Abdurakhimov A. U. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Abramov V. V. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Achasov N. N. /1/ |
Could the decay φ→γ KsKs hinder research on CP-invariance violation at φ factories?
7, p. 373 |
Aksinenko V. D. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Aktsipetrov O. A. /1/ |
Generation of reflected second harmonic at semiconductor quantum dots
8, p. 427 |
Alaverdyan R. B. /1/ |
Observation of light-induced hydrodynamic instabilities in a nematic liquid crystal in a single-mode laser beam
7, p. 392 |
Aleiner I. L. /1/ |
Anisotropic exchange splitting in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlattices
11, p. 662 |
Aleksandrov K. S. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Alekseev V. A. /1/ |
Nearly absolute one-dimensional cooling of helium atoms by two oppositely directed monochromatic plane waves
6, p. 321 |
Alexandrov A. S. /1/ |
Bipolaronic model and critical fields in the superconducting state of K3C60 |
3, p. 195 |
Alfimenkov V. P. /1/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Alkhazov G. D. /1/ |
Possibility of determining the radius of the neutron halo in light exotic nuclei
7, p. 377 |
Al'perovich V. L. /2/ |
The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen
5, p. 289 |
Erratum: The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen [JETP Lett. 55, 288-292 (1992)]
11, p. |
Amosov K. Yu. /1/ |
Effect of the channeling of ultrarelativistic electrons on the spectrum of coherent bremsstrahlung of type B
10, p. 587 |
Andreeva M. A. /1/ |
Effect of background asymmetry in conversion-electron Mossbauer spectroscopy with total external reflection
1, p. 62 |
Andreev B. A. /1/ |
Observation of thermal double donors in the energy spectrum of new donors in silicon
1, p. 52 |
Andreev N. E. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of wakefields by a laser pulse in a plasma
10, p. 551 |
Andreev S. S. /1/ |
Purely nuclear diffraction of γ radiation in a resonant multilayer mirror
9, p. 495 |
Andreyashkin M. Yu. /1/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Andrianov A. V. /1/ |
Unambiguous dependence of the period of the helicoidal magnetic structure in heavy magnetic rare-earth materials on the ratio c/a of the crystal lattice; possible association with an electron topological transition
11, p. 639 |
Andrienko A. V. /1/ |
Nature of hard parametric excitation of nuclear spin waves in antiferromagnetic CsMnF3 |
8, p. 445 |
Anikina M. Kh. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Antipin V. A. /1/ |
Electroluminescence in thin polymer films with an anomalously high conductivity
9, p. 526 |
Apal'kov V. M. /1/ |
Anomalous sign of the polaron effect for excitons interacting with an incompressible fluid
1, p. 38 |
Arakelyan S. M. /1/ |
Observation of light-induced hydrodynamic instabilities in a nematic liquid crystal in a single-mode laser beam
7, p. 392 |
Artem'ev A. V. /1/ |
Growth kinetics of quasiperiodic structures at a low degree of supercooling
6, p. 340 |
Askar'yan G. A. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Asnin V. M. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Averkiev N. S. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Avramenko S. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Balakirev F. F. /1/ |
Raman scattering in stressed CdTe/ZnxCd1-xTe superlattices
8, p. 436 |
Balalykin N. I. /1/ |
Anomalous behavior of the diamagnetic profile of superconducting niobium near a vacuum boundary
11, p. 653 |
Baldin B. Yu. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Bandos I. A. /1/ |
Generalization of Newman-Penrose dyads in connection with the action integral for supermembranes in an 11-dimensional space
2, p. 81 |
Bannik B. P. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Baran N. P. /1/ |
Electric-dipole spin transition of the neutral acceptor MnGa0 in GaAs
2, p. 108 |
Baranov A. I. /1/ |
Structural phase transition in a surface layer of cesium deuterosulfate single crystals
5, p. 297 |
Baranova N. B. /1/ |
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
8, p. 431 |
Barash Yu. S. /2/ |
Fluctuational nonlocal diamagnetic response near the superconducting transition temperature
4, p. 248 |
Anisotropy of the fluctuation component of the penetration depth in exotic superconductors
6, p. 345 |
Barkhudarov A. E. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Bar'yakhtar V. G. /1/ |
Nonlinear vortex excitations (solitons) in a 2D magnetic material of the YBaCuO type
10, p. 598 |
Basai A. Yu. /1/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Baskin E. M. /1/ |
Stochastic dynamics of 2D electrons in a periodic lattice of antidots
11, p. 649 |
Batanov G. M. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Belenov E. M. /1/ |
Dynamics of an intense femtosecond pulse in a Raman-active medium
4, p. 223 |
Belikov Yu. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Belov A. A. /1/ |
Renormalization-group flux on an affine-Virasoro space in connection with sporadic conformal deformations
6, p. 309 |
Belozerskii G. N. /1/ |
Effect of background asymmetry in conversion-electron Mossbauer spectroscopy with total external reflection
1, p. 62 |
Berezhiani Z. G. /1/ |
Neutrino decay solution of the solar neutrino problem revisited
3, p. 159 |
Beterov I. M. /1/ |
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
8, p. 431 |
Blomberg M. K. /1/ |
Atomic structure of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals before and after the transition to the superconducting state
9, p. 530 |
Boiko M. P. /1/ |
Antiferromagnetic interaction of conduction electrons with local magnetic moments in Pb1-xMnxTe |
2, p. 113 |
Borovik A. E. /1/ |
Exactly solvable multichain quantum model
5, p. 293 |
Braginskii V. B. /1/ |
Oscillators for free-mass gravitational antennas
8, p. 424 |
Bratus' V. Ya. /1/ |
Electric-dipole spin transition of the neutral acceptor MnGa0 in GaAs
2, p. 108 |
Bushuev V. A. /1/ |
Structural phase transition in a surface layer of cesium deuterosulfate single crystals
5, p. 297 |
Butenko V. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Buzulutskov A. F. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Byalko A. V. /1/ |
Modification of the Stokes formula (laminar motion of a heat-evolving sphere)
3, p. 190 |
Bychkov Yu. A. /1/ |
Chiral effects in a system of 2D magnetoexcitons
3, p. 177 |
Chekhov D. I. /1/ |
Instability of a laser beam with a negative detuning in a resonant medium
4, p. 228 |
Chernenko L. P. /1/ |
Anomalous behavior of the diamagnetic profile of superconducting niobium near a vacuum boundary
11, p. 653 |
Chernov A. A. /2/ |
Kinetics of layer-by-layer growth and formation of the structure of icosahedral phases
3, p. 170 |
Current drive in a tokamak through the trapping of ions in magnetic wells of a travelling fast magnetosonic wave
11, p. 625 |
Chernov V. K. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Chernozatonskii L. A. /1/ |
Atomic and electronic structure of the barrelenes b-Cm with m=36+12n
8, p. 469 |
Chesnokov S. N. /1/ |
Microwave resonance of delayed photoconductivity in Pb1-xSnxTe(In) |
2, p. 125 |
Chilingaryan Yu. S. /1/ |
Observation of light-induced hydrodynamic instabilities in a nematic liquid crystal in a single-mode laser beam
