Abduzhamilov Sh. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Abesalashvili L.N. /1/ |
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum
6, p. 306 |
Abramov B.M. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Abramyan L.O. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Adamovich A.I. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Adamyan F.V. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Agan'yants A.O. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Airapetov E.A. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Akhmanov S.A. /1/ |
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light
9, p. 444 |
Akimov A.V. /1/ |
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals
10, p. 491 |
Akulin V.M. /1/ |
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action
9, p. 428 |
Alekseevskii N.E. /1/ |
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 |
12, p. 557 |
Aliev Yu.M. /1/ |
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 351 |
Alimpiev S.S. /2/ |
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action
9, p. 428 |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Altukhov P.O. /1/ |
Nonequilibrium orientation of electrons in electron-hole drops in silicon in a magnetic field
3, p. 154 |
Amaglobeli N.S. /1/ |
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum
6, p. 306 |
Andreev Yu.M. /1/ |
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction
12, p. 593 |
Andrukovich E.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Antipov I.Yu. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Antipov S.V. /1/ |
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam
3, p. 158 |
Armaganyan A.A. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Arykov A.A. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Askar'yan G.A. /1/ |
Acoustic registration of high-energy neutrinos
5, p. 232 |
Atsarkin V.A. /1/ |
Direct observation of NMR in a rotating coordinate system and suppression of nuclear dipole interactions in a solid
5, p. 233 |
Avakyan R.O. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Avanesyan G.T. /1/ |
Metal phonon-spectrum singularities determined by local geometry of the Fermi surface
8, p. 381 |
Azimov S.A. /2/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region
9, p. 450 |
Babaev A.I. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Babenko V.A. /1/ |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Babitsyna A.A. /1/ |
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state
3, p. 162 |
Bagasaryan L.S. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Bagraev N.T. /1/ |
Inversion of nuclear magnetization of compensated silicon in interband absorption of light in weak magnetic fields
4, p. 207 |
Bagratashvili V.N. /1/ |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Bakanov L.V. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Bannik B.P. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Baranov D.G. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Bashkin E.P. /1/ |
Spin waves in a degenerate solution of He3 in superfluid He4 |
1, p. 3 |
Bashkirov Yu.A. /1/ |
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system
4, p. 204 |
Basun S.A. /1/ |
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals
10, p. 491 |
Belavin A.A. /1/ |
Multidimensional method of the inverse scattering problem and duality equations for the Yang-Mills field
12, p. 603 |
Belik V.P. /1/ |
Photoionization of helium from the excited state 4p1P1 |
11, p. 527 |
Belov K.P. /1/ |
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets
8, p. 369 |
Beregulin E.V. /1/ |
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals
2, p. 113 |
Berezinskii V.S. /1/ |
Cosmic neutrino and the possibility of searching for W bosons with masses 30-100 GeV in underwater experiments
5, p. 276 |
Berezov V.M. /1/ |
Role of the dislocation mechanism in the polarization-echo phenomenon
3, p. 165 |
Bobashev S.V. /1/ |
Photoionization of helium from the excited state 4p1P1 |
11, p. 527 |
Bobkov V.G. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Bobodzhanov I. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Bogdanova Kh.G. /1/ |
Acoustic nuclear spin echo in the antiferromagnets KMnF3 and RbMnF3 |
6, p. 292 |
Bogolyubskii I.L. /1/ |
Dynamics of spherically symmetrical pulsons of large amplitude
2, p. 120 |
Bolotovskii B.N. /1/ |
Optical analog of the magnus effect
3, p. 148 |
Bolozdynya A.I. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Boos E.G. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Borisenko A.I. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Borovik A.E. /1/ |
Solitons in a system of parametrically excited waves
9, p. 438 |
Bragina T.M. /1/ |
Resonant emission of electron-hole drops at plasma frequency
11, p. 524 |
Brakhman E.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Brandt N.B. /1/ |
Change of connectivity of the electron equal-energy surface of Bi under pressure
8, p. 361 |
Broude V.L. /1/ |
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures
6, p. 285 |
Bryzhina M.F. /1/ |
Investigation of acoustic activity in crystals by the method of Bragg reflection of light
11, p. 513 |
Bugaev E.V. /1/ |
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction
12, p. 593 |
Bulaevskii L.N. /1/ |
Superconducting system with weak coupling to the current in the ground state
7, p. 314 |
Bunakov V.E. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Bunkin A.F. /1/ |
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light
9, p. 444 |
Burakhovich I.A. /1/ |
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen
1, p. 37 |
Burshtein A.I. /1/ |
Kinetics of saturation of the Doppler spectrum
5, p. 251 |
Bushmarin V.A. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Butenko T.F. /1/ |
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum
2, p. 98 |
Cadez V. /1/ |
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 351 |
Chargeishvili M.S. /1/ |
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum
6, p. 306 |
Chekalin S.V. /1/ |
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses
7, p. 325 |
Chekmarev V.P. /1/ |
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls
4, p. 181 |
Chekunaev N.I. /1/ |
Influence of pi condensate on single-nucleon absorption of slow pions by atomic nuclei
2, p. 136 |
Chernoutsan A.I. /1/ |
Charge distribution in anomalous nuclei
10, p. 495 |
Chernova L.P. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Chernova N.I. /1/ |
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals
2, p. 80 |
Chernov G.M. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Chernozatonskii L.A. /1/ |
Absolute instability of a "trapped" packet of sound waves in an anisotropic-semiconductor plate
3, p. 144 |
Chernyak V.L. /1/ |
Asymptotic form of hadronic form factors in the quark model
11, p. 544 |
Chernyavskii M.M. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Chetyrkin K.G. /1/ |
Are additional heavy quarks necessary to explain the observed behavior of R(s)?
