Abrukina Yu. M. /1/ |
Localized electron states in a simple 1D chain with a loop
4, p. 258 |
Abutalybov G. I. /1/ |
Exciton-exciton interaction in electroluminescence spectra of a GaSe crystal
9, p. 622 |
Akimov A. I. /1/ |
Dilatometric study of phase transitions in ferroelastic materials of the La2CuO4 type
1, p. 20 |
Aldushchenkov A. V. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Alekseev V. A. /1/ |
Effect of micromotion on the distribution function of ions cooled by laser light in a radiofrequency trap
1, p. 7 |
Aliev F. G. /2/ |
Anomalously weak ferromagnetism of UxTh1-xBe13 (0.48<x<1) compounds
8, p. 574 |
Anomalously heavy fermions in YbPdSb
10, p. 714 |
Aminov B. A. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Amosov K. Yu. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Andersson T. G. /1/ |
Fine structure in the photoluminescence line of a quasi-2D electron Landau level: Initial or final state origin?
2, p. 89 |
Andreev A. V. /1/ |
Dynamic effects in diffuse x-ray scattering by multilayer structures
12, p. 857 |
Andreev N. E. /1/ |
Laser wakefield accelerator in a plasma pipe with self-modulation of the laser pulse
10, p. 694 |
Andreev V. N. /1/ |
Resistivity of the metallic phase of epitaxial VO2 films
9, p. 637 |
Andreyashkin M. Yu. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Andrienko A. V. /2/ |
Observation of nonequilibrium Bose condensation of quasiphonons excited by a noisy microwave pump
6, p. 446 |
Electromagnetic emission by a system of nonequilibrium quasiphones in an antiferromagnet
11, p. 787 |
Anisimov M. A. /1/ |
Joint description of the vapor-liquid and consolute critical phenomena
7, p. 522 |
Anselm A. /1/ |
Parton interpretation of quark fragmentation into hadrons with different spins
7, p. 486 |
Anselmino M. /1/ |
Parton interpretation of quark fragmentation into hadrons with different spins
7, p. 486 |
Antipov O. L. /2/ |
Laser crystal with nonreciprocal feedback as a parametric mirror which performs passive optical phase conjugation
3, p. 163 |
Erratum: laser crystal with nonreciprocal feedback as a parametric mirror which performs passive optical phase conjugation [JETP Lett. 60, No. 3,165-170 (10 August 1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Antonov V. N. /1/ |
Phase controlled mesoscopic ring interferometer
8, p. 589 |
Arbuzov B. A. /1/ |
Consequences of the symmetry breaking in the f-quark electromagnetic vertex for f-quark production in collisions
2, p. 75 |
Arkhipenko V. I. /1/ |
Resonant lowering of the threshold for a parametric instability of an inhomogeneous plasma in a frequency-modulated pump field
12, p. 829 |
Askar'yan G. A. /2/ |
Effect of intense UV flashes from laser discharges in gases: observation of a fast-rising photodissociation halo leading a shock wave
1, p. 11 |
Magnetic interaction of self-focusing channels and fluxes of electromagnetic radiation: their coalescence, the accumulation of energy, and the effect of external magnetic fields on them
4, p. 240 |
Baginskii K. V. /1/ |
Evidence for a multilayer superconductivity of BiSrCaCuO (2212) in rf absorption
1, p. 60 |
Bakulev A. P. /1/ |
The photon structure function F2 in QCD with nonlocal vacuum quark condensates
3, p. 149 |
Balestrino G. /1/ |
Resistive transition in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x phase
12, p. 839 |
Balkarey Yu. I. /1/ |
Nonlinear structures and their collective excitations in a coherent state of excitons during resonant pumping
1, p. 42 |
Bandos I. A. /2/ |
Another version of the twistor-like approach to superparticles
9, p. 613 |
Formation of the final charge state of particles sputtered by an ion beam from a solid surface in the case of resonant transitions
9, p. 655 |
Baranov P. G. /1/ |
Magnetic resonance and anticrossing of levels of excitons trapped at opposite interfaces in type-II GaAs/AIAs superlattices
6, p. 429 |
Barsov S. G. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Baskin E. M. /1/ |
Anomalously high 1/f noise in a nonuniform semiconductor
1, p. 16 |
Bazhenov A. V. /1/ |
Photoinduced changes in the fundamental absorption of C60 films
5, p. 326 |
Beklemishev S. A. /1/ |
Solitons in an anharmonic chain of the Frenkel'-Kontorova model
2, p. 99 |
Belenov E. M. /1/ |
Transformation of the field of an intense ultrashort pulse in a Raman-active medium
11, p. 762 |
Belogorokhov A. I. /1/ |
Intense photoluminescence in porous gallium phosphide
4, p. 262 |
Belyaev A. E. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Belyaev S. I. /2/ |
Laser crystal with nonreciprocal feedback as a parametric mirror which performs passive optical phase conjugation
3, p. 163 |
Erratum: laser crystal with nonreciprocal feedback as a parametric mirror which performs passive optical phase conjugation [JETP Lett. 60, No. 3,165-170 (10 August 1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Berezin V. A. /1/ |
Evidence for a multilayer superconductivity of BiSrCaCuO (2212) in rf absorption
1, p. 60 |
Blanter Ya. M. /1/ |
Electron topological transitions in the Mo-Re system
7, p. 549 |
Bonville P. /1/ |
Anomalously heavy fermions in YbPdSb
10, p. 714 |
Borman V. D. /1/ |
Dynamics of an adsorption-induced roughening transition as a phase transition in a vacancy subsystem
10, p. 699 |
Brandt N. B. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Brinkman D. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Buchel'nikov V. D. /1/ |
Precessional, relaxation, and elastic oscillations in a ferromagnet in the region of orientational phase transitions
7, p. 534 |
Budantsev M. V. /1/ |
Nonlinear effects in the nonlocal resistance of a 2D electron gas under conditions of the quantum Hall effect
12, p. 834 |
Budnikov V. N. /1/ |
Resonant lowering of the threshold for a parametric instability of an inhomogeneous plasma in a frequency-modulated pump field
12, p. 829 |
Bulanov S. V. /1/ |
Magnetic interaction of self-focusing channels and fluxes of electromagnetic radiation: their coalescence, the accumulation of energy, and the effect of external magnetic fields on them
4, p. 240 |
Bykov A. A. /1/ |
Effect of an electrostatic field on the interference of electron waves in a quasiballistic interferometer
11, p. 796 |
Chaibreveikov L L. /1/ |
Distinctive features of the phase diagram of a glycerin-quaiacol solution
5, p. 333 |
Chaplik A. V. /1/ |
Does the persistent current in a quantum loop depend on an electron-electron interaction?
