VOLUME 41 (1985) | ISSUE 12 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Popov A. F.,
Nonlinear effect of an alternating magnetic field on the dynamics of a domain wall in a ferromagnet
Alekseev P. A., Lazukov V. N., Sadikov I. P., Sergeeva I. A., Khlopkin M. N., Chistyakov O. D.,
Effect of a transition to a mixed-valence state on the specific heat of the compound Ce(Cu1-xNix)5 |
Bocharov V. N., Zavadskii N. A., Kiselev A. V., Konstantinov S. G., Kudryavtsev A. M., Myskin O. K., Panasyuk V. M., Tsel'nik F. A.,
MHD-stable confinement of a rotating plasma
Semenchinskii S. G.,
Quantum oscillations of the width of the Landau levels in a two-dimensional electronic layer
Shpenik O. B., Romanyuk N. I., Chernysheva I. V.,
Resonant structure in 180œ elastic scattering of electrons by N2 and N2O molecules
Petukhov A. G., Radchik A. V., Foigel' M. G.,
Photoinduced structural change in the defects in a hydrogenated amorphous silicon
Aktsipetrov O. A., Baranova I. M., Elovikov S. S., Elyutin P. V., Esikov D. A., Nikulin A. A., Fominykh N. N.,
Giant second harmonic and size effect in ultrasmall metal particles
Efetov K. B.,
Absence of a renormalization group in localization theory
Men'shikov L. I., Ponomarev L. I.,
Dependence of the sticking of muons to helium in the muon-catalysis reactions dtμ → μ 4-He+n and ddμ → μ 3He+n on the density of the mixture D2+ T2 |
Kreingol'd F. I., Lider K. F.,
Population inversion in sublevels of n = 1 excitons of the Cu2O yellow series in a magnetic field
Goncharov V. A., Osip'yan Yu. A., Shmyt'ko I. M.,
Electron-beam-induced cyclic structural changes in twinned crystals
Bogachek E. N., Kulik I. O., Omel'yanchuk A. N., Shkorbatov A. G.,
Drag-related thermo-emf in metallic systems containing a point contact
Prozorova L. A., Marchenko V. I., Krasnyak Yu. V.,
Magnetic resonance in the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn3AI2Ge3O12 |
Korshunov S. E.,
Antiferromagnetic XY model on a triangular lattice: ordered states in a magnetic field
Golubentsev A. A.,
Direct calculation of the conductivity of films with magnetic impurities
Al'tshuler B. L.,
Fluctuations in the extrinsic conductivity of disordered conductors
Askar'yan G. A.,
Decay of a high-energy pion beam in a medium: Formation of a decay channel
Aref'eva I. Ya., Volovich I. V.,
Kaluza-Klein theories and the space-time signature
Barts B. I., Inopin E. V., Shlyakhov N. A.,
Possible existence in transition nuclei of long-lived high-lying states with a nonzero spin: Dynamic nonaxial isomers
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