Light-shining-through-wall cavity setups for probing ALPs
D. Salnikov+*, P. Satunin+*, M. Fitkevich+×, D. V. Kirpichnikov+
+Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 117312 Moscow, Russia
*Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
×Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141701 Dolgoprudny, Russia
We discuss the aspects of axion-like-particles (ALPs)
searches with Light-Shining-through-Wall (LSW) experimental
setups consisted of two radio-frequency cavities. We compare the
efficiencies of four setups which involve the cavity pump modes and
external magnetic fields.
Additionally, we discuss the sensitivity dependence both on the
relative position of two cylindrical cavities and on their radius-to-length ratio.