9, p. 633 |
Chenskii E. V. /1/ |
Resonance effects in the high-frequency conductance of a 1D quantum channel in the ballistic regime
6, p. 397 |
Cherepov E. I. /1/ |
Formation of a layered structure in the distribution of boron atoms initiated in silicon by ion implantation
2, p. 96 |
Chesnokov S. N. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Chubarenko V. A. /1/ |
NMR in local fields at 139La nuclei in ferromagnetic manganites with a metal-semiconductor transition
1, p. 56 |
Chudnovskii F. A. /1/ |
Resistivity of the metallic phase of epitaxial VO2 films
9, p. 637 |
Chugreev A. V. /1/ |
Observation of fine structure in the optical spectrum of the fullerene C70 in a crystalline matrix
6, p. 435 |
Chuikov B. A. /1/ |
Probability for the sticking of deuterium molecules on a W(110) surface at low temperatures (down to 5 K)
8, p. 569 |
Claeson T. /1/ |
Phase controlled mesoscopic ring interferometer
8, p. 589 |
Cohen A. S. /1/ |
Nonlinear structures and their collective excitations in a coherent state of excitons during resonant pumping
1, p. 42 |
Dal'karov O. D. /1/ |
Delayed antiproton annihilation in light atoms
3, p. 158 |
Danilov V. I. /1/ |
Space-time self-organization of plastic deformation of fcc single crystals
7, p. 538 |
Delsing P. /1/ |
Phase controlled mesoscopic ring interferometer
8, p. 589 |
Dewey M. S. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Dokuchaev V. I. /1/ |
Neutrino limitation on primordial black holes inside the earth
2, p. 72 |
Dorokhov A. E. /1/ |
Deficiency of the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule and QCD vacuum polarization effect
2, p. 80 |
Dorozhkin S. I. /1/ |
Quantum oscillations of a new type in two-dimensional electron systems in the vicinity of the percolation threshold
8, p. 578 |
Dremin I. M. /1/ |
Multiparticle production and statistical analogies
11, p. 757 |
Dyabilin K. S. /1/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Dzheparov F. S. /1/ |
Asymptotically exactly solvable models of random walks and oscillations in disordered systems
3, p. 178 |
Dzhioev R. I. /1/ |
Detection of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic film in a Ni/GaAs structure from the polarization of electrons of the semiconductor
9, p. 650 |
Edel'man V. S. /2/ |
Formation of atomically smooth terraces during cleavage of bismuth crystals; dynamics of the terrace boundaries
2, p. 104 |
Amplitude of the atomic corrugation of a cleaved bismuth surface measured with a scanning tunneling microscope
4, p. 285 |
Elesin V. F. /1/ |
Mott-insulator-superfluid-liquid transition in a 1D boson Hubbard model
3, p. 174 |
Enikeev K. M. /1/ |
Oxygen diffusion in TmBa2Cu3O6+x at room temperature
1, p. 30 |
Eremin M. V. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Erokhin A. I. /1/ |
Time evolution of stimulated Brillouin scattering during transverse laser pumping of carbon disulfide filling a capillary
12, p. 823 |
Fabelinskii I. L. /2/ |
Distinctive features of the phase diagram of a glycerin-quaiacol solution
5, p. 333 |
Measurement of the anisotropy relaxation time in liquids with a broad range of viscosities
12, p. 854 |
Fedorov N. P. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Ferrante F. /1/ |
Resonant generation of high harmonics
4, p. 235 |
Ferrante G. /2/ |
Erratum: Resonant generation of high harmonics [JETP Lett. 60, No. 4, 246 (1994)]
9, p. 672 |
Erratum: Resonant generation of high harmonics [JETP Lett. 60, No. 4, 246-250 (1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Figielski T. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Filippov A. E. /1/ |
Mimicry of phase transitions and the large-river effect
2, p. 133 |
Fomin B. I. /1/ |
Formation of a layered structure in the distribution of boron atoms initiated in silicon by ion implantation
2, p. 96 |
Fomin V. M. /1/ |
Does the persistent current in a quantum loop depend on an electron-electron interaction?
9, p. 633 |
Fontana F. /1/ |
Resistive transition in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x phase
12, p. 839 |
Fortov V. E. /3/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Induction of vortex structures in the Jovian atmosphere by fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
6, p. 383 |
Collision of the comet with Jupiter: explosion in an inhomogeneous atmosphere
7, p. 481 |
Fyodorov Ya. V. /1/ |
Statistical properties of eigenfunctions in a disordered metallic sample
11, p. 779 |
Gaivoronskii A. G. /1/ |
Evolution of an impurity band during low-temperature application of a field to weakly compensated silicon with a high doping level
6, p. 457 |
Gasnikova G. P. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Gasparov V. A. /1/ |
Superconductivity above 20 K in barium-niobium-oxide compounds
6, p. 425 |
Gershenzon E. M. /1/ |
Nonohmic hopping conductivity in the exponential band tail
12, p. 845 |
Getalov A. L. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Ginzburg N. S. /1/ |
Cyclotron superradiance of a moving electron swarm under group synchronization conditions
7, p. 501 |
Gladkii V. V. /1/ |
Fast stage of the evolution of the nonequilibrium soliton structure of a dielectric
2, p. 109 |
Glavanakov I. V. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Golovashkin A. I. /1/ |
Fluctuation limit of measurements of the relative elongation of a magnetostrictive cylinder
8, p. 595 |
Golovin Yu. I. /1/ |
Interstitial mechanisms for plastic low in the initial stage of loading during microindentations
10, p. 722 |
Golo V. L. /2/ |
Numerical simulation of two-pulse NMR in superfluid 3He-S |
6, p. 416 |
Superhelices in steady-state configurations of molecules of the DNA type
9, p. 666 |
Gorbunov A. V. /1/ |
Photoinduced changes in the fundamental absorption of C60 films
5, p. 326 |
Gorbunov L. M. /1/ |
Laser wakefield accelerator in a plasma pipe with self-modulation of the laser pulse
10, p. 694 |
Gornostyrev Yu. N. /1/ |
Anomalous attenuation of ultrasound in alloys with heterophase fluctuations
3, p. 213 |
Gorodetskii E. E. /1/ |
Joint description of the vapor-liquid and consolute critical phenomena
7, p. 522 |
Gourdon C. /1/ |
Magnetic resonance and anticrossing of levels of excitons trapped at opposite interfaces in type-II GaAs/AIAs superlattices
6, p. 429 |
Govorkov S. A. /1/ |
Evidence for a multilayer superconductivity of BiSrCaCuO (2212) in rf absorption
1, p. 60 |
Govorov A. O. /1/ |
Does the persistent current in a quantum loop depend on an electron-electron interaction?
