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VOLUME 100 (2014) | ISSUE 4 | PAGE 252
How learn the branching ratio \boldsymbol{X(3872)\to D^{*0}\bar D^0 + } {\bf c.c.}
Enfant terrible of charmonium spectroscopy, the resonance X(3872), generated a stream of interpretations and ushered in a new exotic XYZ spectroscopy. In the meantime, many (if not all) characteristics of X(3872) are rather ambiguous. We construct spectra of decays of the resonance X(3872) with good analytical and unitary properties which allows to define the branching ratio of the X(3872) \to D^{*0}\bar D^0 + \text{c.c.} decay studying only one more decay, for example, the X(3872)→π+π- J/ψ(1S) decay. We next define the range of values of the coupling constant of the X(3872) resonance with the D^{*0}\bar D^0 system. Finally, we show that our spectra are effective means of selection of models for the resonance X(3872).