Test of CPT symmetry in the decays of neutral kaons
Baldo-Ceolin M., Barmin V. V., Barylov V. G., Davidenko G. V., Demidov V. S., Dolgolenko A. G., Calimani E., Mattioli F., Meshkovskii A. G., Miari G., Okun' L. B., Skonza A., Ciampolillo S., Chuvilo I. V., Shebanov V. A.
The Bell-Steinberger unitarity relation is used along with the experimental data available to calculate the parameter of the CPT violation, Δ, and that of the Τ violation, e, in the decays of К 0 mesons. It is shown that if the CP violation in three-pion decays of K° mesons is not greater than in two-pion decays, then the parameters ReA and ImA differ from zero by two standard deviations.