VOLUME 31 (1980) | ISSUE 10 CONTENTS |
page number of Russian version in brackets |
Belotskii E.D. Lev B.I. , Tomchuk P.M.,
Effective ion mass in a liquid crystal
Nedorezov S.S., Peschanskii V.G. ,
Quantum magnetic-size effects in metals with open Fermi surfaces
Al'perovich V.L. , Belinicher V.I. , Novikov V.N., Terekhov A.S.,
Surface photovoltaic effect in gallium arsenide
Tulin V.A.,
Amplitude resonance and spin waves in domain boundaries of a ferromagnetic CrBr3 |
Auzin'sh M.P. , Pirags I.Ya. , Ferber R.S. , Shmit O.A. ,
Direct measurement of thermalization rate of the ground state of K2 molecules ,
Gurgenishvili G.E., Kharadze G.A. ,
Hybridization of collective oscillations in 3He-A near the transition to the A1 phase
Davydov A.V. , Korotkov M.M., Romasheva P.I. ,
Effect of the width of the exciting γ-ray spectrum on the average precession time of excited nuclei in a magnetic field
Lutsishin P.P. , Nakhodkin T.N. , Panchenko O.A. , Ptushinskii Yu.G. ,
Diffraction of conduction electrons by the (110) face of a tungsten single crystal
Musienko L.E. , Dmitrenko I.M. , Volotskaya V.G. ,
Nonlinear conductivity of thin films in a mixed state
Kozionov A.L. , Novozhilov S.Yu. , Soloboev V.E. , Stockmann M.I. ,
Light-induced diffusion of DNA in solutions due to laser photomodification
Zorev N.N. , Sklizkov G.V. , Shikanov A.S. ,
Observation of the effect of nonlinear thermal conductivity in a shockwave front at velocities of 107-108 cm/sec
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