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      Volume 21
Abduzhamilov Sh. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Abesalashvili L.N. /1/
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum 6, p. 306
Abramov B.M. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Abramyan L.O. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Adamovich A.I. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Adamyan F.V. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Agan'yants A.O. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Airapetov E.A. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Akhmanov S.A. /1/
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light 9, p. 444
Akimov A.V. /1/
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals 10, p. 491
Akulin V.M. /1/
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action 9, p. 428
Alekseevskii N.E. /1/
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 12, p. 557
Aliev Yu.M. /1/
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 351
Alimpiev S.S. /2/
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action 9, p. 428
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Altukhov P.O. /1/
Nonequilibrium orientation of electrons in electron-hole drops in silicon in a magnetic field 3, p. 154
Amaglobeli N.S. /1/
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum 6, p. 306
Andreev Yu.M. /1/
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction 12, p. 593
Andrukovich E.V. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Antipov I.Yu. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Antipov S.V. /1/
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam 3, p. 158
Armaganyan A.A. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Arykov A.A. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Askar'yan G.A. /1/
Acoustic registration of high-energy neutrinos 5, p. 232
Atsarkin V.A. /1/
Direct observation of NMR in a rotating coordinate system and suppression of nuclear dipole interactions in a solid 5, p. 233
Avakyan R.O. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Avanesyan G.T. /1/
Metal phonon-spectrum singularities determined by local geometry of the Fermi surface 8, p. 381
Azimov S.A. /2/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region 9, p. 450
Babaev A.I. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Babenko V.A. /1/
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Babitsyna A.A. /1/
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state 3, p. 162
Bagasaryan L.S. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Bagraev N.T. /1/
Inversion of nuclear magnetization of compensated silicon in interband absorption of light in weak magnetic fields 4, p. 207
Bagratashvili V.N. /1/
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Bakanov L.V. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Bannik B.P. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Baranov D.G. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Bashkin E.P. /1/
Spin waves in a degenerate solution of He3 in superfluid He4 1, p. 3
Bashkirov Yu.A. /1/
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system 4, p. 204
Basun S.A. /1/
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals 10, p. 491
Belavin A.A. /1/
Multidimensional method of the inverse scattering problem and duality equations for the Yang-Mills field 12, p. 603
Belik V.P. /1/
Photoionization of helium from the excited state 4p1P1 11, p. 527
Belov K.P. /1/
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets 8, p. 369
Beregulin E.V. /1/
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals 2, p. 113
Berezinskii V.S. /1/
Cosmic neutrino and the possibility of searching for W bosons with masses 30-100 GeV in underwater experiments 5, p. 276
Berezov V.M. /1/
Role of the dislocation mechanism in the polarization-echo phenomenon 3, p. 165
Bobashev S.V. /1/
Photoionization of helium from the excited state 4p1P1 11, p. 527
Bobkov V.G. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Bobodzhanov I. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Bogdanova Kh.G. /1/
Acoustic nuclear spin echo in the antiferromagnets KMnF3 and RbMnF3 6, p. 292
Bogolyubskii I.L. /1/
Dynamics of spherically symmetrical pulsons of large amplitude 2, p. 120
Bolotovskii B.N. /1/
Optical analog of the magnus effect 3, p. 148
Bolozdynya A.I. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Boos E.G. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Borisenko A.I. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Borovik A.E. /1/
Solitons in a system of parametrically excited waves 9, p. 438
Bragina T.M. /1/
Resonant emission of electron-hole drops at plasma frequency 11, p. 524
Brakhman E.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Brandt N.B. /1/
Change of connectivity of the electron equal-energy surface of Bi under pressure 8, p. 361
Broude V.L. /1/
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures 6, p. 285
Bryzhina M.F. /1/
Investigation of acoustic activity in crystals by the method of Bragg reflection of light 11, p. 513
Bugaev E.V. /1/
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction 12, p. 593
Bulaevskii L.N. /1/
Superconducting system with weak coupling to the current in the ground state 7, p. 314
Bunakov V.E. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Bunkin A.F. /1/
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light 9, p. 444
Burakhovich I.A. /1/
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen 1, p. 37
Burshtein A.I. /1/
Kinetics of saturation of the Doppler spectrum 5, p. 251
Bushmarin V.A. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Butenko T.F. /1/
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum 2, p. 98
Cadez V. /1/
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 351
Chargeishvili M.S. /1/
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum 6, p. 306
Chekalin S.V. /1/
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses 7, p. 325
Chekmarev V.P. /1/
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls 4, p. 181
Chekunaev N.I. /1/
Influence of pi condensate on single-nucleon absorption of slow pions by atomic nuclei 2, p. 136
Chernoutsan A.I. /1/
Charge distribution in anomalous nuclei 10, p. 495
Chernova L.P. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Chernova N.I. /1/
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals 2, p. 80
Chernov G.M. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Chernozatonskii L.A. /1/
