Surface photocurrent in electron gas over liquid He subject to quantizing magnetic field
L. I. Magarill, M. V. Entin
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB of the RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
The photogalvanic effect is studied in electron gas over
the liquid He surface with the presence of quantizing magnetic field.
The gas is affected by the weak alternating microwave electric field tilted
towards the surface normal. Both linear
and circular photogalvanic effects are studied. The current occurs via
phototransition with the participation of ripplons emission or
absorption. The photogalvanic tensor has
strong resonances at the microwave frequency ω approaching to the
frequencies of transitions between size-quantized subbands.
The resonances are symmetric or antisymmetric, depending on a tensor
component. Other resonances appear at , where n being integer and ωc is the
cyclotron frequency.
It is found that the latter resonances split to two peaks connected with
emission or absorption of ripplons. The calculated photogalvanic
coefficients are in accord with the experimental
observed values.