Spin injection from topological insulator tunnel-coupled to metallic leads
P. P. Aseev, S. N. Artemenko
Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of the RAS, 125009 Moscow, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia
We study theoretically helical edge states of 2D and 3D topological
insulators (TI) tunnel-coupled to metal leads and show that their
transport properties are strongly affected by contacts as the latter
play a role of a heat bath and induce damping and relaxation of
electrons in the helical states of TI. A simple structure that
produces a pure spin current in the external circuit is
proposed. The current and spin current delivered to the external
circuit depend on relation between characteristic lengths: damping
length due to tunneling, contact length and, in case of 3D TI, mean
free path and spin relaxation length caused by momentum
scattering. If the damping length due to tunneling is the smallest
one, then the electric and spin currents are proportional to the
conductance quantum in 2D TI, and to the conductance quantum
multiplied by the ratio of the contact width to the Fermi wavelength in
3D TI.