Coherent final state interaction in jet production in nucleus-nucleus collisions
B. G. Zakharov
L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 117940 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 24.85.+p, 25.75.-q
We study the coherent final state interaction of an energetic
parton produced in AA collisions caused by the change in the cutoff scale
and running coupling constant from the vacuum to quark-gluon plasma. We
demonstrate that the contribution of this new mechanism to the energy loss
may be of the order of magnitude of the induced gluon radiation. However, an
accurate evaluation of this medium effect is a difficult task because there
is a strong cancellation between the cutoff and running coupling constant
effects. The uncertainties in the contribution of the coherent final state
interaction restrict strongly the accuracy of jet tomographic analyses of the
matter density produced in AA reactions.