7, p. 392 |
Chistyakov A. L. /1/ |
Atomic and electronic structure of the barrelenes b-Cm with m=36+12n
8, p. 469 |
Chudinov A. N. /1/ |
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
8, p. 431 |
Chukhovskii F. N. /1/ |
Possibility of solving the inverse problem of diffractive scattering with dynamic effects
11, p. 618 |
Chumakov A. I. /1/ |
Purely nuclear diffraction of γ radiation in a resonant multilayer mirror
9, p. 495 |
Churakov V. V. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Churilov A. B. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Corradi G. /1/ |
Nonresonant microwave absorption in LiNbO3:Mg:Cr(Fe) in low magnetic fields
9, p. 516 |
Danishevskii A. M. /1/ |
Laser action in a-Si:H
12, p. 685 |
Darbinyan S. P. /1/ |
Possibility of solving the inverse problem of diffractive scattering with dynamic effects
11, p. 618 |
Denisov Yu. V. /1/ |
Opalescence during low-temperature structural transitions in inorganic glasses
2, p. 121 |
Dergachev V. A. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Dimitrova O. V. /1/ |
Dynamic structural transition in the superionic conductor Na5RESi4O12 |
1, p. 48 |
Dmitrienko V. E. /1/ |
Universal structure unit for AlLiCu, AlMnSi, and AlFeCu quasicrystals
7, p. 388 |
Dobretsov V. Yu. /1/ |
Atomic-binding effects in inelastic ν e scattering
9, p. 483 |
Dobrotsvetov A. B. /1/ |
Atomic-binding effects in inelastic ν e scattering
9, p. 483 |
Dolgopolov V. T. /2/ |
Percolation metal-insulator transition in 2D electron gas of SI MOSFET under the ultra-quantum limit condition
2, p. 146 |
Properties of electron insulating phase in Si inversion layers at low temperatures
12, p. 701 |
Dolzhenko D. E. /1/ |
Microwave resonance of delayed photoconductivity in Pb1-xSnxTe(In) |
2, p. 125 |
Drnoyan V. E. /1/ |
Observation of light-induced hydrodynamic instabilities in a nematic liquid crystal in a single-mode laser beam
7, p. 392 |
Drozdov V. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Dudkin G. N. /1/ |
Observation of deuteron acceleration in a collision of magnetosonic shock waves in a plasma
12, p. 689 |
Dvoryanchikov Ya. V. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Dyshkant A. S. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Dyugaev A. M. /1/ |
Effects of an electron plasmon interaction in a degenerate electron gas
5, p. 271 |
Dzhunushaliev V. D. /1/ |
The SU(3) Black Hole
3, p. 165 |
Efimov A. O. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Ekimov A. I. /1/ |
Generation of reflected second harmonic at semiconductor quantum dots
8, p. 427 |
Emtsev V. V. /1/ |
Observation of thermal double donors in the energy spectrum of new donors in silicon
1, p. 52 |
Entin M. V. /1/ |
Stochastic dynamics of 2D electrons in a periodic lattice of antidots
11, p. 649 |
Etenko A. V. /2/ |
Experimental search for a heavy neutrino at a nuclear reactor
8, p. 421 |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Evdokimov V. N. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Fal'ko I.I. /1/ |
Polarization states in the energy gap of superconductor-ferromagnet superlattices
7, p. 384 |
Fayans S. A. /1/ |
Atomic-binding effects in inelastic ν e scattering
9, p. 483 |
Fedorov A. N. /1/ |
Method for calculating polarization and alignment from the NMR spectrum of polarized deuterons
2, p. 99 |
Fiorentini G. /1/ |
Neutrino decay solution of the solar neutrino problem revisited
3, p. 159 |
Fokina N. P. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Fradkin M. A. /2/ |
Kinetics of layer-by-layer growth and formation of the structure of icosahedral phases
3, p. 170 |
Growth kinetics of quasiperiodic structures at a low degree of supercooling
6, p. 340 |
Gagarin Yu. F. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Gaidarenko D. V. /1/ |
Instability of a laser beam with a negative detuning in a resonant medium
4, p. 228 |
Gajewski K. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Galaktionov A. V. /1/ |
Fluctuational nonlocal diamagnetic response near the superconducting transition temperature
4, p. 248 |
Galkin O. N. /1/ |
Light diffraction by multifrequency thick gratings
7, p. 380 |
Gal'perin A. G. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Gal'pern E. G. /1/ |
Atomic and electronic structure of the barrelenes b-Cm with m=36+12n
8, p. 469 |
Galstyan T. V. /1/ |
Observation of light-induced hydrodynamic instabilities in a nematic liquid crystal in a single-mode laser beam
7, p. 392 |
Ganenko V. B. /1/ |
Electron emission from a diamond single crystal
10, p. 582 |
Gavryushin V. I. /1/ |
Laser action in a-Si:H
12, p. 685 |
Gel'mukhanov F. Kh. /1/ |
Spectral anomalies in the diffusive pulling of particles into a light beam or in the expulsion of particles from the beam
4, p. 219 |
Genenko Yu. A. /1/ |
Convective heat transfer in layered high-Tc superconductors
5, p. 281 |
Ginzburg I. F. /1/ |
Coherent bremsstrahlung in colliding beams
11, p. 614 |
Gitsu D. V. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a superconducting phase with 8.5 K in large-angle bismuth bicrystals
7, p. 398 |
Glagoleva N. S. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Glazkova M. A. /1/ |
Magnetic fields at the nuclei of diamagnetic tin atoms in the spin glass Fe2TiO5 |
11, p. 642 |
Glebov V. Yu. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Glushkov A. V. /1/ |
Negative ions of inert gases
2, p. 104 |
Godyaev E. D. /1/ |
Anomalous thermal line broadening in the optical spectra of perylene in n-octane
7, p. 417 |
Golokhvastov A. I. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Golo V. L. /1/ |
Cholesteric-nematic texture transition in liquid crystals
5, p. 275 |
Golovlev V. V. /1/ |
Relaxation of the electron temperature in a copper film excited by femtosecond laser pulses
8, p. 441 |
Gol'tsev A. V. /1/ |
Competition between the Kondo effect and magnetic ordering in a model which is exactly solvable asymptotically
9, p. 512 |
Golubev V. G. /1/ |
Observation of thermal double donors in the energy spectrum of new donors in silicon
1, p. 52 |
Goncharov P. I. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Gorbachev V. S. /1/ |
Thermodynamic description of a Josephson medium in a strong magnetic field
10, p. 578 |
Gorbunov L. M. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of wakefields by a laser pulse in a plasma
10, p. 551 |
Gornakov V. S. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a unipolar domain wall
1, p. 44 |
Gorodilov B. Ya. /1/ |
Heat transfer in solid parahydrogen and possibility of observing a Poiseuille flow of phonons
3, p. 174 |
Grishin O. V. /1/ |
Effect of background asymmetry in conversion-electron Mossbauer spectroscopy with total external reflection
1, p. 62 |
Grishmanovskii V. A. /1/ |
Effect of motion of the optical medium in optical location
6, p. 317 |
Gritsinin S. I. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Gromov V. V. /1/ |
Observation of spontaneous polarization at a junction of a high-Tc superconductor with an insulator upon the phase transition to the superconducting state
7, p. 402 |
Grozav A. D. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a superconducting phase with 8.5 K in large-angle bismuth bicrystals
7, p. 398 |
Gruzhiev A. N. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Gruzinov A. V. /2/ |
