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VOLUME 51 (1990) | ISSUE 10 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Man'ko V. S. , Khakimov Sh. A. , New exact solution of Einstein's equations for the gravitational field of a stationary axisymmetric mass 557  (493)
Kogan Ya. I. , Polyubin I. V. , Attraction of gluons in (2+1)-dimensional topologically massive gauge theory 560  (496)
Mur V. D. , Popov V. S. , Quantization with allowance for the barrier penetration 563  (499)
Mazur A. P. , Novikov A. D. , Odulov S. G. , Soskin M. S. , Parametric generation in media with local response in unclosed resonators 568  (503)
Meshcherov B. R. , Tumanov V. I. , Effect of atomic vibrations on scattering of relativistic electrons in a crystal 572  (506)
Tukhvatullin F. Kh. , Atakhodzhaev A. K. , Zhumaboev A., Tashkenbaev U. N., Structure of polarized Raman scattering lines in ternary mixture 575  (509)
Barash Yu. S. , Mel'nikov A. S. , Possible existence of nonsingular-vortex in UPt3 577  (511)
Vinogradova S. A. , Golubok A. O. , Kolomytkin O. V. , Tipisev S. Ya. , Scanning tunneling microscopy of gramicidin A molecules embedded in Langmuir-Blodgett film 581  (513)
Korovin L. I. , Pavlov S. T. , Eshpulatov B. E. , Intensification of multiphonon resonant Raman scattering in quasi-2D electron system 584  (516)
Lyubin V. M. , Tikhomirov V. K. , Photoinduced optical anisotropy in the chalcogenide glass As2S3 587  (518)
Rastopov S. F. , Sukhodol'skii A. T. , Cluster nucleation during first-order phase transitions in liquid solutions 590  (521)
Belomestnykh V. N. , Thermally stimulated acoustic splitting in ionic molecular crystals 596  (526)
Afanas'ev M. M. , Blinov E. V. , Vlasenko L. S. , Vlasenko M. P., Stepanov Yu. P., Fleisher V. G. , Nondissipative rf response of Y-Ba-Cu-O microcrystals due to phase matching of the Josephson currents in weak magnetic fields 600  (529)
Bilenko I. A. , Mitrofanov V. P. , Okhrimenko O. A. , Manifestation of inelasticity in metals during slight deformation 604  (532)
Neimark A. V. , Thermodynamic method for calculating surface fractal dimension 607  (535)

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