VOLUME 25 (1977) | ISSUE 12 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Alekseevskii N.E. , Wolf G. , Dobrovol'skii N.M. , Thiele U. ,
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 |
Volkov A.S. , Ekimov A.I. , Nikishin S.A. , Safarov V.I., Tsarenkov B.V. , Tsarenkov G.V. ,
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
Lugovoi V.N. ,
New type of optical parametric generator and amplifier
Gurevich V.L., Pogorel'skii Yu.V.,
Quantum induced acoustic transparency of conductors
Ilyukhin A.A. , Peregudov G.V., Ragozin E.N., Sobel'man I.I., Chirkov V.A. ,
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A
Gershenzon E.M. , Gol'tsman G.N. , Ptitsyna N.G.,
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium
Khomskii D.I. ,
Cooperative Jahn-Teller transitions with tripling of the period: CaCuCI3 |
Alimpiev S.S. , Bagratashvili V.N. , Karlov N.V., Letokhov V.S., Lobko V.V. , Makarov A.A. , Sartakov B.C., Khokhlov E.M.,
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
Bannik B.P. , Bobodzhanov I. , Salomov Dzh. A., Sun-Tszin-Yan G.Ya., Tolstov K.D. , Khoshmukhamedov R.A. , Sharbatova G.S. , El'-Nagi A. ,
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
Manakov S.V. ,
Pulsating solitons
Andreev Yu.M. , Bugaev E.V., Kopysov Yu.S.,
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction
Abramyan L.O. , Avakyan R.O., Agan'yants A.O., Adamyan F.V., Armaganyan A.A., Vortanov Yu.A., Vartapetyan G.A., Galumyan P.I., Demekhina N.A., Kazaryan G.Kh., Lebedev A.N. , Manukyan Zh.V., Muradyan E.M., Pilippsyan S.E., Surunyan A.M., Skhtoryan E.S., Khudoveryan A.G., Khurshudyan L.S. ,
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
Kobzarov N.Yu., Martem'yanov V.B., Shchepkin M.G. ,
Mesons from gluons
Belavin A.A., Zakharov V.E.,
Multidimensional method of the inverse scattering problem and duality equations for the Yang-Mills field
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