Absolute instability of a "trapped" packet of sound waves in an anisotropic-semiconductor plate 3, p. 144
Chernyak V.L. /1/
Asymptotic form of hadronic form factors in the quark model 11, p. 544
Chernyavskii M.M. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Chetyrkin K.G. /1/
Are additional heavy quarks necessary to explain the observed behavior of R(s)? 9, p. 456
Chevokin V.K. /1/
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma 8, p. 373
Chirkov V.A. /1/
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A 12, p. 569
Chistyakov I.G. /1/
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals 4, p. 201
Chudinov S.M. /1/
Change of connectivity of the electron equal-energy surface of Bi under pressure 8, p. 361
Chudnovskii E.M. /1/
Multiple production of particles in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking 4, p. 215
Chudnovskii F.A. /1/
Absorption of light by "drops" of the metallic phase near the semiconductor-metal phase transition in VO2 10, p. 474
Chumakova S.P. /1/
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals 4, p. 201
Chumakova S.V. /1/
Viscoelastic relaxation of nematic liquid crystals in the region of the isotropic-nematic transitions 5, p. 266
Chuvijo I.V. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Dakadze S.D. /1/
Damping of second sound in rotating He4 8, p. 389
Danilova N.P. /1/
Phase transition of order 2 1/2 in zinc 11, p. 509
Danilov M.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Demekhina N.A. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Dite A.F. /1/
Quantum oscillations of the intensity of induced radiation of an electron-hole liquid in CdS crystals 1, p. 47
Dobrovol'skii N.M. /1/
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 12, p. 557
Dolgoshein B.A. /1/
Acoustic registration of high-energy neutrinos 5, p. 232
Dukhovskoi I.A. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Dzyaloshinskii I.E. /1/
New type of magnetic domains in multisublattice antiferromagnets 9, p. 442
Dzyaloshkinskii I.E. /1/
Domains and dislocations in antiferromagnets 2, p. 110
Edel'man V.S. /1/
Nonlinear cyclotron resonance of electrons localized over the surface of liquid helium 9, p. 422
Edwards David F. /1/
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma 11, p. 531
Efros A.L. /1/
Coulomb gap in disordered systems. Numerical experiment in one-dimensional model 2, p. 77
Egorov O.K. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Egorov V.S. /1/
Temperature minimum of the resistivity of beryllium 1, p. 58
Ekimov A.I. /1/
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field 12, p. 560
Eliseev G.P. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
El'-Nagi A. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Eremeev V.G. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Eremenko V.V. /1/
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite 5, p. 258
Erenburg A.I. /1/
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen 1, p. 37
Erikhman N.S. /1/
Density of states in a one-dimensional semiconductor with narrow forbidden band in the presence of impurities 4, p. 197
Ermakov K.N. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Ermilov A.I. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Esayan S.Kh. /1/
Investigation of acoustic activity in crystals by the method of Bragg reflection of light 11, p. 513
Falaleev O.V. /1/
Possibility of identifying the regions of localization of positive muons in crystals 2, p. 103
Fayans S.A. /1/
Manifestation of the proximity of atomic nuclei to the point of the π-condensate instability in inelastic scattering of nucleons 11, p. 548
Fedorets V.S. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Figotin A.L. /1/
Rigorously solvable model of spin glass 8, p. 348
Filippova T.I. /1/
Investigation of deuteron beams generated in a plasma focus 5, p. 262
Filippov N.V. /1/
Investigation of deuteron beams generated in a plasma focus 5, p. 262
Finkel'shtem A.M. /1/
Correlation functions in the one-dimensional Hubbard model 2, p. 83
Firsov V.G. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Firsov Yu.A. /1/
Phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional system of weakly bound one-dimensional metallic filaments 2, p. 90
Flerov V.N. /1/
Anomalies of low-temperature resistivity of metals 1, p. 54
Fomin P.I. /1/
Multiple production of particles in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking 4, p. 215
Freiman Yu.A. /1/
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen 1, p. 37
Gadzhieva S.I. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Gagarin Yu.F. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Gaidukov Yu.P. /1/
Phase transition of order 2 1/2 in zinc 11, p. 509
Galakhova N.V. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Galaktionov Yu.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Galeev A.A. /1/
Model of magnetic-field reconnection in a plane layer of collisionless plasma 9, p. 407
Galitskii V.M. /1/
Width of compression-wave front in nuclear matter 3, p. 175
Galkin A.A. /1/
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum 2, p. 98
Galumyan P.I. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Gantmakher V.F. /1/
Heating of electron subsystem by the Dember field in ambipolar diffusion in germanium 1, p. 44
Gazizov A.Z. /1/
Cosmic neutrino and the possibility of searching for W bosons with masses 30-100 GeV in underwater experiments 5, p. 276
Gedalin E.V. /1/
Inclusive cross sections for the production of particles with large transverse momenta on nuclei 5, p. 279
Gel'mont B.L. /1/
Coulomb gap in disordered systems. Numerical experiment in one-dimensional model 2, p. 77
Gerbshtein Yu.M. /1/
Absorption of light by "drops" of the metallic phase near the semiconductor-metal phase transition in VO2 10, p. 474
Gershenzon E.M. /1/
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium 12, p. 574
Getmanov B.S. /1/
New Lorentz-invariant system with exact multisoliton solutions 2, p. 132
Gladkii V.V. /1/
Macroscopic quadrupole moment of a crystal in the region of a structural phase transition 11, p. 541
Gnatchenko S.L. /1/
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite 5, p. 258
Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A. /1/
Acoustic nuclear spin echo in the antiferromagnets KMnF3 and RbMnF3 6, p. 292
Golo V.L. /1/
Topology of gauge fields with several vacuums 5, p. 272
Gol'tsman G.N. /1/
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium 12, p. 574
Goman'kov V.I. /1/
Anomaly of subcritical neutron scattering and effect of ferromagnetic-matrix depolarization in an antiferro-ferromagnetic transition 6, p. 299
