Influence of Λ NN forces and the nuclear core size on the 7ΛLi level spectrum
Fetisov V.N.
PACS: 21.60.Cs, 21.80.+a, 27.20.+n
The effective zero-range ANN interaction with the Λ-spin dependence pecular to dispersive ANN forces is introduced to estimate its influence on the shell model spectra of light hypernuclei. The parameters of three-body and pair interactions are evaluated using the values of B\ for j-shell hypernuclei with A=4 and 5. It is shown that the description of the д1л9.,. doublet energy AE ~ 689 keV fitted with other hypernuclei gives the reduced radius R ~ 2.2 fm for eLi bound in j^Li (for the free nucleus eLi R ~ 2.4 fm) and the dispersive ANN force contribution to this energy ~ 250 keV. A more refined version of the ]^Li level spectrum including AN and ANN forces and the compression of the eLi core is proposed.