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VOLUME 96 (2012) | ISSUE 2 | PAGE 93
SLE martingales in coset conformal field theory
Scharmm-Loewner evolution (SLE) and conformal field theory (CFT) are popular and widely used instruments to study critical behavior of two-dimensional models, but they use different objects. While SLE has natural connection with lattice models and is suitable for strict proofs, it lacks computational and predictive power of conformal field theory. To provide a way for the concurrent use of SLE and CFT we consider CFT correlation functions which are martingales with respect to SLE. We establish connection between parameters of Schramm-Loewner evolution on coset space and algebraic data of coset conformal field theory. Then we check the consistency of our approach with the behaviour of parafermionic and minimal models. Coset models are connected with off-critical massive field theories and we discuss implications for SLE.