Hidden Fermi surface in KxFe2-ySe2: LDA + DMFT study
I. A. Nekrasov, N. S. Pavlov1)
Institute of Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, 620016 Ekaterinburg, Russia
In this paper we provide theoretical LDA + DMFT support of recent
angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) observation of the so-called
hidden hole-like band and corresponding hidden Fermi surface sheet near
Γ-point in the K0.62Fe1.7Se2 compound. To some
extent this is a solution to the long-standing riddle of Fermi surface
absence around Γ-point in the KxFe2-ySe2 class of iron
chalcogenide superconductors. In accordance with the experimental data
Fermi surface was found near the Γ-point within LDA+DMFT
calculations. Based on the LDA + DMFT analysis in this paper it is shown
that the largest of the experimental Fermi surface sheets is actually
formed by a hybrid Fe-3d(xy,xz,yz) quasiparticle band. It is also shown
that the Fermi surface is not a simple circle as DFT-LDA predicts, but
has (according to the LDA + DMFT) a more complicated "propeller"-like
structure due to correlations and multiorbital nature of the KxFe2- ySe2 materials. While the smallest experimental Fermi surface around
Γ-point is in some sense fictitious, since it is formed by the
summation of the intensities of the spectral function associated with
"propeller" loupes and is not connected to any of quasiparticle bands.