9, p. 633 |
Grabovskii E. V. /1/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Grechukhin D. P. /1/ |
Relativistic effect in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons by inert-gas atoms
11, p. 770 |
Gribnikov Z. S. /1/ |
Slowly decaying quasistationary electron states in spherical heavy quantum dots
6, p. 420 |
Grushko Yu. S. /1/ |
Observation of fine structure in the optical spectrum of the fullerene C70 in a crystalline matrix
6, p. 435 |
Gubkin M. K. /2/ |
NMR in local fields at 139La nuclei in ferromagnetic manganites with a metal-semiconductor transition
1, p. 56 |
Nature of the giant magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic lanthanum manganites
10, p. 727 |
Gudenko A. V. /1/ |
Fluctuation limit of measurements of the relative elongation of a magnetostrictive cylinder
8, p. 595 |
Gurvich Yu. A. /1/ |
Nonohmic hopping conductivity in the exponential band tail
12, p. 845 |
Gusakov E. Z. /1/ |
Resonant lowering of the threshold for a parametric instability of an inhomogeneous plasma in a frequency-modulated pump field
12, p. 829 |
Gusev G. M. /1/ |
Nonlinear effects in the nonlocal resistance of a 2D electron gas under conditions of the quantum Hall effect
12, p. 834 |
Heger G. /1/ |
Observation of an anomalous transmission in x-ray scattering by a superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ crystal
10, p. 711 |
Hein M. A. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Heinrichs H. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Hu C.S. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Iordanskii S. V. /1/ |
Weak localization in quantum wells with spin-orbit interaction
3, p. 199 |
Ipatov A. N. /1/ |
Optimized jellium model for metal clusters
5, p. 345 |
Isakov V. A. /1/ |
Transformation of the field of an intense ultrashort pulse in a Raman-active medium
11, p. 762 |
Itskevich I. E. /1/ |
Fine structure in the photoluminescence line of a quasi-2D electron Landau level: Initial or final state origin?
2, p. 89 |
Ivanenko O. M. /1/ |
Fluctuation limit of measurements of the relative elongation of a magnetostrictive cylinder
8, p. 595 |
Ivanova E. S. /1/ |
Fast stage of the evolution of the nonequilibrium soliton structure of a dielectric
2, p. 109 |
Ivanova T. A. /1/ |
Hole centers in LaSrAl1-xCuxO4δ in connection with magnetic Jahn-Teller polarons in La2CuO4+δ |
11, p. 775 |
Ivanov B. A. /1/ |
Quantum tunneling of magnetization in a small-area domain wall
11, p. 792 |
Ivanov M. F. /1/ |
Induction of vortex structures in the Jovian atmosphere by fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
6, p. 383 |
Ivanov P. A. /1/ |
Detection of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic film in a Ni/GaAs structure from the polarization of electrons of the semiconductor
9, p. 650 |
Ivanov V. K. /1/ |
Optimized jellium model for metal clusters
5, p. 345 |
Ivashchuk V. D. /1/ |
Stochastic properties of multidimensional cosmological models near a singular point
4, p. 225 |
Ivlev A. V. /1/ |
Collision of the comet with Jupiter: explosion in an inhomogeneous atmosphere
7, p. 481 |
Kaganovskii Yu. S. /1/ |
Langmuir-Blodgett films of the fullerene C60 |
5, p. 361 |
Kaganskaya N. M. /1/ |
Resonant lowering of the threshold for a parametric instability of an inhomogeneous plasma in a frequency-modulated pump field
12, p. 829 |
Kalinikos B. A. /1/ |
Observation of a collision of spin-wave envelope solitons in ferromagnetic films
4, p. 290 |
Kalinin B. N. /2/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Kamenets F. F. /1/ |
Induction of vortex structures in the Jovian atmosphere by fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
6, p. 383 |
Kanavin A. P. /1/ |
Transformation of the field of an intense ultrashort pulse in a Raman-active medium
11, p. 762 |
Kanda H. /1/ |
Raman scattering in diamond at high pressure isotopic effects
5, p. 329 |
Kaplin V. V. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Karavanskii V. A. /1/ |
Intense photoluminescence in porous gallium phosphide
4, p. 262 |
Kartashova N. V. /1/ |
Space-time self-organization of plastic deformation of fcc single crystals
7, p. 538 |
Kasaya M. /1/ |
Anomalously heavy fermions in YbPdSb
10, p. 714 |
Kashurnikov V. A. /1/ |
Mott-insulator-superfluid-liquid transition in a 1D boson Hubbard model
3, p. 174 |
Kask N. E. /1/ |
Percolation and metal-nonmetal transition during laser evaporation of condensed media
3, p. 204 |
Kasper N. V. /1/ |
Dilatometric study of phase transitions in ferroelastic materials of the La2CuO4 type
1, p. 20 |
Kasper W. /1/ |
Hole centers in LaSrAl1-xCuxO4δ in connection with magnetic Jahn-Teller polarons in La2CuO4+δ |
11, p. 775 |
Kats E. I. /1/ |
Superhelices in steady-state configurations of molecules of the DNA type
9, p. 666 |
Katsnel'son I. /1/ |
Anomalous attenuation of ultrasound in alloys with heterophase fluctuations
3, p. 213 |
Kazaryan M. A. /1/ |
Shock acceleration of particles in a laser beam
5, p. 317 |
Khadzhi P. I. /1/ |
Description of optical echo without the given-field approximation
2, p. 85 |
Kharchenk oV. A. /1/ |
Optimized jellium model for metal clusters
5, p. 345 |
Khassanov S. S. /1/ |
Superconductivity above 20 K in barium-niobium-oxide compounds
6, p. 425 |
Khimich T. A. /1/ |
NMR in local fields at 139La nuclei in ferromagnetic manganites with a metal-semiconductor transition
1, p. 56 |
Khodel' V. A. /1/ |
Low-temperature kinetics of normal systems with a fermion condensate: use in describing the normal phase of high-Tc superconductors
7, p. 527 |
Khudyakov D. V. /1/ |
Orientational rotation of C60 molecules in various solutions
5, p. 320 |
Kikoin K. A. /1/ |
