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VOLUME 58 (1993) | ISSUE 3 CONTENTS page number of Russian version in brackets
Azimov Ya. I. , Pole approximation for decays of neutral K mesons 159  (161)
Enkovskii L. L. , Kotikov A. V. , Paccanoni F. , Q2 evolution of the structure function F2(x, Q2) at small values of x 163  (165)
Tikhomirov V. V. , Possibility of observing radiative self-polarization and the production of polarized e+e- pairs in crystals at accessible energies 166  (168)
Kravtsov A. V. , Solyakin G. E. , Calculation of multiplicity and charge distributions of fragments produced in multifragmentation of nuclear systems 171  (172)
Ispiryan K. A. , Ispiryan M. K. , Ispiryan R. K., High-luminosity colliding beams of x rays and relativistic ions or antiprotons: production of relativistic antihydrogen atoms 175  (173)
Vasil'ev S. I. , Klimenko A. A. , Osetrov S. B. , Pomanskii A. A., Smol'nikov A. A., Search for a two-neutrino mode of double beta decay of the isotope 150Nd 178  (177)
Andreeva N. P. , Karshiev K., Sabirov L. M. , Backscattering of a sound wave in a liquid with gas bubbles 181  (180)
Bychenkov V. Yu. , Kas'yanov Yu. S. , Sarkisov G. S. , Tikhonchuk V. T. , Mechanisms for magnetic-field generation in laser plasmas 184  (183)
Golovin Yu. I. , Morgunov R. B. , Magnetic memory of dislocations in NaCI single crystals 191  (189)
Kuplevakhskii S. V. , Fal'ko I. I., Localized quasiparticle states in superconducting contacts with a paramagnetic tunnel barrier 195  (193)
Kalugin N. G. , Orlov L. K. , Kuznetsov O. A. , Observation of 2D-exciton luminescence in germanium layers in periodic Ge-Ge1-xSix heterostructures 200  (197)
Kosyachkov A. A. , Two-peak energy distributions of secondary ions sputtered from the surface of an aluminum single crystal 206  (202)
Chesnakov V. A. , Kveder V. V., Formation and growth of lead dendrites in PbF2 during direct current flow 210  (205)
Zverev V. M. , Silin V. P. , Anisotropy of the pressure derivatives of the specific heat and the density of electron states in the heavy-fermion system CeCu2Si2 215  (210)
Shashkin A. A. , Kravchenko G. V. , Dolgopolov V. T. , Floating up of the extended states of Landau levels in a two-dimensional electron gas in silicon MOSFET's 220  (215)
Golo V. L. , Collective order-parameter modes in superconducting UPt3 225  (220)
Levitov L. S. , Lesovik G. B. , Charge distribution in quantum shot noise 230  (225)

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