. V.,
Charge exchange of mesonic deuterium atoms with 3He and 4He |
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