9, p. 456 |
Chevokin V.K. /1/ |
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma
8, p. 373 |
Chirkov V.A. /1/ |
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A
12, p. 569 |
Chistyakov I.G. /1/ |
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals
4, p. 201 |
Chudinov S.M. /1/ |
Change of connectivity of the electron equal-energy surface of Bi under pressure
8, p. 361 |
Chudnovskii E.M. /1/ |
Multiple production of particles in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking
4, p. 215 |
Chudnovskii F.A. /1/ |
Absorption of light by "drops" of the metallic phase near the semiconductor-metal phase transition in VO2 |
10, p. 474 |
Chumakova S.P. /1/ |
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals
4, p. 201 |
Chumakova S.V. /1/ |
Viscoelastic relaxation of nematic liquid crystals in the region of the isotropic-nematic transitions
5, p. 266 |
Chuvijo I.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Dakadze S.D. /1/ |
Damping of second sound in rotating He4 |
8, p. 389 |
Danilova N.P. /1/ |
Phase transition of order 2 1/2 in zinc
11, p. 509 |
Danilov M.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Demekhina N.A. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Dite A.F. /1/ |
Quantum oscillations of the intensity of induced radiation of an electron-hole liquid in CdS crystals
1, p. 47 |
Dobrovol'skii N.M. /1/ |
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 |
12, p. 557 |
Dolgoshein B.A. /1/ |
Acoustic registration of high-energy neutrinos
5, p. 232 |
Dukhovskoi I.A. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Dzyaloshinskii I.E. /1/ |
New type of magnetic domains in multisublattice antiferromagnets
9, p. 442 |
Dzyaloshkinskii I.E. /1/ |
Domains and dislocations in antiferromagnets
2, p. 110 |
Edel'man V.S. /1/ |
Nonlinear cyclotron resonance of electrons localized over the surface of liquid helium
9, p. 422 |
Edwards David F. /1/ |
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma
11, p. 531 |
Efros A.L. /1/ |
Coulomb gap in disordered systems. Numerical experiment in one-dimensional model
2, p. 77 |
Egorov O.K. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Egorov V.S. /1/ |
Temperature minimum of the resistivity of beryllium
1, p. 58 |
Ekimov A.I. /1/ |
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
12, p. 560 |
Eliseev G.P. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
El'-Nagi A. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Eremeev V.G. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Eremenko V.V. /1/ |
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite
5, p. 258 |
Erenburg A.I. /1/ |
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen
1, p. 37 |
Erikhman N.S. /1/ |
Density of states in a one-dimensional semiconductor with narrow forbidden band in the presence of impurities
4, p. 197 |
Ermakov K.N. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Ermilov A.I. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Esayan S.Kh. /1/ |
Investigation of acoustic activity in crystals by the method of Bragg reflection of light
11, p. 513 |
Falaleev O.V. /1/ |
Possibility of identifying the regions of localization of positive muons in crystals
2, p. 103 |
Fayans S.A. /1/ |
Manifestation of the proximity of atomic nuclei to the point of the π-condensate instability in inelastic scattering of nucleons
11, p. 548 |
Fedorets V.S. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Figotin A.L. /1/ |
Rigorously solvable model of spin glass
8, p. 348 |
Filippova T.I. /1/ |
Investigation of deuteron beams generated in a plasma focus
5, p. 262 |
Filippov N.V. /1/ |
Investigation of deuteron beams generated in a plasma focus
5, p. 262 |
Finkel'shtem A.M. /1/ |
Correlation functions in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
2, p. 83 |
Firsov V.G. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Firsov Yu.A. /1/ |
Phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional system of weakly bound one-dimensional metallic filaments
2, p. 90 |
Flerov V.N. /1/ |
Anomalies of low-temperature resistivity of metals
1, p. 54 |
Fomin P.I. /1/ |
Multiple production of particles in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking
4, p. 215 |
Freiman Yu.A. /1/ |
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen
1, p. 37 |
Gadzhieva S.I. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Gagarin Yu.F. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Gaidukov Yu.P. /1/ |
Phase transition of order 2 1/2 in zinc
11, p. 509 |
Galakhova N.V. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Galaktionov Yu.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Galeev A.A. /1/ |
Model of magnetic-field reconnection in a plane layer of collisionless plasma
9, p. 407 |
Galitskii V.M. /1/ |
Width of compression-wave front in nuclear matter
3, p. 175 |
Galkin A.A. /1/ |
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum
2, p. 98 |
Galumyan P.I. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Gantmakher V.F. /1/ |
Heating of electron subsystem by the Dember field in ambipolar diffusion in germanium
1, p. 44 |
Gazizov A.Z. /1/ |
Cosmic neutrino and the possibility of searching for W bosons with masses 30-100 GeV in underwater experiments
5, p. 276 |
Gedalin E.V. /1/ |
Inclusive cross sections for the production of particles with large transverse momenta on nuclei
5, p. 279 |
Gel'mont B.L. /1/ |
Coulomb gap in disordered systems. Numerical experiment in one-dimensional model
2, p. 77 |
Gerbshtein Yu.M. /1/ |
Absorption of light by "drops" of the metallic phase near the semiconductor-metal phase transition in VO2 |
10, p. 474 |
Gershenzon E.M. /1/ |
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium
12, p. 574 |
Getmanov B.S. /1/ |
New Lorentz-invariant system with exact multisoliton solutions
2, p. 132 |
Gladkii V.V. /1/ |
Macroscopic quadrupole moment of a crystal in the region of a structural phase transition
11, p. 541 |
Gnatchenko S.L. /1/ |
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite
5, p. 258 |
Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A. /1/ |
Acoustic nuclear spin echo in the antiferromagnets KMnF3 and RbMnF3 |
6, p. 292 |
Golo V.L. /1/ |
Topology of gauge fields with several vacuums
5, p. 272 |