Gordeev Yu.S. /1/
Recombination of hydrogen in a quasi-stationary thermonuclear plasma 4, p. 223
Gor'kov L.P. /1/
Remark on the Frohlich conductivity in one-dimensional systems 8, p. 384
Gorodkov Yu.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Govorkov S.A. /1/
Nuclear magnetic resonance mode interaction in RbMnF3 10, p. 476
Gradov O.M. /1/
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 351
Grebinnik V.G. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Grib A.A. /1/
Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry in a homogeneous isotropic universe of the open type 6, p. 302
Grishin A.M. /1/
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum 2, p. 98
Gulamov V. K.G. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Gurevich A.V. /1/
Current generation in the interaction of a beam of accelerated multiply charged ions with a plasma 10, p. 469
Gurevich I.I. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Gurevich V.L. /1/
Quantum induced acoustic transparency of conductors 12, p. 566
Ignatyuk A.V. /1/
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei 1, p. 65
Ilyukhin A.A. /1/
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A 12, p. 569
Ishkhanov B.S. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Itkis M.G. /1/
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei 1, p. 65
Ivanov A.A. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Ivanova N.S. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Ivanov B.A. /1/
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave of a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons 11, p. 516
Ivanov S.G. /1/
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light 9, p. 444
Kaganov M.I. /1/
Metal phonon-spectrum singularities determined by local geometry of the Fermi surface 8, p. 381
Kalinnikov V.T. /1/
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state 3, p. 162
Kaminskii V.F. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Kaplan A.E. /1/
Erratum: Hysteresis reflection and refraction by a nonlinear boundary-a new class of effects in nonlinear optics [JETP Lett. 24, No. 3, 114-119 (5 August 1976)] 7, p. 341
Kaplyanskii A.A. /1/
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals 10, p. 491
Kapustin I.N. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Karimov Yu.S. /1/
Magnetoresistance of the high-conductivity complex TTT2I3 5, p. 254
Karlov N.V. /4/
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes 7, p. 318
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action 9, p. 428
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms 11, p. 535
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Karnaukhov V.A. /1/
Superheavy nuclei and pion condensation 7, p. 328
Karpman V.I. /1/
Modified conservation laws for nonlinear waves 6, p. 296
Kartamyshev A.A. /1/
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation 1, p. 68
Kas'yanov Yu.S. /1/
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma 8, p. 373
Kazanskaya A.M. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Kazaryan G.Kh. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Khalatnikov L.M. /1/
Lagrange equations of the hydrodynamics of the anisotropic superfluid liquid He3-A 8, p. 377
Kharchenko N.F. /1/
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite 5, p. 258
Kharlamov S.P. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Khidekel' M.L. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Khilyuto I.G. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Khodel' V.E. /1/
Calculation of the Weizsackerjnass-formulajiarameters on the basis of the consistency conditions 4, p. 220
Khodosov E.F. /1/
Low-temperature (to 15 K) conductivity of the compound IMb-H 7, p. 313
Khokhlov E.M. /2/
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action 9, p. 428
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Khomskii D.I. /1/
Cooperative Jahn-Teller transitions with tripling of the period: CaCuCI3 12, p. 579
Khoshmukhamedov R.A. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Khrushchev V.A. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Khudoveryan A.G. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Khurshudyan L.S. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Kim A.Yu. /1/
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 351
Kirichenko O.V. /1/
Possibility of reconstructing the pattern of conduction-electron scattering by the sample boundary from the experimental data 4, p. 187
Kirkikov V.A. /1/
Macroscopic quadrupole moment of a crystal in the region of a structural phase transition 11, p. 541
Kishkurno V.V. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Klimov A.I. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Kobzarov N.Yu. /1/
Mesons from gluons 12, p. 600
Kochelap V.A. /1/
Periodic structures in phase transitions of electron-phonon systems by a deformation interaction in a magnetic field 1, p. 22
Kofman A.G. /1/
Kinetics of saturation of the Doppler spectrum 5, p. 251
Kohlmetskaya A.V. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Koldaev M.V. /1/
Influence of pi condensate on single-nucleon absorption of slow pions by atomic nuclei 2, p. 136
Kondrat'ev I.C. /1/
Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 355
Kondryatuk L.A. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Kopnin N.B. /1/
Rotating 3He-A 1, p. 26
Kopysov Yu.S. /1/
Solar neutrinos and the role of exchange currents in the pp reaction 12, p. 593
Kopytenko Yu.A. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Korobkin V.V. /1/
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma 11, p. 531
Koroteev N.I. /1/
Coherent ellipsometry of Raman scattering of light 9, p. 444
Korshunov A.A. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Korshunov V.V. /1/
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures 6, p. 285
Kosevich A.M. /1/
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave of a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons 11, p. 516
Koshelev K.N. /1/
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses 7, p. 325
Kosobukin V.A. /1/
Resonant emission of electron-hole drops at plasma frequency 11, p. 524
Kostadinov I.Z. /1/
Hopping conductivity of disordered semiconductors in strong fields 8, p. 345
Kotov A.I. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Kotyuzhanskii B.Ya. /1/
Oscillations of past-threshold susceptibility in parametric excitation of electron magnons in antiferromagnetic CsMnF3 9, p. 412
