Search for exotic states in 13C
A. S. Demyanova+, A. N. Danilov+, S. V. Dmitriev+, A. A. Ogloblin +, V. I. Starastsin+, S. A. Goncharov*, D. M. Janseitov×°∇
+National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, 123182 Moscow, Russia
*Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
×Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141700 Dubna, Russia
°Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Nuclear Center of Republic of Kazakhstan, 050032 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
∇Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 050040 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
New experimental data on inelastic scattering of α-particles on
13C at E(α) = 65 MeV and 90 MeV with excitation of the
1/2-3 state are present. Data is analyzed using Modified
diffraction model (MDM). Obtained rms radius of this state within errors
coincides with the radius of the 1/2-2 8.86 MeV state in 13C
and the Hoyle state in 12C. This result is an argument for close
structure of these states. Unusual result regarding compact state 3/2-
9.90 MeV in 13C was tested via consideration of its isobar-analog
state (IAS) in 13N - 3/2- 9.48 MeV state. We found that these
states have normal non-increased radius.