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VOLUME 51 (1990) | ISSUE 2 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Khlebnikov S. Yu., Spontaneous parity violation in three-dimensional scalar electrodynamics 81  (69)
Catani S. , Trentadue L. , Fermion pair exponentiation in QED 83  (72)
Kopeikin V. I. , Mikazlyan L. A. , Fayans S. A. , Search for massive neutrinos at the Rovno nuclear power station reactor 86  (75)
Aliev T. M. , Dobrolyubov M. I. , Search for supersymmetry in rare B meson decays 89  (78)
Vershinksii A. G. , Meluzov A. A. , Mikaelyan L. A. , Nikolaev S. V. , Skorokhvatov M. D. , Etenko A. V. , Observation of the interaction of reactor antineutrinos with deuterons in neutral and charged current channels at the Rovno nuclear power station 94  (82)
Viznyuk S. A. , Pashinin P. P. , Prokhorov A. M., Rastopov S. F., Sukhodol'skii A. T. , Phase conjugation by four-wave mixing in a stratifying solution 99  (86)
Gil'denburg V. B. , Kim A. V. , Sergeev A. M. , Possibility of sharp increase in the frequency of the radiation of ionizing laser pulse in gas 104  (91)
Kuznetsova T. I. , Time-dependent holography of the two-photon effect 107  (94)
Darbinyan S. M. , Ispiryan K. A. , Ispiryan M. K. , Margaryan A. T. , Unruh radiation in linear colliders and in collisions of TeV electrons with intense laser beams 110  (97)
Ivanchenko Yu. M. , Soboleva T. K. , Josephson transition with nonlocal interaction 114  (100)
Zhukov A. A. , Moshchalkov V. V. , Krzhizhanovskii I. G. , Petrenko O. V. , Rybachuk V. A. , Voronkova V. I., Yanovskii V. K. , Temperature and angular dependences of the lower critical field in twinless TmBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals 117  (103)
Geim A. K. , Dubonos S. V. , Khaetskii A. V. , The Hall effect and magnetoresistance of 2D electron gas in the scattering by flux quanta 121  (107)
Volovik G. E. , The gravitational topological Chern-Simons term in a film of superfluid 3H-A 125  (111)
Kataev V. E. , Kukovitskii E. F. , Teitel'baum G. B. , Finkel'shtein A. M. , Formation of localized magnetic moments in zinc-doped lanthanum-strontium superconductors 129  (115)

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