Contour dynamics of the Hasegawa-Mima equation
1, p. 75 |
Contour dynamics of the convection of a magnetized plasma
9, p. 509 |
Guerrero M. E. /1/ |
Antiferromagnetic interaction of conduction electrons with local magnetic moments in Pb1-xMnxTe |
2, p. 113 |
Gurevich I.I. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Gurovich E. V. /1/ |
Dynamic critical phenomena near a liquid-gas critical point
1, p. 56 |
Gusev G. M. /2/ |
Aharonov Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers
2, p. 129 |
Stochastic dynamics of 2D electrons in a periodic lattice of antidots
11, p. 649 |
Gusev I. V. /1/ |
Steady-state stimulated scattering by a grating nonlinearity in a planar nematic liquid crystal
3, p. 185 |
Gushchin V. A. /1/ |
Electron emission from a diamond single crystal
10, p. 582 |
Il'in I. V. /1/ |
Quasiadiabatic model of charged-particle motion in a dipole magnetic confinement system under conditions of dynamic chaos
11, p. 621 |
Il'in V. D. /1/ |
Quasiadiabatic model of charged-particle motion in a dipole magnetic confinement system under conditions of dynamic chaos
11, p. 621 |
Inogamov N. A. /1/ |
Higher-order Fourier approximations and exact algebraic solutions in the theory of the hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor instability
9, p. 505 |
Irkaev B. M. /1/ |
Effect of background asymmetry in conversion-electron Mossbauer spectroscopy with total external reflection
1, p. 62 |
Irkhin V. Yu. /1/ |
Formation of the magnetic state of a Kondo lattice
10, p. 567 |
Ispiryan K. A. /1/ |
Coulomb production of relativistic hypernuclei
7, p. 375 |
Ivanchik I.I. /1/ |
Microwave resonance of delayed photoconductivity in Pb1-xSnxTe(In) |
2, p. 125 |
Ivanov B. A. /1/ |
Nonlinear vortex excitations (solitons) in a 2D magnetic material of the YBaCuO type
10, p. 598 |
Ivanov M. A. /1/ |
Localized magnetic centers in the compound  |
1, p. 29 |
Ivanov S. A. /1/ |
Effect of a magnetic field on the ferroelectric domain structure of TbGd(MoO4)3 |
6, p. 353 |
Ivchenko E. L. /1/ |
Anisotropic exchange splitting in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlattices
11, p. 662 |
Ivlev B. I. /1/ |
Sign reversal of the flux-flow Hall effect in type-II superconductors
12, p. 717 |
Kachanov A. A. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a multimode dye laser with an adjustable resonator dispersion and implications for the sensitivity of in-resonator laser spectroscopy
10, p. 560 |
Kadomtseva A. M. /2/ |
Linear magnetoelectric effect in Cr2O3 in strong magnetic fields
4, p. 238 |
Magnetoelectric effect in dysprosium orthoferrite due to dopant bismuth ions
8, p. 448 |
Kalagin A. K. /1/ |
Aharonov Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers
2, p. 129 |
Kalatsky V. A. /1/ |
Sign reversal of the flux-flow Hall effect in type-II superconductors
12, p. 717 |
Kalinin B. N. /2/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Effect of the channeling of ultrarelativistic electrons on the spectrum of coherent bremsstrahlung of type B
10, p. 587 |
Kaminskii A. S. /1/ |
Fine structure in the spectrum of the recombination radiation of excitons bound to acceptors in silicon
4, p. 245 |
Kaminskii N. I. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Karpov V. G. /1/ |
Fluctuations in the thermal expansion of disordered systems
1, p. 59 |
Karpov V. P. /1/ |
Anomalous thermal line broadening in the optical spectra of perylene in n-octane
7, p. 417 |
Kartsovnik M. V. /1/ |
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the new organic metal (ET)2T1Hg(SCN)4 |
6, p. 337 |
Kats A. V. /1/ |
"Explosive" evolution of galaxies in a model of coalescence events and an epoch of quasar formation
1, p. 3 |
Kats E. I. /2/ |
Dynamic critical phenomena near a liquid-gas critical point
1, p. 56 |
Cholesteric-nematic texture transition in liquid crystals
5, p. 275 |
Katsnel'son M. I. /1/ |
Formation of the magnetic state of a Kondo lattice
10, p. 567 |
Kazei Z. A. /2/ |
Linear magnetoelectric effect in Cr2O3 in strong magnetic fields
4, p. 238 |
Magnetoelectric effect in dysprosium orthoferrite due to dopant bismuth ions
8, p. 448 |
Ketov S. N. /1/ |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Khabibullin B.M. /1/ |
Effect of short heat pulses on coherently excited optical centers in ruby
12, p. 681 |
Khakhimov S. Kh. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Khapikov A. F. /1/ |
Dynamics of the magnetization reversal of a cylinder in an alternating magnetic field
6, p. 349 |
Kharchev S. /1/ |
Unification of all string models with c < 1 in the framework of generalized Kontsevich model
1, p. 13 |
Kharitonov A. G. /1/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Khasanov R. I. /1/ |
Collective nature of flux creep according to microwave absorption in YBa2Cu3O, single crystals
8, p. 455 |
Khilyuto I. G. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Khodel' V. A. /1/ |
Fermi-condensate phase transition in a low-density electron gas
2, p. 117 |
Khokhlov D. R. /1/ |
Microwave resonance of delayed photoconductivity in Pb1-xSnxTe(In) |
2, p. 125 |
Khorozov S. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Khramov D. A. /1/ |
Magnetic fields at the nuclei of diamagnetic tin atoms in the spin glass Fe2TiO5 |
11, p. 642 |
Khusainov E. K. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Kirilenko I. A. /1/ |
Opalescence during low-temperature structural transitions in inorganic glasses
2, p. 121 |
Kirillov A. A. /1/ |
Quantum birth of a universe near a cosmological singularity
10, p. 541 |
Kirsanov V. I. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of wakefields by a laser pulse in a plasma
10, p. 551 |
Kiselev Yu. F. /1/ |
Method for calculating polarization and alignment from the NMR spectrum of polarized deuterons
2, p. 99 |
Kistol V. G. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a superconducting phase with 8.5 K in large-angle bismuth bicrystals
7, p. 398 |
Kochelap V. A. /1/ |
Suppression of hot-electron fluctuations in semiconductors under size-effect conditions
4, p. 233 |
Kolesnikov L. Ya. /1/ |
Electron emission from a diamond single crystal
10, p. 582 |
Kolmakov I. P. /1/ |
Anomalous thermal line broadening in the optical spectra of perylene in n-octane
7, p. 417 |
Komarova S. N. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Kompan M. E. /1/ |
Dynamic structural transition in the superionic conductor Na5RESi4O12 |
1, p. 48 |
Konchits A. A. /1/ |
Nonresonant microwave absorption in LiNbO3:Mg:Cr(Fe) in low magnetic fields
9, p. 516 |
Kondrat'ev V. P. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Kontorovich V. M. /1/ |
"Explosive" evolution of galaxies in a model of coalescence events and an epoch of quasar formation
1, p. 3 |
Kopaev Yu. V. /1/ |
Size effect in silicon quantum wires
12, p. 696 |
Kopnin N. B. /1/ |
Sign reversal of the flux-flow Hall effect in type-II superconductors
12, p. 717 |
Korchagina E. G. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Korhonen J. S. /1/ |
Phase diagram of coherently precessing states under superflow in 3He-B |
6, p. 358 |
Korneev D. A. /1/ |
Anomalous behavior of the diamagnetic profile of superconducting niobium near a vacuum boundary
11, p. 653 |
Korneev Yu. P. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Korotaev O. N. /1/ |