Gol'tsman G.N. /1/ |
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium
12, p. 574 |
Goman'kov V.I. /1/ |
Anomaly of subcritical neutron scattering and effect of ferromagnetic-matrix depolarization in an antiferro-ferromagnetic transition
6, p. 299 |
Gordeev Yu.S. /1/ |
Recombination of hydrogen in a quasi-stationary thermonuclear plasma
4, p. 223 |
Gor'kov L.P. /1/ |
Remark on the Frohlich conductivity in one-dimensional systems
8, p. 384 |
Gorodkov Yu.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Govorkov S.A. /1/ |
Nuclear magnetic resonance mode interaction in RbMnF3 |
10, p. 476 |
Gradov O.M. /1/ |
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 351 |
Grebinnik V.G. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Grib A.A. /1/ |
Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry in a homogeneous isotropic universe of the open type
6, p. 302 |
Grishin A.M. /1/ |
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum
2, p. 98 |
Gulamov V. K.G. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Gurevich A.V. /1/ |
Current generation in the interaction of a beam of accelerated multiply charged ions with a plasma
10, p. 469 |
Gurevich I.I. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Gurevich V.L. /1/ |
Quantum induced acoustic transparency of conductors
12, p. 566 |
Ignatyuk A.V. /1/ |
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei
1, p. 65 |
Ilyukhin A.A. /1/ |
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A
12, p. 569 |
Ishkhanov B.S. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Itkis M.G. /1/ |
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei
1, p. 65 |
Ivanov A.A. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Ivanova N.S. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Ivanov B.A. /1/ |
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave of a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons
11, p. 516 |
Ivanov S.G. /1/ |
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light
9, p. 444 |
Kaganov M.I. /1/ |
Metal phonon-spectrum singularities determined by local geometry of the Fermi surface
8, p. 381 |
Kalinnikov V.T. /1/ |
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state
3, p. 162 |
Kaminskii V.F. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Kaplan A.E. /1/ |
Erratum: Hysteresis reflection and refraction by a nonlinear boundary-a new class of effects in nonlinear optics [JETP Lett. 24, No. 3, 114-119 (5 August 1976)]
7, p. 341 |
Kaplyanskii A.A. /1/ |
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals
10, p. 491 |
Kapustin I.N. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Karimov Yu.S. /1/ |
Magnetoresistance of the high-conductivity complex TTT2I3
5, p. 254 |
Karlov N.V. /4/ |
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes
7, p. 318 |
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action
9, p. 428 |
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms
11, p. 535 |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Karnaukhov V.A. /1/ |
Superheavy nuclei and pion condensation
7, p. 328 |
Karpman V.I. /1/ |
Modified conservation laws for nonlinear waves
6, p. 296 |
Kartamyshev A.A. /1/ |
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation
1, p. 68 |
Kas'yanov Yu.S. /1/ |
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma
8, p. 373 |
Kazanskaya A.M. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Kazaryan G.Kh. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Khalatnikov L.M. /1/ |
Lagrange equations of the hydrodynamics of the anisotropic superfluid liquid He3-A |
8, p. 377 |
Kharchenko N.F. /1/ |
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite
5, p. 258 |
Kharlamov S.P. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Khidekel' M.L. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Khilyuto I.G. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Khodel' V.E. /1/ |
Calculation of the Weizsackerjnass-formulajiarameters on the basis of the consistency conditions
4, p. 220 |
Khodosov E.F. /1/ |
Low-temperature (to 15 K) conductivity of the compound IMb-H
7, p. 313 |
Khokhlov E.M. /2/ |
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action
9, p. 428 |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Khomskii D.I. /1/ |
Cooperative Jahn-Teller transitions with tripling of the period: CaCuCI3 |
12, p. 579 |
Khoshmukhamedov R.A. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Khrushchev V.A. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Khudoveryan A.G. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Khurshudyan L.S. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Kim A.Yu. /1/ |
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 351 |
Kirichenko O.V. /1/ |
Possibility of reconstructing the pattern of conduction-electron scattering by the sample boundary from the experimental data
4, p. 187 |
Kirkikov V.A. /1/ |
Macroscopic quadrupole moment of a crystal in the region of a structural phase transition
11, p. 541 |
Kishkurno V.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Klimov A.I. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Kobzarov N.Yu. /1/ |
Mesons from gluons
12, p. 600 |
Kochelap V.A. /1/ |
Periodic structures in phase transitions of electron-phonon systems by a deformation interaction in a magnetic field
1, p. 22 |
Kofman A.G. /1/ |
Kinetics of saturation of the Doppler spectrum
5, p. 251 |
Kohlmetskaya A.V. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Koldaev M.V. /1/ |
Influence of pi condensate on single-nucleon absorption of slow pions by atomic nuclei
2, p. 136 |
Kondrat'ev I.C. /1/ |
Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 355 |
Kondryatuk L.A. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Kopnin N.B. /1/ |
Rotating 3He-A |
1, p. 26 |
Kopysov Yu.S. /1/ |
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction
12, p. 593 |
Kopytenko Yu.A. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Korobkin V.V. /1/ |
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma
11, p. 531 |
Koroteev N.I. /1/ |
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light
9, p. 444 |
Korshunov A.A. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Korshunov V.V. /1/ |
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures
