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VOLUME 78 (2003) | ISSUE 7 | PAGE 921
Spin relaxation in the quantized Hall regime in the presence of disorder
We study the spin relaxation (SR) of a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantized Hall regime and discuss the role of spatial inhomogeneity effects on the relaxation. The results are obtained for small filling factors (\nu\ll 1) or when the filling factor is close to an integer. In either case SR times are essentially determined by a smooth random potential. For small ν we predict a "magneto-confinement" resonance manifested in the enhancement of the SR rate when the Zeeman energy is close to the spacing of confinement sublevels in the low-energy wing of the disorder-broadened Landau level. In the resonant region the B-dependence of the SR time has a peculiar non-monotonic shape. If \nu\simeq 2n+1, the SR is going non-exponentially. Under typical conditions the calculated SR times range from 10-8 to 10-6 s.