Kovalev A.S. /1/
Nonlinear localized magnetization wave of a ferromagnet as a bound state of a large number of magnons 11, p. 516
Kovtun N.M. /1/
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state 3, p. 162
Kozhushner M.A. /1/
Concerning one possibility of obtaining beams of polarized ions 5, p. 229
Kozlov A.N. /1/
Anomalies of low-temperature resistivity of metals 1, p. 54
Krive I.V. /1/
Multiple production of particles in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking 4, p. 215
Krivenko T.A. /1/
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton 11, p. 538
Krokhin O.N. /1/
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma 9, p. 415
Krupskii I.N. /1/
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen 1, p. 37
Krutenkova A.P. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Krynetskii B.B. /2/
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes 7, p. 318
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms 11, p. 535
Kryukov P.G. /1/
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses 7, p. 325
Kudinova M.A. /1/
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Kudinov V.I. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Kukhtarev N.V. /1/
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors 9, p. 432
Kulakovskii V.D. /1/
Biexcitons in the emission spectrum of uniaxially deformed silicon 10, p. 487
Kulik I.O. /1/
Contribution to the theory of nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of metallic junctions 10, p. 465
Kulikov V.N. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Kuliko vV.V. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Kulikov V.V. /1/
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls 4, p. 181
Kutsidi N.K. /1/
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum 6, p. 306
Kuzii V.V. /1/
Superconducting system with weak coupling to the current in the ground state 7, p. 314
Kuz'min V.A. /1/
Are additional heavy quarks necessary to explain the observed behavior of R(s)? 9, p. 456
Laptin L.P. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Larionova V.G. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Lebedev A.N. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Lebedev V.D. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Lebedev V.V. /1/
Lagrange equations of the hydrodynamics of the anisotropic superfluid liquid He3-A 8, p. 377
Leiderman A.V. /1/
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton 11, p. 538
Lemanov V.V. /1/
Investigation of acoustic activity in crystals by the method of Bragg reflection of light 11, p. 513
Lepekhin F.G. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Letokhov V.S. /2/
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses 7, p. 325
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Levinson I.B. /1/
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures 6, p. 285
Levintov I.I. /1/
Concerning one possibility of obtaining beams of polarized ions 5, p. 229
Leznov A.N. /1/
Symmetry of instanton solutions in gauge theories 4, p. 218
Likholit N.I. /1/
Stimulated Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons 5, p. 269
Lipatov L.N. /1/
Divergence of the perturbation-theory series and pseudoparticles 2, p. 116
Lipin V.D. /1/
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region 9, p. 450
Lisker I.S. /1/
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals 2, p. 113
Lisovskaya T.Yu. /1/
Metal phonon-spectrum singularities determined by local geometry of the Fermi surface 8, p. 381
Lizunov V.V. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Lobko V.V. /1/
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Lozovik Yu.E. /1/
Interband transitions and the possibility of current states in systems with electron-hole pairing 1, p. 18
Lugovoi V.N. /1/
New type of optical parametric generator and amplifier 12, p. 563
Lundin A.G. /1/
Possibility of identifying the regions of localization of positive muons in crystals 2, p. 103
L'vov V.S. /1/
Effect of modulation instability on the relaxation of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma 1, p. 11
Lyagushin V.I. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Lyubimov V.A. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Lyubovskii R.B. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Lyuksyutov I.F. /1/
Scattering of high-frequency sound near the X transition in He 9, p. 419
Maiorov V.N. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Makar'in V.K. /1/
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation 1, p. 68
Makarov A.A. /1/
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Makhan'kov V.G. /1/
Dynamics of spherically symmetrical pulsons of large amplitude 2, p. 120
Maksimov A.A. /1/
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures 6, p. 285
Malyshev V.I. /1/
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Manakov S.V. /1/
Pulsating solitons 12, p. 589
Manenkov A.A. /1/
Effect of microwave breakdown in germanium of the kinetics of electron-hole drops 9, p. 436
Manukyan Zh.V. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Manych A.P. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Manzhavidze I.D. /1/
Instability in a theory with strong coupling of vacuum reggeons 3, p. 171
Marchenko V.A. /1/
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si 3, p. 141
Markeeva Yu.M. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Markelov V.A. /1/
Experimental observation of a new nonreciprocal magneto-optical effect 9, p. 404
Martem'yanov V.B. /1/
Mesons from gluons 12, p. 600
Mar'yanova L.I. /1/
Viscoelastic relaxation of nematic liquid crystals in the region of the isotropic-nematic transitions 5, p. 266
Maslenikova /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Matsyuk M.A. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Matviichuk A.S. /1/
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors 9, p. 432
Mazing M.A. /1/
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma 8, p. 373
Mefed A.E. /1/
Direct observation of NMR in a rotating coordinate system and suppression of nuclear dipole interactions in a solid 5, p. 233
Meierovich A.E. /1/
High-frequency susceptibility of crystalline He3 10, p. 485
Mel'nikov E.V. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Mel'nikov N.A. /1/
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light 1, p. 41
Mikhailov G.V. /1/
Biexcitons in II-VI crystals 4, p. 191
Mikhailov V.A. /1/
Action of broadband pumping in excitation of SRS near resonance 3, p. 151
Mill' B.V. /1/
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets 8, p. 369