6, p. 285 |
Kosevich A.M. /1/ |
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave of a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons
11, p. 516 |
Koshelev K.N. /1/ |
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses
7, p. 325 |
Kosobukin V.A. /1/ |
Resonant emission of electron-hole drops at plasma frequency
11, p. 524 |
Kostadinov I.Z. /1/ |
Hopping conductivity of disordered semiconductors in strong fields
8, p. 345 |
Kotov A.I. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Kotyuzhanskii B.Ya. /1/ |
Oscillations of past-threshold susceptibility in parametric excitation of electron magnons in antiferromagnetic CsMnF3 |
9, p. 412 |
Kovalev A.S. /1/ |
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave of a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons
11, p. 516 |
Kovtun N.M. /1/ |
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state
3, p. 162 |
Kozhushner M.A. /1/ |
Concerning one possibility of obtaining beams of polarized ions
5, p. 229 |
Kozlov A.N. /1/ |
Anomalies of low-temperature resistivity of metals
1, p. 54 |
Krive I.V. /1/ |
Multiple production of particles in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking
4, p. 215 |
Krivenko T.A. /1/ |
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton
11, p. 538 |
Krokhin O.N. /1/ |
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma
9, p. 415 |
Krupskii I.N. /1/ |
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen
1, p. 37 |
Krutenkova A.P. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Krynetskii B.B. /2/ |
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes
7, p. 318 |
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms
11, p. 535 |
Kryukov P.G. /1/ |
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses
7, p. 325 |
Kudinova M.A. /1/ |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Kudinov V.I. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Kukhtarev N.V. /1/ |
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors
9, p. 432 |
Kulakovskii V.D. /1/ |
Biexcitons in the emission spectrum of uniaxially deformed silicon
10, p. 487 |
Kulik I.O. /1/ |
Contribution to the theory of nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of metallic junctions
10, p. 465 |
Kulikov V.N. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Kuliko vV.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Kulikov V.V. /1/ |
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls
4, p. 181 |
Kutsidi N.K. /1/ |
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum
6, p. 306 |
Kuzii V.V. /1/ |
Superconducting system with weak coupling to the current in the ground state
7, p. 314 |
Kuz'min V.A. /1/ |
Are additional heavy quarks necessary to explain the observed behavior of R(s)?
9, p. 456 |
Laptin L.P. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Larionova V.G. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Lebedev A.N. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Lebedev V.D. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Lebedev V.V. /1/ |
Lagrange equations of the hydrodynamics of the anisotropic superfluid liquid He3-A |
8, p. 377 |
Leiderman A.V. /1/ |
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton
11, p. 538 |
Lemanov V.V. /1/ |
Investigation of acoustic activity in crystals by the method of Bragg reflection of light
11, p. 513 |
Lepekhin F.G. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Letokhov V.S. /2/ |
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses
7, p. 325 |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Levinson I.B. /1/ |
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures
6, p. 285 |
Levintov I.I. /1/ |
Concerning one possibility of obtaining beams of polarized ions
5, p. 229 |
Leznov A.N. /1/ |
Symmetry of instanton solutions in gauge theories
4, p. 218 |
Likholit N.I. /1/ |
Stimulated Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons
5, p. 269 |
Lipatov L.N. /1/ |
Divergence of the perturbation-theory series and pseudoparticles
2, p. 116 |
Lipin V.D. /1/ |
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region
9, p. 450 |
Lisker I.S. /1/ |
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals
2, p. 113 |
Lisovskaya T.Yu. /1/ |
Metal phonon-spectrum singularities determined by local geometry of the Fermi surface
8, p. 381 |
Lizunov V.V. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Lobko V.V. /1/ |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Lozovik Yu.E. /1/ |
Interband transitions and the possibility of current states in systems with electron-hole pairing
1, p. 18 |
Lugovoi V.N. /1/ |
New type of optical parametric generator and amplifier
12, p. 563 |
Lundin A.G. /1/ |
Possibility of identifying the regions of localization of positive muons in crystals
2, p. 103 |
L'vov V.S. /1/ |
Effect of modulation instability on the relaxation of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma
1, p. 11 |
Lyagushin V.I. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Lyubimov V.A. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Lyubovskii R.B. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Lyuksyutov I.F. /1/ |
Scattering of high-frequency sound near the X transition in He
9, p. 419 |
Maiorov V.N. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Makar'in V.K. /1/ |
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation
1, p. 68 |
Makarov A.A. /1/ |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Makhan'kov V.G. /1/ |
Dynamics of spherically symmetrical pulsons of large amplitude
2, p. 120 |
Maksimov A.A. /1/ |
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures
6, p. 285 |
Malyshev V.I. /1/ |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Manakov S.V. /1/ |
Pulsating solitons
12, p. 589 |
Manenkov A.A. /1/ |
Effect of microwave breakdown in germanium of the kinetics of electron-hole drops
9, p. 436 |
Manukyan Zh.V. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Manych A.P. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Manzhavidze I.D. /1/ |
Instability in a theory with strong coupling of vacuum reggeons
3, p. 171 |
Marchenko V.A. /1/ |
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si |
3, p. 141 |