Anomalous thermal line broadening in the optical spectra of perylene in n-octane
7, p. 417 |
Korsukov V. E. /1/ |
Transformation of the surface of the amorphous alloy Fe70Cr15B15 under stress
10, p. 595 |
Korsunskii E. A. /1/ |
Velocity selection of atoms from beams by a Raman method
6, p. 313 |
Kosachev D. V. /1/ |
Velocity selection of atoms from beams by a Raman method
6, p. 313 |
Kosov A. A. /1/ |
Variable valence and ESR of yttrium ceramics
10, p. 574 |
Kossyi I. A. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Kostritskii A. V. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Kotkin G. L. /1/ |
Coherent bremsstrahlung in colliding beams
11, p. 614 |
Kovalenko S. A. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a multimode dye laser with an adjustable resonator dispersion and implications for the sensitivity of in-resonator laser spectroscopy
10, p. 560 |
Kovalev A. E. /1/ |
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the new organic metal (ET)2T1Hg(SCN)4 |
6, p. 337 |
Kovalev V. F. /1/ |
Symmetry group of the kinetic equations for a collisionless plasma
4, p. 256 |
Kovalev Yu. G. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Kovan I. A. /1/ |
Current drive in a tokamak through the trapping of ions in magnetic wells of a travelling fast magnetosonic wave
11, p. 625 |
Kozlov Yu. V. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Kozubskii E. V. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Krasnov L. V. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Kravchenko G. V. /2/ |
Percolation metal-insulator transition in 2D electron gas of SI MOSFET under the ultra-quantum limit condition
2, p. 146 |
Properties of electron insulating phase in Si inversion layers at low temperatures
12, p. 701 |
Kravchenko S. V. /1/ |
Properties of electron insulating phase in Si inversion layers at low temperatures
12, p. 701 |
Kravchenko V. I. /1/ |
Light diffraction by multifrequency thick gratings
7, p. 380 |
Krinitsyn A. N. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Krivchikov A. I. /1/ |
Heat transfer in solid parahydrogen and possibility of observing a Poiseuille flow of phonons
3, p. 174 |
Krivenko S. V. /1/ |
Symmetry group of the kinetic equations for a collisionless plasma
4, p. 256 |
Krivitskii D. S. /1/ |
"Explosive" evolution of galaxies in a model of coalescence events and an epoch of quasar formation
1, p. 3 |
Krivoruchko V. N. /1/ |
Inversion wake of a moving Abrikosov vortex in a magnetic superconductor
5, p. 285 |
Krivoshchekov V. A. /1/ |
Steady-state stimulated scattering by a grating nonlinearity in a planar nematic liquid crystal
3, p. 185 |
Kropotov G. I. /1/ |
Observation of thermal double donors in the energy spectrum of new donors in silicon
1, p. 52 |
Krylova D. D. /1/ |
Nearly absolute one-dimensional cooling of helium atoms by two oppositely directed monochromatic plane waves
6, p. 321 |
Kryshkin V. I. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Kulakov B. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Kunashenko Yu. P. /1/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Kuplevakhskii S. V. /1/ |
Polarization states in the energy gap of superconductor-ferromagnet superlattices
7, p. 384 |
Kurlov V. N. /1/ |
Effect of a magnetic field on the ferroelectric domain structure of TbGd(MoO4)3 |
6, p. 353 |
Kushch N. D. /1/ |
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the new organic metal (ET)2T1Hg(SCN)4 |
6, p. 337 |
Kusmartsev F. V. /1/ |
Theory of a 2D Luttinger liquid
12, p. 692 |
Kuz'min V. D. /1/ |
Raman scattering in stressed CdTe/ZnxCd1-xTe superlattices
8, p. 436 |
Kuznetsov S. N. /1/ |
Quasiadiabatic model of charged-particle motion in a dipole magnetic confinement system under conditions of dynamic chaos
11, p. 621 |
Kvon Z. D. /2/ |
Aharonov Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers
2, p. 129 |
Stochastic dynamics of 2D electrons in a periodic lattice of antidots
11, p. 649 |
Lachinov A. N. /1/ |
Electroluminescence in thin polymer films with an anomalously high conductivity
9, p. 526 |
Latinis V. /1/ |
Laser action in a-Si:H
12, p. 685 |
Laukhin V. N. /1/ |
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the new organic metal (ET)2T1Hg(SCN)4 |
6, p. 337 |
Lebedev V. V. /1/ |
Dynamic critical phenomena near a liquid-gas critical point
1, p. 56 |
Leonov A. G. /1/ |
Instability of a laser beam with a negative detuning in a resonant medium
4, p. 228 |
Leporda N. I. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a superconducting phase with 8.5 K in large-angle bismuth bicrystals
7, p. 398 |
Lesovik G. B. /1/ |
Charge-transport statistics in quantum conductors
9, p. 534 |
Letokhov V. S. /1/ |
Relaxation of the electron temperature in a copper film excited by femtosecond laser pulses
8, p. 441 |
Levitov L. S. /1/ |
Charge-transport statistics in quantum conductors
9, p. 534 |
Lipson A. G. /1/ |
Observation of spontaneous polarization at a junction of a high-Tc superconductor with an insulator upon the phase transition to the superconducting state
7, p. 402 |
Lisovskii F. V. /1/ |
New types of dynamic self-organization of the magnetic moment
1, p. 34 |
Litvin L. V. /1/ |
Aharonov Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers
2, p. 129 |
Lobach A. S. /1/ |
Characteristic loss spectrum accompanying the C1s photoelectron peak of the fullerene C60 |
2, p. 137 |
Lobakov A. P. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Lobodenko A. A. /1/ |
Possibility of determining the radius of the neutron halo in light exotic nuclei
7, p. 377 |
Lokhman V. N. /1/ |
Erratum: Observation of anomalous absorption by ammonia in intense IR laser light [JETP Lett. 54, No. 3,117-180 (10 August 1991)]
4, p. 122 |
Loktev V. M. /2/ |
Localized magnetic centers in the compound  |
1, p. 29 |
Jahn-Teller effect in C60 molecules as a possible reason for the superconductivity of doped fullerite
8, p. 465 |
Lomov A. A. /1/ |
Structural phase transition in a surface layer of cesium deuterosulfate single crystals
5, p. 297 |
Lozovik Yu. E. /1/ |
Renormalization-group flux on an affine-Virasoro space in connection with sporadic conformal deformations
6, p. 309 |
Lukanin A. A. /1/ |
Observation of deuteron acceleration in a collision of magnetosonic shock waves in a plasma
12, p. 689 |
Lukina M. M. /1/ |
Magnetoelectric effect in dysprosium orthoferrite due to dopant bismuth ions
8, p. 448 |
Lukstin'sh Yu. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Luk'yanenko A. S. /1/ |
Transformation of the surface of the amorphous alloy Fe70Cr15B15 under stress
10, p. 595 |
Luther A. /1/ |
Theory of a 2D Luttinger liquid
12, p. 692 |
Lyagushin V. I. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Lyubin V. M. /1/ |
Optical bistability and critical slowing in the amorphous semiconductor GeS2 |
1, p. 25 |
Machulin I. N. /1/ |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Makarov G. N. /1/ |
Erratum: Observation of anomalous absorption by ammonia in intense IR laser light [JETP Lett. 54, No. 3,117-180 (10 August 1991)]
4, p. 122 |
Makmak F M. /1/ |
Ferromagnetic resonance in closing domains in two-layer garnet films
6, p. 329 |
Maksimenko V. M. /1/ |
Electric-dipole spin transition of the neutral acceptor MnGa0 in GaAs
2, p. 108 |