Miller M.A. /1/
Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 355
Mil'ner A.A. /1/
Observation of spontaneous canting of the spontaneous sublattices in the hexagonal antiferromagnet CsMnF3 5, p. 244
Minaichev E.V. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Miroshkin V.V. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Miroshnichenko V.P. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Mishin V.A. /2/
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes 7, p. 318
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms 11, p. 535
Mogilevskil M.M. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Mokhov B.N. /1/
Anomaly of subcritical neutron scattering and effect of ferromagnetic-matrix depolarization in an antiferro-ferromagnetic transition 6, p. 299
Molchanov O.A. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Monakhov A.A. /1/
Acoustic nuclear spin echo in the antiferromagnets KMnF3 and RbMnF3 6, p. 292
Monastyrskii M.I. /1/
Topology of gauge fields with several vacuums 5, p. 272
Morozova P.V. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Moshchalkov V.V. /1/
Change of connectivity of the electron equal-energy surface of Bi under pressure 8, p. 361
Mostepanenko V.M. /1/
Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry in a homogeneous isotropic universe of the open type 6, p. 302
Motylev S.L. /1/
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma 11, p. 531
Mukhin K.N. /1/
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation 1, p. 68
Mul'giri S.I. /1/
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei 1, p. 65
Muradyan E.M. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Musher S.L. /1/
Lower-hybrid heating of a plasma in tokamaks 8, p. 358
Myasishcheva G.G. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Myshkin V.E. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Nagaev E.L. /2/
Ferromagnetic semiconductors with giant blue shift of the absorption edge 2, p. 87
Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism of conducting magnets with ions in a singlet ground state 11, p. 505
Nagovitsyn V.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Nesterov M.M. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Nezlin M.V. /1/
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam 3, p. 158
Nikishin S.A. /1/
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field 12, p. 560
Nikolaev N.N. /1/
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice 4, p. 185
Nikol'skii B.A. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Novikov M.A. /1/
Experimental observation of a new nonreciprocal magneto-optical effect 9, p. 404
Obukov Yu.V. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Odintsov V.I. /1/
Action of broadband pumping in excitation of SRS near resonance 3, p. 151
Odulov S.G. /1/
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors 9, p. 432
Okolovich V.N. /1/
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei 1, p. 65
Olimov K. /1/
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region 9, p. 450
Ol'shanetskii B.Z. /1/
Phase transitions on the surfaces of germanium and silicon 4, p. 195
Omelyanchuk A.N. /1/
Contribution to the theory of nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of metallic junctions 10, p. 465
Orlova G.I. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Osipov B.D. /1/
Magnetic hyperfine structure of the quadrupole spectrum of the CH3I molecule 1, p. 14
Ostrovskii B.I. /1/
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals 2, p. 80
Ovchinnikov A.A. /1/
Density of states in a one-dimensional semiconductor with narrow forbidden band in the presence of impurities 4, p. 197
Pan V.M. /1/
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si 3, p. 141
Papp W.-F. /1/
Investigation of double ionization of inert-gas atoms by simultaneous knockout of s and p electrons by the bombarding electron beam 1, p. 33
Parkhomenko V.V. /1/
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals 4, p. 201
Pashkov A.F. /1/
Factorizability hypothesis in the quark model and large-angle elastic scattering of hadrons 9, p. 452
Pashuk V.V. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Pastur L.A. /1/
Rigorously solvable model of spin glass 8, p. 348
Patarkin O.O. /1/
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation 1, p. 68
Pavlova N.P. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Peregudov G.V. /1/
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A 12, p. 569
Pertsovskii R.A. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Peschanskii V.G. /1/
Possibility of reconstructing the pattern of conduction-electron scattering by the sample boundary from the experimental data 4, p. 187
Petrov A.A. /1/
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls 4, p. 181
Petrov M.P. /2/
Dynamic frequency shift of NMR of nuclei in domain walls 4, p. 181
Recombination of hydrogen in a quasi-stationary thermonuclear plasma 4, p. 223
Petrov V.I. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Pikus G.E. /1/
Nonequilibrium orientation of electrons in electron-hole drops in silicon in a magnetic field 3, p. 154
Pilipetskii N.F. /1/
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light 1, p. 41
Pilippsyan S.E. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Pirogov A.V. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Pitaevskii L.P. /1/
Temperature dependence of the mutual friction force in helium near the point 3, p. 168
Platonenko V.T. /1/
Mechanism of collisionless dissociation of molecules in the strong field of an IR laser 1, p. 52
Plyaskin V.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Pogorel'skii Yu.V. /1/
Quantum induced acoustic transparency of conductors 12, p. 566
Pogrebnikov M.M. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Pokrovskii V.L. /1/
Scattering of high-frequency sound near the X transition in He 9, p. 419
Polikanov S.M. /1/
Superheavy nuclei and pion condensation 7, p. 328
Polivanov Yu.N. /1/
Observation of interference of direct and cascade processes in active spectroscopy of polaritons 5, p. 240
Ponomarev A.N. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Popkov Yu.A. /1/
Observation of spontaneous canting of the spontaneous sublattices in the hexagonal antiferromagnet CsMnF3 5, p. 244
Potapov V.P. /1/
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice 4, p. 185
Prigodin V.N. /1/
Phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional system of weakly bound one-dimensional metallic filaments 2, p. 90