Markeeva Yu.M. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Markelov V.A. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a new nonreciprocal magneto-optical effect
9, p. 404 |
Martem'yanov V.B. /1/ |
Mesons from gluons
12, p. 600 |
Mar'yanova L.I. /1/ |
Viscoelastic relaxation of nematic liquid crystals in the region of the isotropic-nematic transitions
5, p. 266 |
Maslenikova /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Matsyuk M.A. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Matviichuk A.S. /1/ |
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors
9, p. 432 |
Mazing M.A. /1/ |
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma
8, p. 373 |
Mefed A.E. /1/ |
Direct observation of NMR in a rotating coordinate system and suppression of nuclear dipole interactions in a solid
5, p. 233 |
Meierovich A.E. /1/ |
High-frequency susceptibility of crystalline He3 |
10, p. 485 |
Mel'nikov E.V. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Mel'nikov N.A. /1/ |
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light
1, p. 41 |
Mikhailov G.V. /1/ |
Biexcitons in II-VI crystals
4, p. 191 |
Mikhailov V.A. /1/ |
Action of broadband pumping in excitation of SRS near resonance
3, p. 151 |
Mill' B.V. /1/ |
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets
8, p. 369 |
Miller M.A. /1/ |
Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 355 |
Mil'ner A.A. /1/ |
Observation of spontaneous canting of the spontaneous sublattices in the hexagonal antiferromagnet CsMnF3 |
5, p. 244 |
Minaichev E.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Miroshkin V.V. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Miroshnichenko V.P. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Mishin V.A. /2/ |
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes
7, p. 318 |
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms
11, p. 535 |
Mogilevskil M.M. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Mokhov B.N. /1/ |
Anomaly of subcritical neutron scattering and effect of ferromagnetic-matrix depolarization in an antiferro-ferromagnetic transition
6, p. 299 |
Molchanov O.A. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Monakhov A.A. /1/ |
Acoustic nuclear spin echo in the antiferromagnets KMnF3 and RbMnF3 |
6, p. 292 |
Monastyrskii M.I. /1/ |
Topology of gauge fields with several vacuums
5, p. 272 |
Morozova P.V. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Moshchalkov V.V. /1/ |
Change of connectivity of the electron equal-energy surface of Bi under pressure
8, p. 361 |
Mostepanenko V.M. /1/ |
Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry in a homogeneous isotropic universe of the open type
6, p. 302 |
Motylev S.L. /1/ |
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma
11, p. 531 |
Mukhin K.N. /1/ |
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation
1, p. 68 |
Mul'giri S.I. /1/ |
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei
1, p. 65 |
Muradyan E.M. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Musher S.L. /1/ |
Lower-hybrid heating of a plasma in tokamaks
8, p. 358 |
Myasishcheva G.G. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Myshkin V.E. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Nagaev E.L. /2/ |
Ferromagnetic semiconductors with giant blue shift of the absorption edge
2, p. 87 |
Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism of conducting magnets with ions in a singlet ground state
11, p. 505 |
Nagovitsyn V.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Nesterov M.M. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Nezlin M.V. /1/ |
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam
3, p. 158 |
Nikishin S.A. /1/ |
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
12, p. 560 |
Nikolaev N.N. /1/ |
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice
4, p. 185 |
Nikol'skii B.A. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Novikov M.A. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a new nonreciprocal magneto-optical effect
9, p. 404 |
Obukov Yu.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Odintsov V.I. /1/ |
Action of broadband pumping in excitation of SRS near resonance
3, p. 151 |
Odulov S.G. /1/ |
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors
9, p. 432 |
Okolovich V.N. /1/ |
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei
1, p. 65 |
Olimov K. /1/ |
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region
9, p. 450 |
Ol'shanetskii B.Z. /1/ |
Phase transitions on the surfaces of germanium and silicon
4, p. 195 |
Omelyanchuk A.N. /1/ |
Contribution to the theory of nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of metallic junctions
10, p. 465 |
Orlova G.I. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Osipov B.D. /1/ |
Magnetic hyperfine structure of the quadrupole spectrum of the CH3I molecule
1, p. 14 |
Ostrovskii B.I. /1/ |
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals
2, p. 80 |
Ovchinnikov A.A. /1/ |
Density of states in a one-dimensional semiconductor with narrow forbidden band in the presence of impurities
4, p. 197 |
Pan V.M. /1/ |
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si |
3, p. 141 |
Papp W.-F. /1/ |
Investigation of double ionization of inert-gas atoms by simultaneous knockout of s and p electrons by the bombarding electron beam
1, p. 33 |
Parkhomenko V.V. /1/ |
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals
4, p. 201 |
Pashkov A.F. /1/ |
Factorizability hypothesis in the quark model and large-angle elastic scattering of hadrons
9, p. 452 |
Pashuk V.V. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Pastur L.A. /1/ |
Rigorously solvable model of spin glass
8, p. 348 |
Patarkin O.O. /1/ |
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation
1, p. 68 |
Pavlova N.P. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Peregudov G.V. /1/ |
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A
12, p. 569 |
Pertsovskii R.A. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Peschanskii V.G. /1/ |
Possibility of reconstructing the pattern of conduction-electron scattering by the sample boundary from the experimental data
4, p. 187 |
Petrov A.A. /1/ |
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls
4, p. 181 |
Petrov M.P. /2/ |
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls
