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VOLUME 51 (1990) | ISSUE 1 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Novikov V. M. , Nolte E. , Pomanskii A. A., Test of the Pauli principle 1  (3)
Krasnikov N. V., Ultraviolet behaviour in five-dimensional Yang-Mills theory 4  (5)
Grebinnik V. G. , Duginov V. N. , Kirillov B. F. , Lazarev A. B. , Nikol'skii B. A., Pirogov A. V. , Storchak V. G. , Shilov S. N., Spin depolarization of muons in condensed nitrogen 6  (7)
Belozerov A. V. , Beda A. G. , Bondarenko L N. , Burov S. I. , Danilyan G. V., Geltenbort P. G., Gennenvain F. , Martem'yanov A. N. , Mostovoi Yu. A., Pavlov V.S., Schrekenbach K., Ratio of P odd asymmetry of separation of fission fragments in binary and ternary fission of Pu-239 by polarized neutrons 10  (10)
Kiselev Yu. F. , Aliskenderov E. I., Radio-frequency superradiance in a resonator 15  (14)
Davarashvili O. I. , Zhilinskii B. I. , Krivtsun V. M. , Sadovskii D. A. , Snegirev E. P. , Experimental study of a sequence of quantum bifurcations leading to the crossover of a rotational multiplet 18  (17)
Gruntman M. A. , Kozochkina A. A., Leonas V. B. , Many-electron secondary emission of thin foils bombarded by accelerated atomic beams 22  (19)
Akimov S. V. , Gorbenko V. M. , Savchenko V. V. , Acoustooptical interaction in paratellurite single crystals on a longitudinal wave with polarization reversal 25  (22)
Kompan M. E., Kuz'minov E. G. , Raman effect in additively colored superionic RbAg4I5 single crystals 28  (25)
Fradkin M. A. , Phase diagram of inelastic instability of icosahedral quasicrystals 32  (28)
Alekseevskii N. E. , Kuz'micheva G. M. , Mitin A. V. , Nizhankovskii V. I. , Nikolaev E. G. , Khlybov E. P. , NMR spectra of 205TI in the high-temperature superconductors Tl2Ba2CanCun+1O6+2n with n=0,1,2 37  (32)
Zaitsev A. V. , Properties of "dirty" S-S*-N and S-S*-S structures with potential barriers at the metal boundaries 41  (35)
Gorbatsevich A. A. , Dielectric correlations and δ -type superconductivity in a system with Coulomb interaction 46  (39)
Klimontovich Yu. L , Natural flicker noise (the "1/f noise") and superconductivity 51  (43)
Plakhtii V. P. , Golosovskii I. V. , Zoubkova Ya., Kuznetsov S. A. , Mile' B. V. , Kharchenkov V. P., Magnetic structure of Lu2Cu2O5 54  (45)
Levitin R. Z. , Markosyan A. S. , Petropavlovskii A. B., Snegirev V. V. , Existence of temperature-induced ferromagnetism in Y2Ni7 and influence of minor replacements of nickel by aluminum on the magnetic properties of this compound 56  (47)
Nevirkovets I. P. , Current-voltage characteristics of multilayer tunnel structures with high transmission level of tunnel barrier 59  (50)
Bryksin V. V. , Gol'tsev A. V. , Dorogovtsev S. N., Penetration of magnetic field into Josephson structure: the critical state 63  (53)
Arkhangorodskii V. M. , Ionov A. N. , Tuchkevich V. M., Shlimak I. S. , Superconductivity at room temperature in oxidized polypropylene 67  (56)
Kukovitskii E. F. , L'vov S. G. , Talanov Yu. I. , Teitel'baum G. B. , Shustov V. A. , ESR study of the twinning structure of the superconducting single crystals Y-Ba-Cu-O 73  (61)
Novikov V. N. , Spectrum of low-energy (2-10 meV) vibrational excitations of glasses in a disclination model 77  (65)

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