Stabilization of tangential shear instability in shallow water with "supersonic" fluid flow
Antipov S.V., Nezlin M. V., Rodionov V. K., Snezhkin E. N., Trubnikov A. S.
It is demonstrated experimentally that under conditions of (two-dimensional) "shallow water" Landau's conclusion1 that the instability of the supersonic tangential shear is stabilized for и > (2g*#0)1/2, where 2u is the relative velocity of countermoving flows, H0 is the depth of the fluid, and g* is the effective acceleration of gravity, is correct. The result obtained corresponds to the theory of S. V. Bazdenkov and O. P. Pogutse [Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 37, 317 (1983)].