4, p. 181 |
Recombination of hydrogen in a quasi-stationary thermonuclear plasma
4, p. 223 |
Petrov V.I. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Pikus G.E. /1/ |
Nonequilibrium orientation of electrons in electron-hole drops in silicon in a magnetic field
3, p. 154 |
Pilipetskii N.F. /1/ |
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light
1, p. 41 |
Pilippsyan S.E. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Pirogov A.V. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Pitaevskii L.P. /1/ |
Temperature dependence of the mutual friction force in helium near the point
3, p. 168 |
Platonenko V.T. /1/ |
Mechanism of collisionless dissociation of molecules in the strong field of an IR laser
1, p. 52 |
Plyaskin V.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Pogorel'skii Yu.V. /1/ |
Quantum induced acoustic transparency of conductors
12, p. 566 |
Pogrebnikov M.M. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Pokrovskii V.L. /1/ |
Scattering of high-frequency sound near the X transition in He
9, p. 419 |
Polikanov S.M. /1/ |
Superheavy nuclei and pion condensation
7, p. 328 |
Polivanov Yu.N. /1/ |
Observation of interference of direct and cascade processes in active spectroscopy of polaritons
5, p. 240 |
Ponomarev A.N. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Popkov Yu.A. /1/ |
Observation of spontaneous canting of the spontaneous sublattices in the hexagonal antiferromagnet CsMnF3 |
5, p. 244 |
Potapov V.P. /1/ |
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice
4, p. 185 |
Prigodin V.N. /1/ |
Phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional system of weakly bound one-dimensional metallic filaments
2, p. 90 |
Prokhorov A.M. /4/ |
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes
7, p. 318 |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action
9, p. 428 |
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms
11, p. 535 |
Prokhorov V.G. /1/ |
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si |
3, p. 141 |
Prokhvatilov A.I. /1/ |
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen
1, p. 37 |
Propkopenko V.K. /1/ |
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state
3, p. 162 |
Prozorova L.A. /1/ |
Oscillations of past-threshold susceptibility in parametric excitation of electron magnons in antiferromagnetic CsMnF3 |
9, p. 412 |
Ptitsyna N.G. /1/ |
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium
12, p. 574 |
Pukshanskii A.L. /1/ |
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals
2, p. 113 |
Pustovoit V.I. /1/ |
Absolute instability of a "trapped" packet of sound waves in an anisotropic-semiconductor plate
3, p. 144 |
Puzei I.M. /1/ |
Anomaly of subcritical neutron scattering and effect of ferromagnetic-matrix depolarization in an antiferro-ferromagnetic transition
6, p. 299 |
Rabinovich A.Z. /1/ |
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals
2, p. 80 |
Rachin V.A. /1/ |
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals
10, p. 491 |
Radkevich I.A. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Ragozin E.N. /1/ |
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A
12, p. 569 |
Ragul'skii V.V. /1/ |
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light
1, p. 41 |
Rashba E.I. /1/ |
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton
11, p. 538 |
Raspopov O.M. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Ravvin I.S. /1/ |
Absolute instability of a "trapped" packet of sound waves in an anisotropic-semiconductor plate
3, p. 144 |
Razbirin B.S. /1/ |
Biexcitons in II-VI crystals
4, p. 191 |
Razgonov I.I. /1/ |
Specular reflection of conduction electrons from the crystal surface in tungsten or copper
1, p. 30 |
Repinskii S.M. /1/ |
Phase transitions on the surfaces of germanium and silicon
4, p. 195 |
Rodionov B.U. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Rogachev A.A. /1/ |
Nonequilibrium orientation of electrons in electron-hole drops in silicon in a magnetic field
3, p. 154 |
Rogacheva L.F. /1/ |
Action of broadband pumping in excitation of SRS near resonance
3, p. 151 |
Roganov V.S. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Romanov V.S. /1/ |
Role of the dislocation mechanism in the polarization-echo phenomenon
3, p. 165 |
Rubenchik A.M. /2/ |
Effect of modulation instability on the relaxation of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma
1, p. 11 |
Lower-hybrid heating of a plasma in tokamaks
8, p. 358 |
Rudakov L.I. /1/ |
Modulation instability and strong turbulence in media with inverse dispersion
11, p. 520 |
Ryvkin S.M. /1/ |
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals
2, p. 113 |
Saakyan D.B. /1/ |
Energy difference between right-hand and left-hand molecules, due to parity nonconservation in weak interactions of electrons with nuclei
2, p. 106 |
Safarov V.I. /1/ |
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
12, p. 560 |
Salomov D zh. A. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Sapershtein E.E. /2/ |
Calculation of the Weizsackerjnass-formulajiarameters on the basis of the consistency conditions
4, p. 220 |
Manifestation of the proximity of atomic nuclei to the point of the π-condensate instability in inelastic scattering of nucleons
11, p. 548 |
Sartakov B.C. /2/ |
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action
9, p. 428 |
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field
12, p. 582 |
Savel'eva S.N. /1/ |
Possibility of reconstructing the pattern of conduction-electron scattering by the sample boundary from the experimental data
4, p. 187 |
Savel'ev G.I. /1/ |
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium
7, p. 331 |
Selivanov V.I. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Semkin V.N. /1/ |
Manifestation of mixed vibronic states in the far infrared spectra of TEA(TCNQ)2 and their contribution to the dielectric constant
1, p. 7 |
Sergeev N.A. /1/ |
Possibility of identifying the regions of localization of positive muons in crystals
2, p. 103 |
Serov R.V. /1/ |
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma
11, p. 531 |
Sharbatova G.S. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Shchegolev I.F. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Shchekotov A.Yu. /1/ |
