Expansion in Feynman graphs as simplicial string theory
E. T. Akhmedov
ITEP, 117259 Moscow, Russia
and Institute for Advanced Study, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
PACS: 11.25.-w
We show that the series expansion of quantum field theory in the
Feynman diagrams can be explicitly mapped on the partition
function of the simplicial string theory - the theory describing
embeddings of the 2D simplicial complexes into the
space-time of the field theory. The summation over
2D geometries in this theory is obtained from the
summation over the Feynman diagrams and the integration over the
Schwinger parameters of the propagators. We discuss the meaning of
the obtained relation and derive the 1D analog of
the simplicial theory on the example of the free relativistic