Mechanism for stabilization of a spin liquid in a Kondo lattice
8, p. 583 |
Kirikov V. A. /1/ |
Fast stage of the evolution of the nonequilibrium soliton structure of a dielectric
2, p. 109 |
Kirillov A. A. /1/ |
Stochastic properties of multidimensional cosmological models near a singular point
4, p. 225 |
Kirsanov V. I. /1/ |
Laser wakefield accelerator in a plasma pipe with self-modulation of the laser pulse
10, p. 694 |
Kiselev M. N. /1/ |
Mechanism for stabilization of a spin liquid in a Kondo lattice
8, p. 583 |
Kiselev V. V. /1/ |
from QCD sum rules for heavy quarkonium
7, p. 498 |
Klimov V. A. /1/ |
Resistivity of the metallic phase of epitaxial VO2 films
9, p. 637 |
Klochikhin V. L. /1/ |
Solitons in an anharmonic chain of the Frenkel'-Kontorova model
2, p. 99 |
Klochkov A. V. /1/ |
Oxygen diffusion in TmBa2Cu3O6+x at room temperature
1, p. 30 |
Klumov B. A. /1/ |
Collision of the comet with Jupiter: explosion in an inhomogeneous atmosphere
7, p. 481 |
Koivuniemi J. H. /1/ |
Intersection of a vortex line with transverse soliton plane in rotating 3He-A: π3 topology
9, p. 659 |
Kokin A. A. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Kolesnikov N. N. /1/ |
Existence of low-lying electron spin excitations in the superconducting state of the Tl2Ba2CuO6+x system
11, p. 810 |
Kolesnik S. N. /1/ |
Observation of fine structure in the optical spectrum of the fullerene C70 in a crystalline matrix
6, p. 435 |
Kolezhuk A. K. /1/ |
Quantum tunneling of magnetization in a small-area domain wall
11, p. 792 |
Kolosnitsyn N. I. /1/ |
Electromagnetic radiation induced by a gravitational wave in a laser beam
2, p. 69 |
Konakova R. V. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Konopskii V. N. /1/ |
Study of the surface of a LiF:F-2 crystal at a subwave spatial resolution
10, p. 691 |
Kopnin N. B. /1/ |
The sign of the intrinsic Hall effect in clean superconductors
2, p. 123 |
Koptev V. P. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Korchagina E. G. /1/ |
Effect of intense UV flashes from laser discharges in gases: observation of a fast-rising photodissociation halo leading a shock wave
1, p. 11 |
Korenev V. L. /1/ |
Detection of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic film in a Ni/GaAs structure from the polarization of electrons of the semiconductor
9, p. 650 |
Korolev M. G. /1/ |
Effect of intense UV flashes from laser discharges in gases: observation of a fast-rising photodissociation halo leading a shock wave
1, p. 11 |
Korotkov N. P. /1/ |
Shock acceleration of particles in a laser beam
5, p. 317 |
Korshak A. N. /1/ |
Slowly decaying quasistationary electron states in spherical heavy quantum dots
6, p. 420 |
Kotel'nikov I. N. /1/ |
Tunneling in a quantizing magnetic field and many-particle features in the tunneling spectra of Schottky-barrier junctions
12, p. 849 |
Kotov S. A. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Kova A. G. /1/ |
Formation of the final charge state of particles sputtered by an ion beam from a solid surface in the case of resonant transitions
9, p. 655 |
Kovalenko K. V. /1/ |
Measurement of the anisotropy relaxation time in liquids with a broad range of viscosities
12, p. 854 |
Kovshikov N. G. /1/ |
Observation of a collision of spin-wave envelope solitons in ferromagnetic films
4, p. 290 |
Krasnosvobodtsev S. I. /1/ |
Current transport mechanism in high-Tc superconducting Josephson junctions on bicrystals
5, p. 372 |
Kravchenko L. N. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Kravtsov V. E. /1/ |
Level statistics in a metallic sample: corrections to the Wigner-Dyson distribution
9, p. 645 |
Krechetov Yu. F. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Krivenko V. G. /1/ |
NMR in local fields at 139La nuclei in ferromagnetic manganites with a metal-semiconductor transition
1, p. 56 |
Krivokhizha S. V. /2/ |
Distinctive features of the phase diagram of a glycerin-quaiacol solution
5, p. 333 |
Measurement of the anisotropy relaxation time in liquids with a broad range of viscosities
12, p. 854 |
Krusius M. /1/ |
Intersection of a vortex line with transverse soliton plane in rotating 3He-A: π3 topology
9, p. 659 |
Krylova D. D. /1/ |
Effect of micromotion on the distribution function of ions cooled by laser light in a radiofrequency trap
1, p. 7 |
Kryukov E. V. /1/ |
Oxygen diffusion in TmBa2Cu3O6+x at room temperature
1, p. 30 |
Kukushkin I. V. /1/ |
Strong reduction of the Fermi energy of two-dimensional electrons in a parallel magnetic field
7, p. 541 |
Kulikov V. D. /1/ |
Joint description of the vapor-liquid and consolute critical phenomena
7, p. 522 |
Kupriyanov M. Yu. /1/ |
Current transport mechanism in high-Tc superconducting Josephson junctions on bicrystals
5, p. 372 |
Kusmartsev F. V. /1/ |
Aharonov-Bohm effect in the Luttinger liquid
9, p. 639 |
Kustov D. V. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Kuzhelev A. S. /2/ |
Laser crystal with nonreciprocal feedback as a parametric mirror which performs passive optical phase conjugation
3, p. 163 |
Erratum: laser crystal with nonreciprocal feedback as a parametric mirror which performs passive optical phase conjugation [JETP Lett. 60, No. 3,165-170 (10 August 1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Kuz'min L. A. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Kuznetsov E. A. /3/ |
Relaxation oscillations of solitons
6, p. 466 |
Erratum: Relaxation oscillations of solitons [JETP Lett. 60, No. 6, 486 (1994)]
9, p. 672 |
Erratum: Relaxation oscillations of solitons [JETP Lett. 60, No. 6, 486 (25 September 1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Kuznetsov I. A. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Kvardakov V. V. /1/ |