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations
5, p. 237 |
Shchelev M.Ya. /1/ |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Shchepkin M.G. /1/ |
Mesons from gluons
12, p. 600 |
Shcherbina-Samoilova M.B. /1/ |
Phase transition of order 2 1/2 in zinc
11, p. 509 |
Sheka E.F. /1/ |
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton
11, p. 538 |
Shekhter R.I. /1/ |
Contribution to the theory of nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of metallic junctions
10, p. 465 |
Shemyakov A.A. /1/ |
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state
3, p. 162 |
Shepelev V.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Shevchenko A.D. /1/ |
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si |
3, p. 141 |
Shevel'ko A.P. /1/ |
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma
8, p. 373 |
Shevera V.S. /1/ |
Investigation of double ionization of inert-gas atoms by simultaneous knockout of s and p electrons by the bombarding electron beam
1, p. 33 |
Shibaeva R.P. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Shikanov A.S. /1/ |
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma
9, p. 415 |
Shikin V.B. /1/ |
Cyclotron resonance with surface electrons in liquid helium
9, p. 425 |
Shkar' V.F. /1/ |
Low-temperature (to 15 K) conductivity of the compound IMb-H
7, p. 313 |
Shklyaev A.A. /1/ |
Phase transitions on the surfaces of germanium and silicon
4, p. 195 |
Shmaenok L.A. /1/ |
Photoionization of helium from the excited state 4p1P1 |
11, p. 527 |
Shotov A.P. /1/ |
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice
4, p. 185 |
Shreter Yu.G. /1/ |
Resonant emission of electron-hole drops at plasma frequency
11, p. 524 |
Shumilov E.V. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Simonov B.B. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Skachkov N.B. /2/ |
Harmonic analysis on a Lorentz group and the proton form factor
7, p. 334 |
Factorizability hypothesis in the quark model and large-angle elastic scattering of hadrons
9, p. 452 |
Skhtoryan E.S. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Sklizkov G.V. /1/ |
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma
9, p. 415 |
Skripnik N.S. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Slepchenko L.A. /1/ |
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum
6, p. 306 |
Slowinski B. /1/ |
Angular distributions of the protons in the reaction π+ + Xeπ p+ • • • at 2.34 GeV/c as a background for the shock-wave effect
4, p. 211 |
Smirenkin G.N. /1/ |
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei
1, p. 65 |
Smirnova T.V. /1/ |
Absorption of light by "drops" of the metallic phase near the semiconductor-metal phase transition in VO2 |
10, p. 474 |
Smirnov V.S. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Smolin S.P. /1/ |
Effect of microwave breakdown in germanium of the kinetics of electron-hole drops
9, p. 436 |
Snezhkin E.N. /1/ |
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam
3, p. 158 |
Sobel'man I.I. /2/ |
Energy difference between right-hand and left-hand molecules, due to parity nonconservation in weak interactions of electrons with nuclei
2, p. 106 |
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A
12, p. 569 |
Sobyanin A.A. /1/ |
Superconducting system with weak coupling to the current in the ground state
7, p. 314 |
Sokolov L.I. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Sokolov V.I. /1/ |
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets
8, p. 369 |
Sokolov V.N. /1/ |
Periodic structures in phase transitions of electron-phonon systems by a deformation interaction in a magnetic field
1, p. 22 |
Solov'eva L.E. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Solov'eva N.A. /1/ |
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets
8, p. 369 |
Solov'ev V.G. /1/ |
Calculation of E1 radiative strength functions in semimagic nuclei
9, p. 459 |
Solovtsov I.L. /2/ |
Harmonic analysis on a Lorentz group and the proton form factor
7, p. 334 |
Factorizability hypothesis in the quark model and large-angle elastic scattering of hadrons
9, p. 452 |
Sonin A.S. /1/ |
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals
2, p. 80 |
Sonin E.B. /1/ |
Superfluidity of Bose condensate of electron-hole pairs
2, p. 95 |
Sopov V.S. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Sorokin G.A. /1/ |
Charge distribution in anomalous nuclei
10, p. 495 |
Soskin M.S. /1/ |
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors
9, p. 432 |
Sosnovtsev V.V. /1/ |
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method
9, p. 401 |
Stabnikov M.V. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Stolyarov S.N. /1/ |
Optical analog of the magnus effect
3, p. 148 |
Stoyanov Ch. /1/ |
Calculation of E1 radiative strength functions in semimagic nuclei
9, p. 459 |
Strizhevskii V.L. /1/ |
Stimulated Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons
5, p. 269 |
Strugalski Z. /1/ |
Angular distributions of the protons in the reaction π+ + Xeπ p+ • • • at 2.34 GeV/c as a background for the shock-wave effect
4, p. 211 |
Strukov B.A. /1/ |
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals
2, p. 80 |
Sturman B.I. /1/ |
Lower-hybrid heating of a plasma in tokamaks
8, p. 358 |
Suetin V.A. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Sukhodol'skii A.T. /1/ |
Observation of interference of direct and cascade processes in active spectroscopy of polaritons
5, p. 240 |
Sulkovskaya M.M. /1/ |
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation
1, p. 68 |
Sun-Tszin-Yan G.Ya. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Surunyan A.M. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Sustarov A.F. /1/ |
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation
1, p. 68 |
Sychev A.A. /1/ |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Szymczak G. /1/ |
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite
5, p. 258 |
Szymczak R. /1/ |
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite
5, p. 258 |
Tarasov N.A. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Tartakovskii I.I. /1/ |
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures
6, p. 285 |
Tavkhelidze A.N. /1/ |
Are additional heavy quarks necessary to explain the observed behavior of R(s)?