Prokhorov A.M. /4/
Use of the method of two-step photoionization and mass filtration for the study of the hfs of odd isotopes 7, p. 318
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action 9, p. 428
Laser-spectroscopy measurement of the cross section of excitation transfer in a gas of like atoms 11, p. 535
Prokhorov V.G. /1/
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si 3, p. 141
Prokhvatilov A.I. /1/
Elementary-excitation spectrum and phase transitions of solid oxygen 1, p. 37
Propkopenko V.K. /1/
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state 3, p. 162
Prozorova L.A. /1/
Oscillations of past-threshold susceptibility in parametric excitation of electron magnons in antiferromagnetic CsMnF3 9, p. 412
Ptitsyna N.G. /1/
Carrier lifetime in excited states of shallow impurities in germanium 12, p. 574
Pukshanskii A.L. /1/
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals 2, p. 113
Pustovoit V.I. /1/
Absolute instability of a "trapped" packet of sound waves in an anisotropic-semiconductor plate 3, p. 144
Puzei I.M. /1/
Anomaly of subcritical neutron scattering and effect of ferromagnetic-matrix depolarization in an antiferro-ferromagnetic transition 6, p. 299
Rabinovich A.Z. /1/
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals 2, p. 80
Rachin V.A. /1/
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals 10, p. 491
Radkevich I.A. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Ragozin E.N. /1/
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A 12, p. 569
Ragul'skii V.V. /1/
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light 1, p. 41
Rashba E.I. /1/
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton 11, p. 538
Raspopov O.M. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Ravvin I.S. /1/
Absolute instability of a "trapped" packet of sound waves in an anisotropic-semiconductor plate 3, p. 144
Razbirin B.S. /1/
Biexcitons in II-VI crystals 4, p. 191
Razgonov I.I. /1/
Specular reflection of conduction electrons from the crystal surface in tungsten or copper 1, p. 30
Repinskii S.M. /1/
Phase transitions on the surfaces of germanium and silicon 4, p. 195
Rodionov B.U. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Rogachev A.A. /1/
Nonequilibrium orientation of electrons in electron-hole drops in silicon in a magnetic field 3, p. 154
Rogacheva L.F. /1/
Action of broadband pumping in excitation of SRS near resonance 3, p. 151
Roganov V.S. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Romanov V.S. /1/
Role of the dislocation mechanism in the polarization-echo phenomenon 3, p. 165
Rubenchik A.M. /2/
Effect of modulation instability on the relaxation of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma 1, p. 11
Lower-hybrid heating of a plasma in tokamaks 8, p. 358
Rudakov L.I. /1/
Modulation instability and strong turbulence in media with inverse dispersion 11, p. 520
Ryvkin S.M. /1/
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals 2, p. 113
Saakyan D.B. /1/
Energy difference between right-hand and left-hand molecules, due to parity nonconservation in weak interactions of electrons with nuclei 2, p. 106
Safarov V.I. /1/
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field 12, p. 560
Salomov D zh. A. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Sapershtein E.E. /2/
Calculation of the Weizsackerjnass-formulajiarameters on the basis of the consistency conditions 4, p. 220
Manifestation of the proximity of atomic nuclei to the point of the π-condensate instability in inelastic scattering of nucleons 11, p. 548
Sartakov B.C. /2/
Appreciable increase of the dissociation rate of polyatomic molecules in the red shift of the nonresonant frequency under conditions of two-frequency laser action 9, p. 428
Effect of depletion of many rotational states in vibrational excitation of molecules in a strong IR field 12, p. 582
Savel'eva S.N. /1/
Possibility of reconstructing the pattern of conduction-electron scattering by the sample boundary from the experimental data 4, p. 187
Savel'ev G.I. /1/
Investigation of the post-muonium stage of depolarization of μ+ mesons in germanium 7, p. 331
Selivanov V.I. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Semkin V.N. /1/
Manifestation of mixed vibronic states in the far infrared spectra of TEA(TCNQ)2 and their contribution to the dielectric constant 1, p. 7
Sergeev N.A. /1/
Possibility of identifying the regions of localization of positive muons in crystals 2, p. 103
Serov R.V. /1/
Structure of spontaneous magnetic field in a laser plasma 11, p. 531
Sharbatova G.S. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Shchegolev I.F. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Shchekotov A.Yu. /1/
Demodulation of high-power low-frequency waves in the subauroral ionosphere in the range of geometric pulsations 5, p. 237
Shchelev M.Ya. /1/
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Shchepkin M.G. /1/
Mesons from gluons 12, p. 600
Shcherbina-Samoilova M.B. /1/
Phase transition of order 2 1/2 in zinc 11, p. 509
Sheka E.F. /1/
Three-particle complex consisting of a bound state of a fully symmetrical phonon and an impurity exciton 11, p. 538
Shekhter R.I. /1/
Contribution to the theory of nonlinear effects in the electric conductivity of metallic junctions 10, p. 465
Shemyakov A.A. /1/
Concerning one mechanism of the phase transition from the ferromagnetic into the ferrimagnetic state 3, p. 162
Shepelev V.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Shevchenko A.D. /1/
Singularities of magnetic susceptibility of V3Si 3, p. 141
Shevel'ko A.P. /1/
Time dependence of x-ray spectrum of an aluminum laser plasma 8, p. 373
Shevera V.S. /1/
Investigation of double ionization of inert-gas atoms by simultaneous knockout of s and p electrons by the bombarding electron beam 1, p. 33
Shibaeva R.P. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Shikanov A.S. /1/
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma 9, p. 415
Shikin V.B. /1/
Cyclotron resonance with surface electrons in liquid helium 9, p. 425
Shkar' V.F. /1/
Low-temperature (to 15 K) conductivity of the compound IMb-H 7, p. 313
Shklyaev A.A. /1/
Phase transitions on the surfaces of germanium and silicon 4, p. 195
Shmaenok L.A. /1/
Photoionization of helium from the excited state 4p1P1 11, p. 527
Shotov A.P. /1/
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice 4, p. 185
Shreter Yu.G. /1/
Resonant emission of electron-hole drops at plasma frequency 11, p. 524
Shumilov E.V. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Simonov B.B. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Skachkov N.B. /2/