Mandrik O. Yu. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Mansvetova E. G. /1/ |
New types of dynamic self-organization of the magnetic moment
1, p. 34 |
Marchenko V. I. /1/ |
Domain structure in oxygen on a Cu(110) surface
1, p. 72 |
Margaryan A. T. /1/ |
Coulomb production of relativistic hypernuclei
7, p. 375 |
Markelov A. V. /1/ |
Josephson effect for a nonideal Bose gas
9, p. 520 |
Markov A. V. /1/ |
Electric-dipole spin transition of the neutral acceptor MnGa0 in GaAs
2, p. 108 |
Markov I.I. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Marshakov A. /1/ |
Unification of all string models with c < 1 in the framework of generalized Kontsevich model
1, p. 13 |
Martem'yanov V. P. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Matisov B. G. /1/ |
Velocity selection of atoms from beams by a Raman method
6, p. 313 |
Matveets Yu. A. /1/ |
Relaxation of the electron temperature in a copper film excited by femtosecond laser pulses
8, p. 441 |
Matyushin A. T. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Matyushin V. T. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Mavrin B. N. /1/ |
Opalescence during low-temperature structural transitions in inorganic glasses
2, p. 121 |
Medvedev Yu. V. /1/ |
Convective heat transfer in layered high-Tc superconductors
5, p. 281 |
Mefed A. E. /1/ |
Decay of the free precession of nuclear spins in a solid in a rotating coordinate system under magic-angle conditions; three-spin interactions
7, p. 412 |
Mel'nikov A. S. /1/ |
Anisotropy of the fluctuation component of the penetration depth in exotic superconductors
6, p. 345 |
Mel'nik Yu. M. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Merisalo M. Yu. /1/ |
Atomic structure of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals before and after the transition to the superconducting state
9, p. 530 |
Merkulov S. A. /2/ |
Nonperturbative boson string and Diffs1/Sl(2,R) |
3, p. 153 |
Nonperturbative Neveu-Schwarz superstring and Superdiff S1/OSp(1|2) |
3, p. 156 |
Mezdrogina M. M. /1/ |
Laser action in a-Si:H
12, p. 685 |
Mikaelyan L. A. /1/ |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Milekhin A. G. /1/ |
Anharmonicity of GaAs optical vibrations in GaAs/AlAs superlattices
10, p. 564 |
Milokhin A. E. /1/ |
Raman scattering in stressed CdTe/ZnxCd1-xTe superlattices
8, p. 436 |
Milovzorov D. E. /1/ |
Ionization of sputtered atoms by resonant laser light near a surface
5, p. 265 |
Mirkowski J. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Mironov A. /1/ |
Unification of all string models with c < 1 in the framework of generalized Kontsevich model
1, p. 13 |
Mitrofanov V. P. /1/ |
Oscillators for free-mass gravitational antennas
8, p. 424 |
Mokrousov N. E. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Molchanov V. N. /1/ |
Atomic structure of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals before and after the transition to the superconducting state
9, p. 530 |
Molotkov S. N. /3/ |
Possibility of observing spin-polarized electrons on the GaAs (110) surface with a scanning tunneling microscope
3, p. 180 |
Electron paramagnetic resonance in a scanning tunneling microscope
10, p. 570 |
Size effect in silicon quantum wires
12, p. 696 |
Moravskii A. P. /1/ |
Characteristic loss spectrum accompanying the C1s photoelectron peak of the fullerene C60 |
2, p. 137 |
Moretti M. /1/ |
Neutrino decay solution of the solar neutrino problem revisited
3, p. 159 |
Morozov A. /1/ |
Unification of all string models with c < 1 in the framework of generalized Kontsevich model
1, p. 13 |
Moskvin A. S. /1/ |
Magnetoelectric effect in dysprosium orthoferrite due to dopant bismuth ions
8, p. 448 |
Mukhin S. V. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Muntyanu F. M. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a superconducting phase with 8.5 K in large-angle bismuth bicrystals
7, p. 398 |
Muratov A. R. /1/ |
Dynamic critical phenomena near a liquid-gas critical point
1, p. 56 |
Murzin S. S. /1/ |
Suppression of localization in quasi-1 D systems by electromagnetic fluctuations
11, p. 665 |
Nagaev E. L. /1/ |
New type of self-localization state of carriers in an antiferromagnetic semiconductor
11, p. 646 |
Nastaushev Yu. V. /1/ |
Aharonov Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers
2, p. 129 |
Naumenko G. A. /1/ |
Effect of the channeling of ultrarelativistic electrons on the spectrum of coherent bremsstrahlung of type B
10, p. 587 |
Nazarkin A. V. /1/ |
Dynamics of an intense femtosecond pulse in a Raman-active medium
4, p. 223 |
Nazin S. S. /1/ |
Size effect in silicon quantum wires
12, p. 696 |
Nechaev B. A. /1/ |
Observation of deuteron acceleration in a collision of magnetosonic shock waves in a plasma
12, p. 689 |
Nersesyan A. /1/ |
Theory of a 2D Luttinger liquid
12, p. 692 |
Nesvizhevskii V. V. /1/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Nikitenko V. I. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a unipolar domain wall
1, p. 44 |
Nikityuk N. M. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Nikolaev S. V. /1/ |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Nikolaev V. I. /1/ |
Effect of background asymmetry in conversion-electron Mossbauer spectroscopy with total external reflection
1, p. 62 |
Nikorich A. V. /2/ |
Antiferromagnetic interaction of conduction electrons with local magnetic moments in Pb1-xMnxTe |
2, p. 113 |
Microwave resonance of delayed photoconductivity in Pb1-xSnxTe(In) |
2, p. 125 |
Nikulin A. A. /1/ |
Generation of reflected second harmonic at semiconductor quantum dots
8, p. 427 |
Nizhankovskii V. I. /1/ |
Oscillations in the work function of a single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7-δ film in a strong magnetic field
4, p. 242 |
Nurgozhin N. N. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Obidov B. A. /1/ |
Transformation of the surface of the amorphous alloy Fe70Cr15B15 under stress
10, p. 595 |
Obukhov A. I. /1/ |
Many-body decay modes of massive nuclear-unstable fragments
10, p. 548 |
Oganesyan G. A. /1/ |
Observation of thermal double donors in the energy spectrum of new donors in silicon
1, p. 52 |
Okhrimenko L. S. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Okhrimenko O. A. /1/ |
Oscillators for free-mass gravitational antennas
8, p. 424 |
Okhrimenko O. V. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Ostanevich T. G. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Ovanesyan N. S. /1/ |
Magnetic fields at the nuclei of diamagnetic tin atoms in the spin glass Fe2TiO5 |
11, p. 642 |
Ovchinnikov A.A. /1/ |
Anyons in the magnetic field and fractional quantum Hall effect
4, p. 252 |
Ovchinnikova A. Yu. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Ovchinnikov S. G. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Panteleev A. A. /1/ |
Instability of a laser beam with a negative detuning in a resonant medium
4, p. 228 |
Panyukov S. V. /1/ |
Ginzburg-Landau approach in the theory of polymer structures
10, p. 584 |
Parkhomenko Yu. N. /1/ |
Light diffraction by multifrequency thick gratings
7, p. 380 |
Pashitskii E. A. /3/ |
Anomalies in the isotope effect in high-Tc superconductors: evidence of a plasmon mechanism for superconductivity
5, p. 301 |
Plasmon superconductivity as a possible reason for the increase in the transition temperature in multilayer cuprate metal oxides