9, p. 456 |
Tevzadze Yu.V. /1/ |
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum
6, p. 306 |
Thiele U. /1/ |
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 |
12, p. 557 |
Tikhomirov I.N. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Timofeev V.B. /1/ |
Quantum oscillations of the intensity of induced radiation of an electron-hole liquid in CdS crystals
1, p. 47 |
Timofeev V.S. /1/ |
Biexcitons in the emission spectrum of uniaxially deformed silicon
10, p. 487 |
Titov R.A. /1/ |
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals
10, p. 491 |
Tolmachev A.I. /1/ |
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser
8, p. 366 |
Tolokonnikov S.V. /1/ |
Manifestation of the proximity of atomic nuclei to the point of the π-condensate instability in inelastic scattering of nucleons
11, p. 548 |
Tolstov K.D. /1/ |
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei
12, p. 586 |
Tret'yakova M.I. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Trofimova T.N. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Troitskii M.A. /1/ |
Influence of pi condensate on single-nucleon absorption of slow pions by atomic nuclei
2, p. 136 |
Trubnikov A.S. /1/ |
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam
3, p. 158 |
Tsarenkov B.V. /1/ |
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
12, p. 560 |
Tsarenkov G.V. /1/ |
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
12, p. 560 |
Tsoi V.S. /2/ |
Specular reflection of conduction electrons from the crystal surface in tungsten or copper
1, p. 30 |
Short-period oscillations of the collector voltage in the case of transverse electron focusing in bismuth
6, p. 289 |
Tsvetkova T.N. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Tsymbal L.T. /1/ |
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum
2, p. 98 |
Tsytovich V.N. /1/ |
Modulation instability and strong turbulence in media with inverse dispersion
11, p. 520 |
Tulin V.A. /1/ |
Nuclear magnetic resonance mode interaction in RbMnF3 |
10, p. 476 |
Turdakina E.N. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Turkin A.A. /1/ |
Experimental observation of a new nonreciprocal magneto-optical effect
9, p. 404 |
Tverskoi M.G. /1/ |
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei
7, p. 337 |
Ul'yachenko A.A. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Ural'tsev I.N. /1/ |
Biexcitons in II-VI crystals
4, p. 191 |
Usmanov T.M. /1/ |
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region
9, p. 450 |
Vainrub A.M. /1/ |
Manifestation of mixed vibronic states in the far infrared spectra of TEA(TCNQ)2 and their contribution to the dielectric constant
1, p. 7 |
Valov P.M. /1/ |
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals
2, p. 113 |
Valyanskaya T.V. /1/ |
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets
8, p. 369 |
Varlamov V.V. /1/ |
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV
2, p. 123 |
Vartapetyan G.A. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Varyukhin S.V. /1/ |
Temperature minimum of the resistivity of beryllium
1, p. 58 |
Varyukhin V.V. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Vasil'ev A.N. /1/ |
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet
5, p. 248 |
Vidmont N.A. /1/ |
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures
6, p. 285 |
Vinetskii V.L. /1/ |
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors
9, p. 432 |
Vinogradova V.M. /1/ |
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system
4, p. 204 |
Vistin L.K. /1/ |
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals
4, p. 201 |
Vlasenko L.S. /1/ |
Inversion of nuclear magnetization of compensated silicon in interband absorption of light in weak magnetic fields
4, p. 207 |
Vlasova R.M. /1/ |
Manifestation of mixed vibronic states in the far infrared spectra of TEA(TCNQ)2 and their contribution to the dielectric constant
1, p. 7 |
Volkov A.S. /1/ |
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field
12, p. 560 |
Volovik G.E. /1/ |
Rotating 3He-A |
1, p. 26 |
Voronov V.V. /1/ |
Calculation of E1 radiative strength functions in semimagic nuclei
9, p. 459 |
Vortanov Yu.A. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region
12, p. 594 |
Voskresenskii D.N. /1/ |
Charge distribution in anomalous nuclei
10, p. 495 |
Vukovic S. /1/ |
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 351 |
Vul B.M. /1/ |
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system
4, p. 204 |
Wolf G. /1/ |
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 |
12, p. 557 |
Yagubskii E.B. /2/ |
Magnetoresistance of the high-conductivity complex TTT2I3
5, p. 254 |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Yagudina F.R. /1/ |
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c
6, p. 309 |
Yakubovskii E.A. /1/ |
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons
2, p. 127 |
Yaroshetskii I.D. /1/ |
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals
2, p. 113 |
Yashkir Yu.N. /1/ |
Stimulated Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons
5, p. 269 |
Yudson V.I. /1/ |
Interband transitions and the possibility of current states in systems with electron-hole pairing
1, p. 18 |
Yuldashev A.A. /1/ |
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region
9, p. 450 |
Yuldashev B.S. /1/ |
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region
9, p. 450 |
Yurchakevich E.E. /1/ |
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice
4, p. 185 |
Zakharenkov Yu.A. /1/ |
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma
9, p. 415 |
Zakharov V.E. /2/ |
Effect of modulation instability on the relaxation of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma
1, p. 11 |
Multidimensional method of the inverse scattering problem and duality equations for the Yang-Mills field
12, p. 603 |
Zamolodchikov A.B. /1/ |
Exact two-particle S matrix of quantum solitons of the sine-Gordon model
10, p. 499 |
Zapesochnyi I.P. /1/ |
Investigation of double ionization of inert-gas atoms by simultaneous knockout of s and p electrons by the bombarding electron beam
1, p. 33 |
Zaporozhets I.E. /1/ |
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors
9, p. 432 |
Zavaritskaya E.I. /1/ |
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system
4, p. 204 |
Zavaritskii N.V. /1/ |
Observation of dragging of the electrons of tin by sound
1, p. 61 |
Zavaritskii O.I. /1/ |
Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism of conducting magnets with ions in a singlet ground state
11, p. 505 |
Zel'dovich B.Ya. /2/ |
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light
1, p. 41 |
Energy difference between right-hand and left-hand molecules, due to parity nonconservation in weak interactions of electrons with nuclei
2, p. 106 |
Zel'dovich O.Ya. /1/ |
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c
8, p. 393 |
Zel'dovich Ya.B. /1/ |
Neutron collisions in a thermonuclear plasma
1, p. 29 |
Zelenyi L.M. /1/ |
Model of magnetic-field reconnection in a plane layer of collisionless plasma
9, p. 407 |
Zharov A.A. /1/ |
Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma
8, p. 355 |
Zherikhin A.N. /1/ |
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses
7, p. 325 |
Zhitnikov R.A. /1/ |
Inversion of nuclear magnetization of compensated silicon in interband absorption of light in weak magnetic fields
4, p. 207 |
Zhitniskii A.R. /1/ |
Asymptotic form of hadronic form factors in the quark model
11, p. 544 |
Zhukov V.A. /1/ |
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth
7, p. 322 |
Zinov'eva K.N. /1/ |
Damping of second sound in rotating He4 |
8, p. 389 |
Zinov'ev A.N. /1/ |
Recombination of hydrogen in a quasi-stationary thermonuclear plasma
4, p. 223 |
Zolotukhin S.P. /1/ |
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition
10, p. 480 |
Zvereva G.I. /1/ |
Magnetoresistance of the high-conductivity complex TTT2I3
5, p. 254 |
Zverev V.N. /1/ |
Heating of electron subsystem by the Dember field in ambipolar diffusion in germanium
1, p. 44 |