Harmonic analysis on a Lorentz group and the proton form factor 7, p. 334
Factorizability hypothesis in the quark model and large-angle elastic scattering of hadrons 9, p. 452
Skhtoryan E.S. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Sklizkov G.V. /1/
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma 9, p. 415
Skripnik N.S. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Slepchenko L.A. /1/
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum 6, p. 306
Slowinski B. /1/
Angular distributions of the protons in the reaction π+ + Xeπ p+ • • • at 2.34 GeV/c as a background for the shock-wave effect 4, p. 211
Smirenkin G.N. /1/
Effective moments of inertia of maximally deformed nuclei 1, p. 65
Smirnova T.V. /1/
Absorption of light by "drops" of the metallic phase near the semiconductor-metal phase transition in VO2 10, p. 474
Smirnov V.S. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Smolin S.P. /1/
Effect of microwave breakdown in germanium of the kinetics of electron-hole drops 9, p. 436
Snezhkin E.N. /1/
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam 3, p. 158
Sobel'man I.I. /2/
Energy difference between right-hand and left-hand molecules, due to parity nonconservation in weak interactions of electrons with nuclei 2, p. 106
Concerning the problem of lasers for the far ultraviolet X 500-700 A 12, p. 569
Sobyanin A.A. /1/
Superconducting system with weak coupling to the current in the ground state 7, p. 314
Sokolov L.I. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Sokolov V.I. /1/
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets 8, p. 369
Sokolov V.N. /1/
Periodic structures in phase transitions of electron-phonon systems by a deformation interaction in a magnetic field 1, p. 22
Solov'eva L.E. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Solov'eva N.A. /1/
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets 8, p. 369
Solov'ev V.G. /1/
Calculation of E1 radiative strength functions in semimagic nuclei 9, p. 459
Solovtsov I.L. /2/
Harmonic analysis on a Lorentz group and the proton form factor 7, p. 334
Factorizability hypothesis in the quark model and large-angle elastic scattering of hadrons 9, p. 452
Sonin A.S. /1/
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals 2, p. 80
Sonin E.B. /1/
Superfluidity of Bose condensate of electron-hole pairs 2, p. 95
Sopov V.S. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Sorokin G.A. /1/
Charge distribution in anomalous nuclei 10, p. 495
Soskin M.S. /1/
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors 9, p. 432
Sosnovtsev V.V. /1/
First observations of particle tracks in condensed matter by an emission method 9, p. 401
Stabnikov M.V. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Stolyarov S.N. /1/
Optical analog of the magnus effect 3, p. 148
Stoyanov Ch. /1/
Calculation of E1 radiative strength functions in semimagic nuclei 9, p. 459
Strizhevskii V.L. /1/
Stimulated Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons 5, p. 269
Strugalski Z. /1/
Angular distributions of the protons in the reaction π+ + Xeπ p+ • • • at 2.34 GeV/c as a background for the shock-wave effect 4, p. 211
Strukov B.A. /1/
Ferroelectric properties of smectic liquid crystals 2, p. 80
Sturman B.I. /1/
Lower-hybrid heating of a plasma in tokamaks 8, p. 358
Suetin V.A. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Sukhodol'skii A.T. /1/
Observation of interference of direct and cascade processes in active spectroscopy of polaritons 5, p. 240
Sulkovskaya M.M. /1/
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation 1, p. 68
Sun-Tszin-Yan G.Ya. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Surunyan A.M. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Sustarov A.F. /1/
Determination of the π π scattering length in the effective-radius approximation 1, p. 68
Sychev A.A. /1/
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Szymczak G. /1/
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite 5, p. 258
Szymczak R. /1/
Magnetic intermediate state in dysprosium orthoferrite 5, p. 258
Tarasov N.A. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Tartakovskii I.I. /1/
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures 6, p. 285
Tavkhelidze A.N. /1/
Are additional heavy quarks necessary to explain the observed behavior of R(s)? 9, p. 456
Tevzadze Yu.V. /1/
Concerning the growth of associative multiplicity as a function of the transverse momentum 6, p. 306
Thiele U. /1/
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 12, p. 557
Tikhomirov I.N. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Timofeev V.B. /1/
Quantum oscillations of the intensity of induced radiation of an electron-hole liquid in CdS crystals 1, p. 47
Timofeev V.S. /1/
Biexcitons in the emission spectrum of uniaxially deformed silicon 10, p. 487
Titov R.A. /1/
Direct observation of focusing of acoustic phonons in ruby crystals 10, p. 491
Tolmachev A.I. /1/
New rapidly relaxing passive shutter for a neodymium-glass laser 8, p. 366
Tolokonnikov S.V. /1/
Manifestation of the proximity of atomic nuclei to the point of the π-condensate instability in inelastic scattering of nucleons 11, p. 548
Tolstov K.D. /1/
Search for a new short-lived particle in collisions of 70 GeV/c protons with emulsion nuclei 12, p. 586
Tret'yakova M.I. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Trofimova T.N. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Troitskii M.A. /1/
Influence of pi condensate on single-nucleon absorption of slow pions by atomic nuclei 2, p. 136
Trubnikov A.S. /1/
Modulation instability of Langmuir waves excited in a plasma by an electron beam 3, p. 158
Tsarenkov B.V. /1/
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field 12, p. 560
Tsarenkov G.V. /1/
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field 12, p. 560
Tsoi V.S. /2/
Specular reflection of conduction electrons from the crystal surface in tungsten or copper 1, p. 30
Short-period oscillations of the collector voltage in the case of transverse electron focusing in bismuth 6, p. 289
Tsvetkova T.N. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Tsymbal L.T. /1/
Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance and doppleron-phonon resonance in molybdenum 2, p. 98
Tsytovich V.N. /1/
Modulation instability and strong turbulence in media with inverse dispersion 11, p. 520
Tulin V.A. /1/
Nuclear magnetic resonance mode interaction in RbMnF3 10, p. 476
