Bottomonium Υ(5S) decays into BB and BBπ
Yu. A. Simonov, A. I. Veselov
State Research Center
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,
117218 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 12.38.Lg, 13.25.Hw
Two- and three-body decays of Υ (5S) into
BB, BB*, B*B*, BsBs, BsBs*, Bs* Bs* and
BB*π, B*B*π are evaluated using the theory, developed
earlier for dipion bottomonium transitions. The theory contains
only two parameters, vertex masses Mbr and Mω, known
from dipion spectra and width. Predicted values of
Γtot(5S) and six partial widths
Γk(5S), k=BB,BB*,... are in agreement with experiment. The decay
widths Γ5S(π BB*) and Γ5S(π B*B*) are also
calculated and found to be of the order of 10 keV.