Observation of an anomalous transmission in x-ray scattering by a superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ crystal
10, p. 711 |
Kvon Z. D. /2/ |
Effect of an electrostatic field on the interference of electron waves in a quasiballistic interferometer
11, p. 796 |
Nonlinear effects in the nonlocal resistance of a 2D electron gas under conditions of the quantum Hall effect
12, p. 834 |
Lasakov M. S. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Lavallard P. /1/ |
Magnetic resonance and anticrossing of levels of excitons trapped at opposite interfaces in type-II GaAs/AIAs superlattices
6, p. 429 |
Law - D. S. /1/ |
Effect of polarization of the exciting light on resonant photoelectron emission from La2CuO4+δ single crystals
4, p. 272 |
Lazarev Yu. N. /1/ |
Generation of an intense, directed, ultrashort electromagnetic pulse
9, p. 625 |
Lebedev M. E. /1/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Lesovik G. B. /2/ |
Effect of a random voltage on equilibrium current fluctuations in a quantum conductor
11, p. 801 |
Non-Gaussian fluctuations of the current and voltage in quantum conductors
11, p. 806 |
Letokhov V. S. /1/ |
Study of the surface of a LiF:F-2 crystal at a subwave spatial resolution
10, p. 691 |
Levchenko A. A. /1/ |
Crossing of a liquid-vapor boundary in hydrogen by negative charges
6, p. 452 |
Lisovskii F. V. /1/ |
New spontaneous order-disorder phase transition in magnetic films with a periodic deformation of the domain-wall profile
2, p. 128 |
Litvin L. V. /1/ |
Effect of an electrostatic field on the interference of electron waves in a quasiballistic interferometer
11, p. 796 |
Litvinskii L. L. /1/ |
Average resonance parameters of 236236U |
3, p. 155 |
Livanov D. V. /1/ |
Resistive transition in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x phase
12, p. 839 |
Lobach A. S. /1/ |
Orientational rotation of C60 molecules in various solutions
5, p. 320 |
Lokk E. G. /1/ |
Observation of a parametric instability of a surface magnetostatic wave
7, p. 545 |
Lomonosov A. V. /1/ |
Relativistic effect in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons by inert-gas atoms
11, p. 770 |
Lomsadze A. V. /1/ |
Fine structure in the photoluminescence line of a quasi-2D electron Landau level: Initial or final state origin?
2, p. 89 |
Lyakhov G. A. /1/ |
Lower critical point for the stratification of a liquid solution: dependence on the energy and lifetime of intermolecular bonds
2, p. 93 |
Lyanda-Geller Yu. B. /1/ |
Weak localization in quantum wells with spin-orbit interaction
3, p. 199 |
Mackenzie A. P. /1/ |
Effect of yttrium on the increase in Tc of Bi(2212) crystals
3, p. 188 |
Makosa A. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Mali M. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Mamin R. F. /1/ |
Domain structure of a new type near a photostimulated phase transition; autosolitons
1, p. 51 |
Mansvetova E. G. /1/ |
New spontaneous order-disorder phase transition in magnetic films with a periodic deformation of the domain-wall profile
2, p. 128 |
Maresov A. G. /1/ |
Current transport mechanism in high-Tc superconducting Josephson junctions on bicrystals
5, p. 372 |
Markendorf R. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Markov O. N. /1/ |
Numerical simulation of the critical dynamics of disordered 2D Ising systems
1, p. 24 |
Marlines J. L. /1/ |
Anomalously weak ferromagnetism of UxTh1-xBe13 (0.48<x<1) compounds
8, p. 574 |
Marvin O. B. /1/ |
Oxygen diffusion in TmBa2Cu3O6+x at room temperature
1, p. 30 |
Mashkov I. V. /1/ |
Magnetic resonance and anticrossing of levels of excitons trapped at opposite interfaces in type-II GaAs/AIAs superlattices
6, p. 429 |
Masterov V. F. /1/ |
Superconductivity and magnetic order in the copper sublattices of the YBa2Cu3-xFexO7+y ceramics
6, p. 439 |
Matisov B. G. /1/ |
Dynamics of laser cooling of atoms below the recoil temperature
10, p. 686 |
Maude D. K. /1/ |
Tunneling in a quantizing magnetic field and many-particle features in the tunneling spectra of Schottky-barrier junctions
12, p. 849 |
Mazets I. E. /1/ |
Dynamics of laser cooling of atoms below the recoil temperature
10, p. 686 |
Melnikov A. P. /1/ |
Nonohmic hopping conductivity in the exponential band tail
12, p. 845 |
Mel'nikov A. S. /1/ |
Distinctive properties of 1D normal-metal-superconductor contacts for superconductors with a broken particle-hole symmetry
5, p. 357 |
Mel'nikov V. N. /1/ |
Stochastic properties of multidimensional cosmological models near a singular point
4, p. 225 |
Men'shikov A. V. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Mesyats G. A. /1/ |
Ectons in a vacuum arc
7, p. 514 |
Mezentsev V. K. /1/ |
Two-dimensional solitons in discrete systems
11, p. 815 |
Mezhov-Deglin L. P. /1/ |
Crossing of a liquid-vapor boundary in hydrogen by negative charges
6, p. 452 |
Mikhailov A. V. /3/ |
Relaxation oscillations of solitons
6, p. 466 |
Erratum: Relaxation oscillations of solitons [JETP Lett. 60, No. 6, 486 (1994)]
9, p. 672 |
Erratum: Relaxation oscillations of solitons [JETP Lett. 60, No. 6, 486 (25 September 1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Mikhailov S. V. /1/ |
The photon structure function F2 in QCD with nonlocal vacuum quark condensates
3, p. 149 |
Mikheeva M. N. /1/ |
Effect of polarization of the exciting light on resonant photoelectron emission from La2CuO4+δ single crystals
4, p. 272 |
Mikirtych'yants S. M. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Miklyaev Yu. V. /1/ |
Writing a photorefractive hologram with an external field parallel to the interference fringes
7, p. 511 |
Mineev V. P. /1/ |
