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VOLUME 19 (1974) | ISSUE 2 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Kuvatov Z.Kh., Kapustin A.P., Trofimov A.N., Sign reversal of nematic liquid crystal conductivity anisotropy as function of temperature 55  (89)
Pokrovskii Ya.E., Svistunova M.I., Negative charge of electron-hole drops in germanium 56  (92)
Vorob'ev V.V., Kapitonov V.A., Kruglyakov E.P., Increase of dielectric strength of water in a system with "diffusion" electrodes 58  (95)
Zvezdin A.K., NMR and orientational phase transitions in orthoferrites 60  (98)
Gordon E.B., Mezhov-Deglin L.P., Pugachev O.F., Stabilization of nitrogen atoms in superfluid helium 63  (103)
Brandt N.B., Svistova E. A., Semenov M. V., Magnetic susceptibility of semimetallic Bi-Sb Alloys in the ultraquantum limit 66  (107)
Karlov N.V., Krynetskii B.B., Mishin V.A.,Samokhin A.A., Metastability of liquid phase under conditions of developed evaporation of condensed media 68  (111)
Tsoi V.S., Focusing of electrons in a metal by a transverse magnetic field 70  (114)
Alekseevskii N.E., Bertel K.-H., Nizhankovskii V. I., Magnetic breakdown in niobium in strong magnetic fields 72  (117)
Zel'dovich Ya.B., Cooling with the aid of high-frequency energy 74  (120)
Dyatlov V.D., Medvedev R.N., Sizov V.N., Starikov A.D., Measurement of reflection of subnanosecond pulses of a high-power laser from a solid LiD target 76  (124)
Mazets E.P., Golenetskii S.V., Il'inskii V.N., Flare of cosmic gamma radiation as observed with "Cosmos-461" satellite 77  (126)
Kamilov I.K., Aliev Kh.K., Magomedov M.M., Test of three scaling functions for Y3Fe5012 78  (128)
Kandaurova G.S., Vas'kovskii V.O., Deryagin A.V., Raev V.K., Asymmetry of motion of domain wall in an orthoferrite crystal 80  (132)
Volovik V.D., Kalinichenko A.I., Kobizskoi V.I., Lazurik-El'tsufin V.T., Thermoelastic effect of a fast particle in a solid 82  (135)
Gendenshtein L.E., Fast scaling in the multiperipheral model 84  (139)

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