Turdakina E.N. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Turkin A.A. /1/
Experimental observation of a new nonreciprocal magneto-optical effect 9, p. 404
Tverskoi M.G. /1/
Study of the angular distributions of the products of the interaction of 1-GeV protons with 40Ar nuclei 7, p. 337
Ul'yachenko A.A. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Ural'tsev I.N. /1/
Biexcitons in II-VI crystals 4, p. 191
Usmanov T.M. /1/
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region 9, p. 450
Vainrub A.M. /1/
Manifestation of mixed vibronic states in the far infrared spectra of TEA(TCNQ)2 and their contribution to the dielectric constant 1, p. 7
Valov P.M. /1/
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals 2, p. 113
Valyanskaya T.V. /1/
Cluster character of antiferromagnetic ordering in garnets 8, p. 369
Varlamov V.V. /1/
Investigation of the cross section of the (π-, p) process as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus at an energy 1 GeV 2, p. 123
Vartapetyan G.A. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Varyukhin S.V. /1/
Temperature minimum of the resistivity of beryllium 1, p. 58
Varyukhin V.V. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Vasil'ev A.N. /1/
Generation of radiation at combination frequencies in the region of the auroral electric jet 5, p. 248
Vidmont N.A. /1/
Propagation of nonequilibrium phonons in anthracene crystals at low temperatures 6, p. 285
Vinetskii V.L. /1/
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors 9, p. 432
Vinogradova V.M. /1/
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system 4, p. 204
Vistin L.K. /1/
Singularities of the temperature dependence of threshold voltages in nematic liquid crystals 4, p. 201
Vlasenko L.S. /1/
Inversion of nuclear magnetization of compensated silicon in interband absorption of light in weak magnetic fields 4, p. 207
Vlasova R.M. /1/
Manifestation of mixed vibronic states in the far infrared spectra of TEA(TCNQ)2 and their contribution to the dielectric constant 1, p. 7
Volkov A.S. /1/
Oscillations of polarization of recombination radiation of a variable gap semiconductor in a magnetic field 12, p. 560
Volovik G.E. /1/
Rotating 3He-A 1, p. 26
Voronov V.V. /1/
Calculation of E1 radiative strength functions in semimagic nuclei 9, p. 459
Vortanov Yu.A. /1/
Asymmetry of the cross section of the photoproduction of 17 mesons by polarized photons in the resonant energy region 12, p. 594
Voskresenskii D.N. /1/
Charge distribution in anomalous nuclei 10, p. 495
Vukovic S. /1/
Total resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiation in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 351
Vul B.M. /1/
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system 4, p. 204
Wolf G. /1/
Investigation of the heat capacity and of the superconducting properties of the sulfide Mo6 NaS8 12, p. 557
Yagubskii E.B. /2/
Magnetoresistance of the high-conductivity complex TTT2I3 5, p. 254
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Yagudina F.R. /1/
Angular distributions of secondary particles in proton-nuclear interactions at 400 GeV/c 6, p. 309
Yakubovskii E.A. /1/
Singularities of interactions of iron-group relativistic nuclei in cosmic rays with Ag and Br nuclei with maximum number of interacting nucleons 2, p. 127
Yaroshetskii I.D. /1/
Dragging of electrons by light in semimetals 2, p. 113
Yashkir Yu.N. /1/
Stimulated Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons 5, p. 269
Yudson V.I. /1/
Interband transitions and the possibility of current states in systems with electron-hole pairing 1, p. 18
Yuldashev A.A. /1/
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region 9, p. 450
Yuldashev B.S. /1/
Structure of inclusive distribution in the longitudinal rapidity in the 20-200 GeV region 9, p. 450
Yurchakevich E.E. /1/
Loss of symmetry of local environment of tin atoms in Pb1-xSnxTe crystal lattice 4, p. 185
Zakharenkov Yu.A. /1/
Observation of fast ions in a laser plasma 9, p. 415
Zakharov V.E. /2/
Effect of modulation instability on the relaxation of a relativistic electron beam in a plasma 1, p. 11
Multidimensional method of the inverse scattering problem and duality equations for the Yang-Mills field 12, p. 603
Zamolodchikov A.B. /1/
Exact two-particle S matrix of quantum solitons of the sine-Gordon model 10, p. 499
Zapesochnyi I.P. /1/
Investigation of double ionization of inert-gas atoms by simultaneous knockout of s and p electrons by the bombarding electron beam 1, p. 33
Zaporozhets I.E. /1/
Nonstationary energy transfer due to dynamic self-diffraction of light beams of equal frequency in semiconductors 9, p. 432
Zavaritskaya E.I. /1/
Minimum of metallic conductivity in a two-dimensional system 4, p. 204
Zavaritskii N.V. /1/
Observation of dragging of the electrons of tin by sound 1, p. 61
Zavaritskii O.I. /1/
Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism of conducting magnets with ions in a singlet ground state 11, p. 505
Zel'dovich B.Ya. /2/
Observation of wave-front inversion in stimulated Raman scattering of light 1, p. 41
Energy difference between right-hand and left-hand molecules, due to parity nonconservation in weak interactions of electrons with nuclei 2, p. 106
Zel'dovich O.Ya. /1/
Elastic backward scattering of negative pions by protons at 25 and 38 GeV/c 8, p. 393
Zel'dovich Ya.B. /1/
Neutron collisions in a thermonuclear plasma 1, p. 29
Zelenyi L.M. /1/
Model of magnetic-field reconnection in a plane layer of collisionless plasma 9, p. 407
Zharov A.A. /1/
Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma 8, p. 355
Zherikhin A.N. /1/
Observation of intensity anomalies at 58-78 A in Cl VII transitions in two-stage plasma heating by ultrashort laser pulses 7, p. 325
Zhitnikov R.A. /1/
Inversion of nuclear magnetization of compensated silicon in interband absorption of light in weak magnetic fields 4, p. 207
Zhitniskii A.R. /1/
Asymptotic form of hadronic form factors in the quark model 11, p. 544
Zhukov V.A. /1/
Strange diffusion of μ+ mesons in bismuth 7, p. 322
Zinov'eva K.N. /1/
Damping of second sound in rotating He4 8, p. 389
Zinov'ev A.N. /1/
Recombination of hydrogen in a quasi-stationary thermonuclear plasma 4, p. 223
Zolotukhin S.P. /1/
Tetraselenotetracene chloride-an organic metal without a metal-dielectric transition 10, p. 480
Zvereva G.I. /1/
Magnetoresistance of the high-conductivity complex TTT2I3 5, p. 254
Zverev V.N. /1/
Heating of electron subsystem by the Dember field in ambipolar diffusion in germanium 1, p. 44

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