Free energy of superconducting islands with even land odd numbers of electrons
12, p. 861 |
Mirlin A. D. /2/ |
Level statistics in a metallic sample: corrections to the Wigner-Dyson distribution
9, p. 645 |
Statistical properties of eigenfunctions in a disordered metallic sample
11, p. 779 |
Mishchenko A. S. /1/ |
Mechanism for stabilization of a spin liquid in a Kondo lattice
8, p. 583 |
Mitsen K. Yu. /1/ |
Fluctuation limit of measurements of the relative elongation of a magnetostrictive cylinder
8, p. 595 |
Modelli A. /1/ |
Evolution of an impurity band during low-temperature application of a field to weakly compensated silicon with a high doping level
6, p. 457 |
Moiseenko A. V. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Molodtsov S. V. /1/ |
A unified description of confinement and superconductivity in terms of the vacuum correlation functions
4, p. 230 |
Molotkov S. N. /1/ |
Tunneling spectroscopy of highly correlated systems
3, p. 182 |
Moran M. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Moravskii A. P. /1/ |
Orientational rotation of C60 molecules in various solutions
5, p. 320 |
Morozov A. /1/ |
Bosonization of a coordinate ring of Uq[SL(N)]: The cases of N=2 and N=3
3, p. 217 |
Morozovskii A. E. /1/ |
Anomalously high 1/f noise in a nonuniform semiconductor
1, p. 16 |
Moshchenko S. P. /1/ |
Effect of an electrostatic field on the interference of electron waves in a quasiballistic interferometer
11, p. 796 |
Mostovoi Yu. A. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Muinov M. /1/ |
Raman scattering in diamond at high pressure isotopic effects
5, p. 329 |
Muller G. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Murgia F. /1/ |
Parton interpretation of quark fragmentation into hadrons with different spins
7, p. 486 |
Mur V. D. /1/ |
Perturbation theory for quasistationary levels
1, p. 64 |
Musher S. L. /1/ |
Two-dimensional solitons in discrete systems
11, p. 815 |
Myasnikov A. M. /1/ |
Formation of a layered structure in the distribution of boron atoms initiated in silicon by ion implantation
2, p. 96 |
Nadtochenko V. A. /1/ |
Orientational rotation of C60 molecules in various solutions
5, p. 320 |
Nasredinov F. S. /1/ |
Superconductivity and magnetic order in the copper sublattices of the YBa2Cu3-xFexO7+y ceramics
6, p. 439 |
Nastaushev Yu. V. /1/ |
Effect of an electrostatic field on the interference of electron waves in a quasiballistic interferometer
11, p. 796 |
Naumenko G. A. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Nazaruk V. I. /1/ |
Is there a dramatic suppression of i transitions in a medium?
6, p. 392 |
Nazin S. S. /1/ |
Tunneling spectroscopy of highly correlated systems
3, p. 182 |
Nazin V. G. /1/ |
Effect of polarization of the exciting light on resonant photoelectron emission from La2CuO4+δ single crystals
4, p. 272 |
Nechaev S. /1/ |
Nematic phase transition in entangled directed polymers
4, p. 277 |
Nevzorov R. B. /1/ |
A simple way to estimate the value of  |
6, p. 388 |
Nikolaev N. N. /1/ |
Direct calculation of the slope of the QCD pomeron trajectory
10, p. 678 |
Nikonov A. A. /1/ |
Superconductivity and phase separation in La2CuO4+x |
5, p. 340 |
Novikov A. V. /1/ |
A simple way to estimate the value of  |
6, p. 388 |
Novoselov G. M. /1/ |
Average resonance parameters of 236236U |
3, p. 155 |
Nurmagambetov A. /1/ |
D=3 Chern-Simons-Higgs SUSY system with an anomalous magnetic momentum
7, p. 494 |
Nurmagambetov A. Yu. /2/ |
Generalized twistor dynamics of superparticles
3, p. 145 |
Another version of the twistor-like approach to superparticles
9, p. 613 |
Obodnikov V. I. /1/ |
Formation of a layered structure in the distribution of boron atoms initiated in silicon by ion implantation
2, p. 96 |
Obraztsov A. N. /1/ |
Intense photoluminescence in porous gallium phosphide
4, p. 262 |
Odintsov A. A. /1/ |
Coherent transport of single cooper pairs in Josephson arrays
10, p. 718 |
Oksengendler B. L. /1/ |
Localized electron states in a simple 1D chain with a loop
4, p. 258 |
Oleinikov P. A. /3/ |
Resonant generation of high harmonics
4, p. 235 |
Erratum: Resonant generation of high harmonics [JETP Lett. 60, No. 4, 246 (1994)]
9, p. 672 |
Erratum: Resonant generation of high harmonics [JETP Lett. 60, No. 4, 246-250 (1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Olenev D. V. /1/ |
Electrostatic energy of a multicomponent icosahedral quasicrystal with a basis in the case of a substitutional disorder
10, p. 706 |
Openov L. A. /1/ |
Mott-insulator-superfluid-liquid transition in a 1D boson Hubbard model
3, p. 174 |
Orekhov Yu. F. /1/ |
Effect of yttrium on the increase in Tc of Bi(2212) crystals
3, p. 188 |
Osovskii V. D. /1/ |
Probability for the sticking of deuterium molecules on a W(110) surface at low temperatures (down to 5 K)
8, p. 569 |
Ostrik A. V. /1/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Pak Ch. M. /1/ |
New spontaneous order-disorder phase transition in magnetic films with a periodic deformation of the domain-wall profile
2, p. 128 |
Panaev I. A. /1/ |
High-temperature anisotropy of the conductivity of superlattices of GaAs quantum wires grown on faceted 3114A surfaces
3, p. 209 |
Parts U. /1/ |
Intersection of a vortex line with transverse soliton plane in rotating 3He-A: π3 topology
9, p. 659 |
Pashitski E. A. /1/ |
Structure of electron waves at the (111) surface of a noble metal as a consequence of the topology of the Fermi surface: "quantum order" instead of "quantum chaos"
1, p. 35 |
Pashitskii A. E. /1/ |
Structure of electron waves at the (111) surface of a noble metal as a consequence of the topology of the Fermi surface: "quantum order" instead of "quantum chaos"
