Origin of nonlinear contribution to the shift of the critical temperature in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
S. Sergeenkov+, F. Briscese+*, M. Grether×, M. de Llano°
+Departamento de Física, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Cidade Universitária, 58051-970 Jo ao Pessoa, PB, Brazil
*Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica, 00185 Rome, EU
×Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 México, DF, México
°Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A. P. 70-360, 04510 México, DF, México
We discuss a possible origin of the experimentally
observed nonlinear contribution to the shift
Δ Tc=Tc-Tc0 of the critical temperature Tc in an
atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with respect to the critical temperature
Tc0 of an ideal gas. We found that accounting for a
nonlinear (quadratic) Zeeman effect (with applied magnetic field
closely matching a Feshbach resonance field B0) in the
mean-field approximation results in a rather significant
renormalization of the field-free nonlinear contribution b2,
a is the s-wave scattering length,
λ T is the thermal wavelength at
Tc0) with
and γ =γ (B0). In
particular, we predict for the
G resonance observed in the 39K BEC.