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VOLUME 21 (1975) | ISSUE 2 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Kostadinov I.Z., Behavior of the level density in disordered chains 47  (105)
Fedoseeva N.V. , Beznosikov B.V. , Weak ferromagnetism of RbMnCI3 48  (108)
Gorokhov A.A. , Dyatlov V.D. , Medvedev R.N., Starikov A.D., Tuzov V.G. , Amplitude-spatial effects of high-intensity radiation conversion in a laser plasma 49  (111)
Kotik D.S., Trakhtengerts V.Yu., Mechanism of excitation of combination frequencies in ionospheric plasma 51  (114)
Al'tshuler A. , Vekilov Yu.Kh. , Umarov G.R. , Crystal stability and band structure 53  (118)
Barta I.I., Kaplyanskii A.A., Kulakov V.V., Markov Yu.F., Soft mode at the boundary of the Brillouin zone and nature of the phase transition in monovalent mercury-halide crystals 54  (121)
Kashin V.A. , Nagaev E.L. , Giant positive magnetoresistance of magnetic conductors 56  (126)
Fominskii L.P., Electroionization discharge with recuperation of the electron beam 58  (129)
Lyubutin I.S. , Dmitrieva T.V., Induction of strong magnetic fields at the nuclei of diamagnetic tin atoms in chalcogenide spinels 59  (132)
Gadiyak G.V., Kirzhnits D.A., Lozovik Yu.E., Collective levels in heavy atoms 61  (135)
Sapershtein E.E. , Troitskii M.A. , Pion condensation in nuclei and I-forbidden M1 transitions 62  (138)
Faddeev L.D. , Hadrons from leptons? 64  (141)
Nikolaev I.N. , Shotov A.P., Volkov A.F. , Mar'in V.P., "Softening" of phonon spectrum in semiconductors of the Pb1-xSnx Te system on going to the gapless state 65  (144)
Bulaevskii L.N. , Rusinov A.I., Absence of paramagnetic limits for Hc211 in layered superconductors without inversion center 66  (147)
Afanas'ev Yu.V. , Basov N.G., Volosevich P.P. , Gamalii E.G., Krokhin O.N. , Kurdyumov S.P., Levanov E.I. , Rozanov V.B., Samarskii A.A., Tikhonov A.N., Laser initiation of thermonuclear reaction in inhomogeneous spherical targets 68  (150)
Gamalii E.G. , Gus'kov S.Yu. , Krokhin O.N., Rozanov V.B., Possibility of determining the characteristics of laser plasma by measuring the neutrons of the DT reaction 70  (156)
Kuusmann I.L. , Liblik P.Kh., Lushchik Ch.B., Edge luminescence of excitons in ionic crystals 72  (161)
Ignatyuk A.V. , Itkis M.G., Okolovich V.N., Smirenkin G.N. , Tishin A.S., Anomalous influence of the angular momentum on the fission of light nuclei by protons and a particles 74  (164)
Azimov S.A. , Gulamov K.G. , Gulyamov U.G. , Chernov G.M. , Distribution of multiplicity in inelastic coherent collisions of protons with nuclei in the energy interval 20-200 GeV 76  (167)

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