1, p. 35 |
Pashitskii E. A. /1/ |
Nature of the anomalous thermal conductivity of high-Tc superconductors
5, p. 366 |
Paulus W. /1/ |
Observation of an anomalous transmission in x-ray scattering by a superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ crystal
10, p. 711 |
Pegoraro F. /1/ |
Magnetic interaction of self-focusing channels and fluxes of electromagnetic radiation: their coalescence, the accumulation of energy, and the effect of external magnetic fields on them
4, p. 240 |
Pentegov V. I. /1/ |
Nature of the anomalous thermal conductivity of high-Tc superconductors
5, p. 366 |
Perekalina T. M. /2/ |
NMR in local fields at 139La nuclei in ferromagnetic manganites with a metal-semiconductor transition
1, p. 56 |
Nature of the giant magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic lanthanum manganites
10, p. 727 |
Persico V. /1/ |
Resistive transition in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x phase
12, p. 839 |
Petrashov V. T. /1/ |
Phase controlled mesoscopic ring interferometer
8, p. 589 |
Petrov P. V. /1/ |
Generation of an intense, directed, ultrashort electromagnetic pulse
9, p. 625 |
Piel H. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Pikus G. E. /1/ |
Weak localization in quantum wells with spin-orbit interaction
3, p. 199 |
Pinol S. /1/ |
Observation of an anomalous transmission in x-ray scattering by a superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ crystal
10, p. 711 |
Pivovarov Yu. L. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Planel R. /1/ |
Magnetic resonance and anticrossing of levels of excitons trapped at opposite interfaces in type-II GaAs/AIAs superlattices
6, p. 429 |
Platonenko V. T. /3/ |
Resonant generation of high harmonics
4, p. 235 |
Erratum: Resonant generation of high harmonics [JETP Lett. 60, No. 4, 246 (1994)]
9, p. 672 |
Erratum: Resonant generation of high harmonics [JETP Lett. 60, No. 4, 246-250 (1994)]
10, p. 736 |
Pogosova A. A. /1/ |
Laser wakefield accelerator in a plasma pipe with self-modulation of the laser pulse
10, p. 694 |
Pogosov A. G. /1/ |
Nonlinear effects in the nonlocal resistance of a 2D electron gas under conditions of the quantum Hall effect
12, p. 834 |
Polyakov P. A. /1/ |
Theory of a diffuse domain wall
5, p. 336 |
Ponomarev Ya. G. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Ponomarev Yu. V. /1/ |
Dynamic effects in diffuse x-ray scattering by multilayer structures
12, p. 857 |
Ponyatovskii E. G. /2/ |
Second critical point and low-temperature anomalies in the physical properties of water
5, p. 352 |
Erratum: Second critical point and low-temperature anomalies in the physical properties of water [JETP Lett. 60, No. 5, 360 (10 September 1994)
12, p. |
Popov V. S. /1/ |
Perturbation theory for quasistationary levels
1, p. 64 |
Portal J.-C. /1/ |
Tunneling in a quantizing magnetic field and many-particle features in the tunneling spectra of Schottky-barrier junctions
12, p. 849 |
Posvyanskii V. S. /1/ |
Nonlinear structures and their collective excitations in a coherent state of excitons during resonant pumping
1, p. 42 |
Potylitsyn A. P. /2/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Pozdnyakova T. A. /2/ |
Second critical point and low-temperature anomalies in the physical properties of water
5, p. 352 |
Erratum: Second critical point and low-temperature anomalies in the physical properties of water [JETP Lett. 60, No. 5, 360 (10 September 1994)
12, p. |
Preobrazhenskii V. V. /1/ |
High-temperature anisotropy of the conductivity of superlattices of GaAs quantum wires grown on faceted 3114A surfaces
3, p. 209 |
Prikhodko O. A. /1/ |
Superconductivity and magnetic order in the copper sublattices of the YBa2Cu3-xFexO7+y ceramics
6, p. 439 |
Prints V. Ya. /1/ |
High-temperature anisotropy of the conductivity of superlattices of GaAs quantum wires grown on faceted 3114A surfaces
3, p. 209 |
Prudnikov V. V. /1/ |
Numerical simulation of the critical dynamics of disordered 2D Ising systems
1, p. 24 |
Ptitsyn Yu. V. /1/ |
Langmuir-Blodgett films of the fullerene C60 |
5, p. 361 |
Ptushinskii Yu. G. /1/ |
Probability for the sticking of deuterium molecules on a W(110) surface at low temperatures (down to 5 K)
8, p. 569 |
Pukhov A. M. /2/ |
Magnetic interaction of self-focusing channels and fluxes of electromagnetic radiation: their coalescence, the accumulation of energy, and the effect of external magnetic fields on them
4, p. 240 |
Induction of vortex structures in the Jovian atmosphere by fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
6, p. 383 |
Rautian S. G. /1/ |
Nonlinear effects due to a cascade of coherence in probe-field spectroscopy
6, p. 462 |
Razbirin B. S. /1/ |
Observation of fine structure in the optical spectrum of the fullerene C70 in a crystalline matrix
6, p. 435 |
Reinen D. /1/ |
Hole centers in LaSrAl1-xCuxO4δ in connection with magnetic Jahn-Teller polarons in La2CuO4+δ |
11, p. 775 |
Resales J. J. /1/ |
Generalized twistor dynamics of superparticles
3, p. 145 |
Romanov N. G. /1/ |
Magnetic resonance and anticrossing of levels of excitons trapped at opposite interfaces in type-II GaAs/AIAs superlattices
6, p. 429 |
Roos J. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Rosier K. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Rozum E. I. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Rubtsov I. V. /1/ |
Orientational rotation of C60 molecules in various solutions
5, p. 320 |
Ruutu V. M. /1/ |
Intersection of a vortex line with transverse soliton plane in rotating 3He-A: π3 topology
9, p. 659 |
Ryazhskaya O.G. /1/ |
Is there an excees of electron neutrinos in the flux in the atmosphere?