6, p. 332 |
Jahn-Teller effect in C60 molecules as a possible reason for the superconductivity of doped fullerite
8, p. 465 |
Paulish A. G. /2/ |
The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen
5, p. 289 |
Erratum: The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen [JETP Lett. 55, 288-292 (1992)]
11, p. |
Pawlowski Z. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Peshkov A. V. /1/ |
Observation of deuteron acceleration in a collision of magnetosonic shock waves in a plasma
12, p. 689 |
Pesotskii S. I. /1/ |
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the new organic metal (ET)2T1Hg(SCN)4 |
6, p. 337 |
Pestov E. N. /1/ |
Induction of collective phase coherence in a quantum system without a resonant phasing field
1, p. 19 |
Petrashen' P. V. /1/ |
Possibility of solving the inverse problem of diffractive scattering with dynamic effects
11, p. 618 |
Petrenko A. V. /1/ |
Anomalous behavior of the diamagnetic profile of superconducting niobium near a vacuum boundary
11, p. 653 |
Petrenko V. V. /1/ |
Ferromagnetic resonance in closing domains in two-layer garnet films
6, p. 329 |
Petrovichev O. A. /1/ |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Petrov M. V. /1/ |
Raman scattering in stressed CdTe/ZnxCd1-xTe superlattices
8, p. 436 |
Petrov Yu. V. /1/ |
Resonant production of mesic molecules above thermal energies
10, p. 556 |
Piatkowski A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Pivovarov A. A. /1/ |
Factorization of the -mixing matrix element in left-right symmetry
1, p. 8 |
Pivovarov Yu. L. /1/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Pliev L. F. /1/ |
Effect of motion of the optical medium in optical location
6, p. 317 |
Podobedov V. B. /1/ |
Opalescence during low-temperature structural transitions in inorganic glasses
2, p. 121 |
Podstavkov V. M. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Pogorelov Yu. G. /1/ |
Localized magnetic centers in the compound  |
1, p. 29 |
Pogosova A. A. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of wakefields by a laser pulse in a plasma
10, p. 551 |
Pogosov A. G. /1/ |
Stochastic dynamics of 2D electrons in a periodic lattice of antidots
11, p. 649 |
Pogutse O. P. /1/ |
Contour dynamics of the convection of a magnetized plasma
9, p. 509 |
Polgar K. /1/ |
Nonresonant microwave absorption in LiNbO3:Mg:Cr(Fe) in low magnetic fields
9, p. 516 |
Polityko S. I. /1/ |
Coherent bremsstrahlung in colliding beams
11, p. 614 |
Pol' Yu. S. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Ponomarenko A. V. /1/ |
Decay of the free precession of nuclear spins in a solid in a rotating coordinate system under magic-angle conditions; three-spin interactions
7, p. 412 |
Ponomarev B. K. /1/ |
Effect of a magnetic field on the ferroelectric domain structure of TbGd(MoO4)3 |
6, p. 353 |
Popkov V. Yu. /1/ |
Exactly solvable multichain quantum model
5, p. 293 |
Popov A. D. /1/ |
Solutions of the Yang-Mills equation in d=4n dimensions for an arbitrary gauge group
5, p. 261 |
Popov M. A. /1/ |
Decay of the free precession of nuclear spins in a solid in a rotating coordinate system under magic-angle conditions; three-spin interactions
7, p. 412 |
Popov S. A. /1/ |
Method for calculating polarization and alignment from the NMR spectrum of polarized deuterons
2, p. 99 |
Popov Yu. F. /2/ |
Linear magnetoelectric effect in Cr2O3 in strong magnetic fields
4, p. 238 |
Magnetoelectric effect in dysprosium orthoferrite due to dopant bismuth ions
8, p. 448 |
Potylitsyn A. P. /1/ |
Effect of the channeling of ultrarelativistic electrons on the spectrum of coherent bremsstrahlung of type B
10, p. 587 |
Prokopovich I. P. /1/ |
Dynamics of an intense femtosecond pulse in a Raman-active medium
4, p. 223 |
Prudnikov I. V. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a unipolar domain wall
1, p. 44 |
Prudnikov V. V. /1/ |
Numerical simulation of the critical dynamics of dilute magnetic materials
12, p. 709 |
Ptitsyn V. E. /1/ |
Breakdown of vacuum electical insulation
6, p. 325 |
Punkkinen M. /1/ |
Temperature dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time of NMR in ferromagnetic CrBr3 |
9, p. 522 |
Pusep Yu. A. /1/ |
Anharmonicity of GaAs optical vibrations in GaAs/AlAs superlattices
10, p. 564 |
Pustovalov V. V. /1/ |
Symmetry group of the kinetic equations for a collisionless plasma
4, p. 256 |
Radomanov V. B. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Rakitina L. G. /1/ |
Nonresonant microwave absorption in LiNbO3:Mg:Cr(Fe) in low magnetic fields
9, p. 516 |
Ramazashvili R. R. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of wakefields by a laser pulse in a plasma
10, p. 551 |
Rashba E. I. /1/ |
Anomalous sign of the polaron effect for excitons interacting with an incompressible fluid
1, p. 38 |
Ravinovich I. M. /1/ |
Coulomb production of relativistic hypernuclei
7, p. 375 |
Red'kin B. S. /1/ |
Effect of a magnetic field on the ferroelectric domain structure of TbGd(MoO4)3 |
6, p. 353 |
Red'ko N. A. /1/ |
Relaxation time of the interband scattering of Ls holes in the alloy p-Bi0.88Sb0.12 |
5, p. 268 |
Romanenko N. V. /1/ |
Weak vector coupling from neutron β-decay and possible indications of right-handed currents
9, p. 490 |
Romanov D. A. /1/ |
Spin-orbit splitting in cylindrical quantum wires
12, p. 706 |
Ronzhin A. I. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Roslyakov V. A. /1/ |
Instability of a laser beam with a negative detuning in a resonant medium
4, p. 228 |
Rossi A. /1/ |
Neutrino decay solution of the solar neutrino problem revisited
3, p. 159 |
Rozhdestvenskii Yu. V. /1/ |
Velocity selection of atoms from beams by a Raman method
6, p. 313 |
Rubashkin A. L. /1/ |
Electron emission from a diamond single crystal
10, p. 582 |
Rubtsov V. I. /1/ |
Characteristic loss spectrum accompanying the C1s photoelectron peak of the fullerene C60 |
2, p. 137 |
Rukoyatkin P. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Rusakov V. S. /1/ |
Magnetic fields at the nuclei of diamagnetic tin atoms in the spin glass Fe2TiO5 |
11, p. 642 |
Ryabtsev I.I. /1/ |
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
8, p. 431 |
Rylev A. P. /1/ |
Opalescence during low-temperature structural transitions in inorganic glasses
2, p. 121 |
Ryzhkov V. A. /1/ |
Observation of deuteron acceleration in a collision of magnetosonic shock waves in a plasma
12, p. 689 |
Saakyan D. V. /1/ |
Solution of the Derrida model with rare couplings and an asymmetric distribution coupling constants; relationship with coding
3, p. 198 |
Sadovskii V. N. /1/ |
Steady-state stimulated scattering by a grating nonlinearity in a planar nematic liquid crystal
3, p. 185 |
Safonov A. N. /1/ |
Fine structure in the spectrum of the recombination radiation of excitons bound to acceptors in silicon
4, p. 245 |
Saitov I. S. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Sakov D. M. /1/ |
Observation of spontaneous polarization at a junction of a high-Tc superconductor with an insulator upon the phase transition to the superconducting state
7, p. 402 |
Salashchenko N. N. /1/ |
Purely nuclear diffraction of γ radiation in a resonant multilayer mirror
9, p. 495 |
Samoilov A. V. /2/ |
