Staircase structure of Shapiro steps1)
Yu. M. Shukrinov+* 2), I. R. Rahmonov+×, M. Nashaat+°
+Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
*Dubna International University for Nature, Society and Man, 141982 Dubna, Russia
×Umarov Physical and Technical Institute, 734063 Dushanbe, Tajikistan
°Department of Physics, Cairo University, 12613 Cairo, Egypt
We investigate IV-characteristics of coupled Josephson junctions
which model the intrinsic Josephson junctions in high temperature
superconductors under external electromagnetic radiation. A staircase
structure of Shapiro steps is found in the branching region. Its origin is
related to the coupling between junctions and their switching from rotating
to oscillating states. This conclusion are tested by detailed analysis of
the IV-characteristics as for total stack and for each junction in the stack.
IV-curves of junctions in the stack are compared with the average of time
derivative of phase difference. Experimental observation of this staircase
structure would give us a prove of coupling between junctions and a way for
precise measurement of its value. Such investigations would be also useful
for a diagnostic of Josephson junctions in the stack.