Electronic structure and possible pseudogap behavior in iron based superconductors
E. Z. Kuchinskii, M. V. Sadovskii
Institute for Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, 620016 Ekaterinburg, Russia
Starting from
the simplified analytic model of electronic spectrum of
iron- pnictogen (chalcogen) high- temperature superconductors close to the
Fermi level, we discuss the influence of antiferromagneting (AFM)
scattering both for stoichiometric case and the region of possible
short- range order AFM fluctuations in doped compounds.
Qualitative picture of
the evolution of electronic spectrum and
Fermi surfaces (FS) for different dopings is presented, with
the aim of comparison with existing and future ARPES experiments. Both electron
and hole dopings are considered and possible pseudogap behavior connected with
partial FS «destruction» is demonstrated, explaining some recent experiments.