Anisotropy of the magnetothermoelectric power of high-Tc superconducting single crystals in the mixed state: Role of the coherence length
2, p. 133 |
Erratum: Anisotropy of the magnetothermoelectric power of high-Tc superconducting single crystals in the mixed state: Role of the coherence length [JETP Lett. 55,127-131 (1992)]
8, p. |
Sanov A. M. /1/ |
Relaxation of the electron temperature in a copper film excited by femtosecond laser pulses
8, p. 441 |
Sarychev V. P. /1/ |
Effect of the channeling of ultrarelativistic electrons on the spectrum of coherent bremsstrahlung of type B
10, p. 587 |
Schmalz K. /1/ |
Observation of thermal double donors in the energy spectrum of new donors in silicon
1, p. 52 |
Sedykh S. A. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Semenov V. G. /1/ |
Effect of background asymmetry in conversion-electron Mossbauer spectroscopy with total external reflection
1, p. 62 |
Semenov Yu. G. /1/ |
Electric-dipole spin transition of the neutral acceptor MnGa0 in GaAs
2, p. 108 |
Semikhatov A. M. /1/ |
Conformal theory of quantum gravity from integrable hierarchies
4, p. 205 |
Senatorov A. V. /1/ |
Thermodynamic description of a Josephson medium in a strong magnetic field
10, p. 578 |
Serbo V. G. /1/ |
Coherent bremsstrahlung in colliding beams
11, p. 614 |
Serebrov A. P. /2/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Weak vector coupling from neutron β-decay and possible indications of right-handed currents
9, p. 490 |
Shaginyan V. R. /1/ |
Fermi-condensate phase transition in a low-density electron gas
2, p. 117 |
Shashkin A. A. /2/ |
Percolation metal-insulator transition in 2D electron gas of SI MOSFET under the ultra-quantum limit condition
2, p. 146 |
Properties of electron insulating phase in Si inversion layers at low temperatures
12, p. 701 |
Shchanov M. F. /1/ |
Anomalous thermal line broadening in the optical spectra of perylene in n-octane
7, p. 417 |
Sheftal' R. N. /1/ |
Oscillations in the work function of a single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7-δ film in a strong magnetic field
4, p. 242 |
Shegeda A.M. /1/ |
Effect of short heat pulses on coherently excited optical centers in ruby
12, p. 681 |
Shevchenko I. E. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Shinkarev S. I. /1/ |
Purely nuclear diffraction of γ radiation in a resonant multilayer mirror
9, p. 495 |
Shitov N. V. /1/ |
Structural phase transition in a surface layer of cesium deuterosulfate single crystals
5, p. 297 |
Shkar' V. F. /1/ |
Ferromagnetic resonance in closing domains in two-layer garnet films
6, p. 329 |
Shul'ga N. F. /1/ |
Erratum: Polarization of incoherent emission by relativistic electrons and positrons in a crystal [JETP Lett. 54, No. 9, 529-532 (10 November 1991)]
2, p. 150 |
Shul'ga Yu. M. /1/ |
Characteristic loss spectrum accompanying the C1s photoelectron peak of the fullerene C60 |
2, p. 137 |
Shul'ginov A. A. /1/ |
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
8, p. 431 |
Shvetsov V. N. /1/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Silako vV. P. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Silov A Yu. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Simonov V. I. /1/ |
Atomic structure of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals before and after the transition to the superconducting state
9, p. 530 |
Simonov Yu. A. /1/ |
Calculating deconfinement temperature through the scale anomaly in gluodynamics
11, p. 605 |
Skorokhvatov M. D. /2/ |
Experimental search for a heavy neutrino at a nuclear reactor
8, p. 421 |
Reactor experiments of a new type to detect neutrino oscillations
10, p. 544 |
Skrypnik A. V. /1/ |
Anomalous behavior of the diamagnetic profile of superconducting niobium near a vacuum boundary
11, p. 653 |
Smirnov G. V. /1/ |
Purely nuclear diffraction of γ radiation in a resonant multilayer mirror
9, p. 495 |
Sokolov V. N. /1/ |
Suppression of hot-electron fluctuations in semiconductors under size-effect conditions
4, p. 233 |
Solov'ev A. V. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Solyakin G. E. /1/ |
Many-body decay modes of massive nuclear-unstable fragments
10, p. 548 |
Sorokin P. V. /1/ |
Electron emission from a diamond single crystal
10, p. 582 |
Sotnikov V. M. /1/ |
Erratum: Observation of anomalous absorption by ammonia in intense IR laser light [JETP Lett. 54, No. 3,117-180 (10 August 1991)]
4, p. 122 |
Stankevich I. V. /1/ |
Atomic and electronic structure of the barrelenes b-Cm with m=36+12n
8, p. 469 |
Starobinskii A. A. /1/ |
Spectrum of adiabatic perturbations in the universe when there are singularities in the inflaton potential
9, p. 477 |
Starostin A. N. /1/ |
Instability of a laser beam with a negative detuning in a resonant medium
4, p. 228 |
Startsev T. P. /1/ |
Effect of motion of the optical medium in optical location
6, p. 317 |
Stepanov I. V. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Stepanov V. I. /1/ |
Fine structure of the red photoluminescence band of porous silicon
11, p. 631 |
Strelkov A. V. /1/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Strzhemechnyi Yu. M. /1/ |
Exactly solvable multichain quantum model
5, p. 293 |
Sukhotin S. V. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Sulyaev R. M. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Surzhenko A. B. /1/ |
Experimental test of the applicability of a scaling description of ferromagnetic alloys with competing exchange
8, p. 451 |
Svetlov V. N. /1/ |
Transformation of the surface of the amorphous alloy Fe70Cr15B15 under stress
10, p. 595 |
Sviridenkov E. A. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a multimode dye laser with an adjustable resonator dispersion and implications for the sensitivity of in-resonator laser spectroscopy
10, p. 560 |
Syshchenko V. V. /1/ |
Erratum: Polarization of incoherent emission by relativistic electrons and positrons in a crystal [JETP Lett. 54, No. 9, 529-532 (10 November 1991)]
2, p. 150 |
Takzei G. A. /1/ |
Experimental test of the applicability of a scaling description of ferromagnetic alloys with competing exchange
8, p. 451 |
Talanov Yu. I. /1/ |
Collective nature of flux creep according to microwave absorption in YBa2Cu3O, single crystals
8, p. 455 |
Tal'daev R. R. /1/ |
Anomalous interaction of ultracold neutrons with the surface of a beryllium trap
2, p. 92 |
Tamazyan R. A. /1/ |
Atomic structure of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals before and after the transition to the superconducting state
9, p. 530 |
Taran G. G. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Tarasenkov V. G. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Tarasova N. M. /1/ |
Electron attachment explodes Freon molecules: New possibilities for removing Freons from the atmosphere
9, p. 500 |
Teitel'baum G. B. /1/ |
Collective nature of flux creep according to microwave absorption in YBa2Cu3O, single crystals
8, p. 455 |
Terekhov A. S. /2/ |
The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen
5, p. 289 |
Erratum: The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen [JETP Lett. 55, 288-292 (1992)]
11, p. |
Terukov E. I. /1/ |
Laser action in a-Si:H
12, p. 685 |
Tikhomirov V. K. /1/ |
Optical bistability and critical slowing in the amorphous semiconductor GeS2 |
1, p. 25 |
Tkalya E. V. /1/ |
