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Mintsev V.B., Fortov V.E.,
Electrical conductivity of xenon under supercritical conditions
Zhilinskii A.P. , Kuteev B.V. , Larionov M.M. , Lebedev A.D., Rozhanskii V.A., Tsendin L.D.,
Determining the rate of poloidal rotation of plasma in the FT-1 tokamak
Bogomolov V.N. , Kudinov E.K. , Pavlova T.M. , Petranovskii V.P. ,
Occurrence of large temperature-activated dipole moments in sulfur clusters in zeolite inclusions
Makarov A.G. , Manenkov A.A. , Mikhailova G.N., Seferov A.S. ,
Dependence of the density of electron-hole drops on their size in inhomogeneously deformed germanium
Polivano Yu.N. ,
Fermi resonance of polaritons with bound and dissociated phonon states
Mirlin D.N. , Nikitin L.P. , Reshina I.I. , Sapega V.F. ,
Depolarization of hot photoluminescence in GaAs crystals in a magnetic field
Kobelev Yu.A. , Ostrovskii L.A. , Sutin A.M. ,
Self-bleaching effect for the acoustic waves in a liquid with gas bubbles
Perlin Yu.E., Kaminskii A.A., Enakii V.N., Vylegzhanin D.N. ,
Electron-phonon resonances in the spectrum of a rare-earth impurity ion
Adishchev Yu.N. , Anan'in P.S. , Vorob'ev S.A. , Zabaev V.N., Kalinin B.N., Kaplin V.V. , Potylitsyn A.P. , Tomchakov V.K. , Rozum E.I.,
Angular distributions of gamma radiation of 900-MeV electrons channeled in diamond and silicon
Babykin M.V. , Baigarin K.A. , Bartov A.V., Gorbulin Yu.M. , Gubarev A.V., Dan'ko S.A., Skoryupin V.A., Kalinin Yu.G., Kielev V.N., Mizhiritskii V.I., Rudakov L.I. ,
Experimental determination of the stopping distance of a high-current beam of relativistic electrons in a dense plasma
Basov N.G. , Bychenkov V.Yu. , Zorev N.N. , Osipov M.V., Rupasov A.A. , Silin V.P., Sklizkov G.V., Starodub A.N. , Tikhonchuk V.T., Shikanov A.S.,
Raman scattering as a diagnostic method for the laser plasma
Mikhailov A.V. ,
Integrability of the two-dimensional generalization of Toda chain
Abesalashvili L.N. , Amaglobeli N.S. , Garsevanishvili V.R., Kvatadze R.A. , Kutsidi N.K. , Tevzadze Yu.V. , E.B. Tsivtsivadze, Chargeishvili M.S. ,
"Critical" surfaces in phase space for particles inclusively generated in handron-hadron collisions
Ivanov E.A. ,
The Yang-Mills theory in the sigma-model representation
Bulgadaev S.A. ,
New class of field theories
Kalimov A.G. , Kozlov V.S. , Stabnikov M.V. , Tarakanov V.I. , Tombak M.A. , Anitsoi E.I. , Lobanov O.V. , Lysenko V.V. , Miroshkin V.V. , Pashuk V.V., Tverskoi M.G. ,
Laser detection of nuclear reactions in a streamer chamber
Kurilkin N.N. , Mishustin I.N., Khodel' V.A.,
Solitons in nuclear material
Dakhno L.G. , Kravtsov A.V., Makarov M.M. , Medvedev V.I., Obrant G.Z., Poromov V.I. , Sarantsev V.V. , Sokolov G.L. , Sherman S.G.,
Final state interaction for deuteron splitting by π-mesons
Petukhov A.K. , Petrov G.A. , Stepanov S.I. , Nikolaev D.V., Zvezdkina T.K., Petrova V.I. , Tyukavin V.A. ,
Nonconservation of spatial parity in the fission of heavy nuclei by polarized neutrons
Vodop'yanov A.S. , Golovatyuk V.M. , Elishev A.F. , Ivanchenko I.M., Kadyrov R.B. , Karpenko N.N. , Korpen'kov V.V., Nigmanov T.S. , Ryabtsov V.D. , Senner A.E., Sitar B., Starchenko B.M., Sutulin V.A., Tyapkin I .A., Ural'skii D.V., Filatova N.A., Tsyganov E.N., Shafranov M.D., Wojtkowska I. , Guzik Z. , Zelazny R. , Forycki A., Grishaev I .A., Kovalenko G.D., Shramenko B.I. , Bavizhev M.D. , Bulgakov N.K., Carrigan R. , Twig T. , Gibson V.M., Ch.R. San, Ik-Dzho Kim, Phelps G. , Avdeichikov V.V.,
Steering of charged-particle trajectories by means of a curved monocrystal
Linde A.D. ,
Gauge theory and the variability of gravitational constant in the early Universe
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