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VOLUME 23 (1976) | ISSUE 3 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Vainer B.V., Nasel'skii P.O., Graviton production in a Friedmann universe 123  (141)
Gromov S.N., Pasechnik L.L., Semenyuk V.F., Lowering of the parametric-instability threshold by injection of an electron beam in a plasma 127  (145)
Prozorova L.A., Smirnov A.I., Microwave energy absorption by thermal magnons in the layered antiferromagnet BaMnF4 130  (148)
Kataev D.I., Spectroscopy of low-volatility compounds supercooled in the boundary layer of a supersonic stream 134  (152)
Dyugaev A.M., On the properties of liquid He3 138  (156)
Mikhailov A.S., Kinetic transition in a system of parametrically excited spin waves 143  (162)
Krylov I.P., Sharvin Yu.V., Observation of "hot" electrons with the aid of microcontacts 146  (166)
Shevchenko S.I., Kulik I.O., Electrodynamics of exciton pairing in low-dimensionality crystals without inversion centers 150  (171)
Kuz'menko V.S., Mitrofanova A.V., Ranyuk Yu.N., Sorokin P.V., Measurement of the spectra of the protons from the C12 nucleus and of the target-nucleus mass-number dependence of the inclusive reaction γ + A → p +p + ... at a maximum bremsstrahlung energy E_\gamma^{\max} = 1200 MeV 153  (174)
Abramov B.M. , Dukhovskoi I.A., Kishkurno V.V., Kondratyuk L.A., Krutenkova A.P., Kulikov V.V., Radkevich I.A., Tomashchuk Yu.F., Fedorets V.S., Study of the reaction π^- + d → p +4 all with maximum momentum transfer to the proton in the primary momentum interval from 1.68 to 3.28 GeV/c 156  (176)
Ioffe B.L., Smilga A.V., One possibility of explaining the properties of the ψ meson in SU(3) symmetry 160  (181)

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