Excitation of low-lying isomer level of the nucleus 229Th by optical photons
4, p. 216 |
Toropov A. I. /2/ |
Aharonov Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers
2, p. 129 |
Anharmonicity of GaAs optical vibrations in GaAs/AlAs superlattices
10, p. 564 |
Trofimov I. E. /1/ |
Raman scattering in stressed CdTe/ZnxCd1-xTe superlattices
8, p. 436 |
Tseitlin V ad. Yu. /1/ |
Dense (2+1)-dimensional QED in an external magnetic field
12, p. 673 |
Tsendin K. D. /1/ |
Role of hybridization in the polaron mechanism for the formation of U- centers, soft potentials, and two-well potentials
11, p. 635 |
Tulin V. A. /1/ |
Temperature dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time of NMR in ferromagnetic CrBr3 |
9, p. 522 |
Turbin E. V. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Turchanovich L. K. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Urusov V. S. /1/ |
Magnetic fields at the nuclei of diamagnetic tin atoms in the spin glass Fe2TiO5 |
11, p. 642 |
Vakilov A. N. /1/ |
Numerical simulation of the critical dynamics of dilute magnetic materials
12, p. 709 |
Valeeva I. L. /1/ |
Electroluminescence in thin polymer films with an anomalously high conductivity
9, p. 526 |
Vardenga G. L. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Vasil'ev A. D. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Vasil'ev V. P. /1/ |
Effect of motion of the optical medium in optical location
6, p. 317 |
Venus G. B. /1/ |
Dynamic structural transition in the superionic conductor Na5RESi4O12 |
1, p. 48 |
Vidyakin G. S. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Vinogradov S. E. /1/ |
Nonlinear dynamics of a multimode dye laser with an adjustable resonator dispersion and implications for the sensitivity of in-resonator laser spectroscopy
10, p. 560 |
Vnukov I. E. /1/ |
Effect of the channeling of ultrarelativistic electrons on the spectrum of coherent bremsstrahlung of type B
10, p. 587 |
Volkov A. A. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Volkov A. F. /1/ |
Conductance anomaly at superconductor-semiconductor contacts
12, p. 713 |
Volkov V. E. /1/ |
Electron-conductivity high-Tc superconductor with cubic symmetry
10, p. 591 |
Volkov Yu. N. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Volovik G. E. /2/ |
Phase diagram of coherently precessing states under superflow in 3He-B |
6, p. 358 |
Quantum hall and chiral edge states in thin 3He-A film
6, p. 363 |
Vorob'ev G. P. /1/ |
Magnetoelectric effect in dysprosium orthoferrite due to dopant bismuth ions
8, p. 448 |
Vorob'ev S. A. /1/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Vuorimyaki A. N. /1/ |
Temperature dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time of NMR in ferromagnetic CrBr3 |
9, p. 522 |
Vyrodov V. N. /1/ |
Limitations on the magnetic moment and charge radius of the electron antineutrino
4, p. 212 |
Yakubovskii E. A. /1/ |
Observation of anomalously high flux densities of low-energy heavy nuclei on the Salyut-6, Salyut-7, and Mir orbital stations
2, p. 95 |
Yakutin A. E. /1/ |
Angular distribution of parton-parton scattering found from the production of hadron pairs in pp collisions at (s)1/2 = 11.5 GeV
11, p. 610 |
Yaroshevich A. S. /2/ |
The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen
5, p. 289 |
Erratum: The Fermi level is not pinned at the p-GaAs(100) surface during adsorption of cesium and oxygen [JETP Lett. 55, 288-292 (1992)]
11, p. |
Yaroslavtsev A. V. /1/ |
Decay of the free precession of nuclear spins in a solid in a rotating coordinate system under magic-angle conditions; three-spin interactions
7, p. 412 |
Yukhimets A. I. /1/ |
Anisotropy of the fluctuation component of the penetration depth in exotic superconductors
6, p. 345 |
Yulinen E. E. /1/ |
Temperature dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time of NMR in ferromagnetic CrBr3 |
9, p. 522 |
Yurgens A. A. /2/ |
Anisotropy of the magnetothermoelectric power of high-Tc superconducting single crystals in the mixed state: Role of the coherence length
2, p. 133 |
Erratum: Anisotropy of the magnetothermoelectric power of high-Tc superconducting single crystals in the mixed state: Role of the coherence length [JETP Lett. 55,127-131 (1992)]
8, p. |
Yurshchenas S. /1/ |
Laser action in a-Si:H
12, p. 685 |
Yushkov B. Yu. /1/ |
Quasiadiabatic model of charged-particle motion in a dipole magnetic confinement system under conditions of dynamic chaos
11, p. 621 |
Zabaev V. N. /1/ |
Coherence effect in the photoproduction of symmetric e+e- pairs in germanium and silicon crystals
7, p. 407 |
Zabrodin A. /1/ |
Unification of all string models with c < 1 in the framework of generalized Kontsevich model
1, p. 13 |
Zaitsev A.V. /1/ |
Stimulation of superconductivity by a quasiparticle current in a multilayer superconducting tunnel structure
1, p. 66 |
Zaitsev R. O. /1/ |
Phase diagram of the compounds Ln2-xCexCuO4 |
2, p. 141 |
Zakhlenyuk N. A. /1/ |
Suppression of hot-electron fluctuations in semiconductors under size-effect conditions
4, p. 233 |
Zakurdaev I. V. /1/ |
Ionization of sputtered atoms by resonant laser light near a surface
5, p. 265 |
Zaritskii I. M. /1/ |
Nonresonant microwave absorption in LiNbO3:Mg:Cr(Fe) in low magnetic fields
9, p. 516 |
Zavaritskii N. V. /2/ |
Anisotropy of the magnetothermoelectric power of high-Tc superconducting single crystals in the mixed state: Role of the coherence length
2, p. 133 |
Erratum: Anisotropy of the magnetothermoelectric power of high-Tc superconducting single crystals in the mixed state: Role of the coherence length [JETP Lett. 55,127-131 (1992)]
8, p. |
Zav'yalov V. F. /1/ |
Collective excitation of A isobar in the charge-exchange reactions (7Li,7Be) and (3H,3He) at a momentum of 3 GeV/(c nucleon)
12, p. 676 |
Zel'dovich B. Ya. /2/ |
Steady-state stimulated scattering by a grating nonlinearity in a planar nematic liquid crystal
3, p. 185 |
Observation of an interference of one- and two-photon ionization of the sodium 45 state
8, p. 431 |
Zhebrovskii Yu. V. /1/ |
Electron emission from a diamond single crystal
10, p. 582 |
Zheltukhin A. A. /1/ |
Generalization of Newman-Penrose dyads in connection with the action integral for supermembranes in an 11-dimensional space
2, p. 81 |
Zhilyaev I. N. /1/ |
Current instability in bismuth single crystals in a transverse magnetic field
12, p. 727 |
Zhitenev N. B. /1/ |
Charge relaxation in two-dimensional electron gas under quantum Hall effect conditions
12, p. 722 |
Zhitomirskii M. E. /1/ |
Ginzburg-Landau functional for superconductors with anisotropic pairing
8, p. 460 |
Zhitomirskii V. E. /1/ |
Anomalies in the magnetoresistance of 2D electrons during the filling of the second quantum-size subband in an AlGaAs-GaAs heterojunction: intersubband scattering
11, p. 657 |
Zholonko N. N. /1/ |
Heat transfer in solid parahydrogen and possibility of observing a Poiseuille flow of phonons
3, p. 174 |
Zobov V. E. /1/ |
Decay of the free precession of nuclear spins in a solid in a rotating coordinate system under magic-angle conditions; three-spin interactions
7, p. 412 |
Zvyagin A. A. /1/ |
Exactly solvable multichain quantum model
5, p. 293 |
Zybtsev S. G. /1/ |
Oscillations in the work function of a single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7-δ film in a strong magnetic field
4, p. 242 |