9, p. 609 |
Ryi'kov V. V. /1/ |
Evolution of an impurity band during low-temperature application of a field to weakly compensated silicon with a high doping level
6, p. 457 |
Ryskin M. G. /1/ |
Parton interpretation of quark fragmentation into hadrons with different spins
7, p. 486 |
Ryzhenkova I. V. /1/ |
Two-dimensional solitons in discrete systems
11, p. 815 |
Ryzhkin I. A. /1/ |
Tunneling spectroscopy of highly correlated systems
3, p. 182 |
Sablikov V. A. /1/ |
Resonance effects in the high-frequency conductance of a 1D quantum channel in the ballistic regime
6, p. 397 |
Safonov V. L. /2/ |
Observation of nonequilibrium Bose condensation of quasiphonons excited by a noisy microwave pump
6, p. 446 |
Electromagnetic emission by a system of nonequilibrium quasiphones in an antiferromagnet
11, p. 787 |
Sagatov M. A. /1/ |
Superconductivity and magnetic order in the copper sublattices of the YBa2Cu3-xFexO7+y ceramics
6, p. 439 |
Samarchenko D. A. /1/ |
Spectrum of a charged Bose gas in a quantizing magnetic field
4, p. 252 |
Sazonov S. B. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of hyperfine levels in a bichromatic laser wave in connection with nuclear decay
10, p. 682 |
Sekatskii S. K. /1/ |
Study of the surface of a LiF:F-2 crystal at a subwave spatial resolution
10, p. 691 |
Selenin V. L. /1/ |
Resonant lowering of the threshold for a parametric instability of an inhomogeneous plasma in a frequency-modulated pump field
12, p. 829 |
Semenova E. A. /1/ |
Oxygen diffusion in TmBa2Cu3O6+x at room temperature
1, p. 30 |
Semikhatov A. M. /1/ |
Universal theory of strings and 2D (super)gravity
8, p. 553 |
Seminozhenko V. P. /1/ |
Langmuir-Blodgett films of the fullerene C60 |
5, p. 361 |
Semyagin B. R. /1/ |
High-temperature anisotropy of the conductivity of superlattices of GaAs quantum wires grown on faceted 3114A surfaces
3, p. 209 |
Sengers J. V. /1/ |
Joint description of the vapor-liquid and consolute critical phenomena
7, p. 522 |
Serebrov A. P. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Seregin P. P. /1/ |
Superconductivity and magnetic order in the copper sublattices of the YBa2Cu3-xFexO7+y ceramics
6, p. 439 |
Sergeev A. S. /1/ |
Cyclotron superradiance of a moving electron swarm under group synchronization conditions
7, p. 501 |
Seryapin V. G. /1/ |
Formation of a layered structure in the distribution of boron atoms initiated in silicon by ion implantation
2, p. 96 |
Shaginyan V. R. /1/ |
Low-temperature kinetics of normal systems with a fermion condensate: use in describing the normal phase of high-Tc superconductors
7, p. 527 |
Shapovalov D. L. /1/ |
Localization and proximity effect in ultrathin superconducting films
3, p. 193 |
Shavrov V. G. /1/ |
Precessional, relaxation, and elastic oscillations in a ferromagnet in the region of orientational phase transitions
7, p. 534 |
Shchegolev I. F. /1/ |
Existence of low-lying electron spin excitations in the superconducting state of the Tl2Ba2CuO6+x system
11, p. 810 |
Shcherbakov G. V. /1/ |
Observation of a Gabay-Toulouse line in the ordered alloy Fe0.6 Mn0.4Pt3 |
11, p. 784 |
Shepel B. N. /1/ |
Strong reduction of the Fermi energy of two-dimensional electrons in a parallel magnetic field
7, p. 541 |
Shestakov L. N. /1/ |
Nonohmic hopping conductivity in the exponential band tail
12, p. 845 |
Shestopal V. E. /1/ |
Asymptotically exactly solvable models of random walks and oscillations in disordered systems
3, p. 178 |
Shichanin S. A. /1/ |
Consequences of the symmetry breaking in the f-quark electromagnetic vertex for f-quark production in collisions
2, p. 75 |
Shik A. /1/ |
Edge state acoustoconductivity and photoconductivity
2, p. 114 |
Shikin V. B. /1/ |
Low-temperature features of the magnetocapacitance of 2D electron systems
6, p. 406 |
Shmelev A. K. /1/ |
Time evolution of stimulated Brillouin scattering during transverse laser pumping of carbon disulfide filling a capillary
12, p. 823 |
Shul'man A. Ya. /1/ |
Tunneling in a quantizing magnetic field and many-particle features in the tunneling spectra of Schottky-barrier junctions
12, p. 849 |
Shuvalov E. N. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Silagadze Z. K. /1/ |
Pionium in decays of elementary particles
10, p. 673 |
Silin V. P. /2/ |
Traveling small-scale Josepnson vortices
6, p. 442 |
Electron energy transport in a weakly collisional plasma
11, p. 766 |
Simak S. I. /1/ |
Electron topological transitions in the Mo-Re system
7, p. 549 |
Simonchik L. V. /1/ |
Resonant lowering of the threshold for a parametric instability of an inhomogeneous plasma in a frequency-modulated pump field
12, p. 829 |
Simonov Yu. A. /1/ |
A unified description of confinement and superconductivity in terms of the vacuum correlation functions
4, p. 230 |
Sinand V. V. /2/ |
Second critical point and low-temperature anomalies in the physical properties of water
5, p. 352 |
Erratum: Second critical point and low-temperature anomalies in the physical properties of water [JETP Lett. 60, No. 5, 360 (10 September 1994)
12, p. |
Skorodumova N. V. /1/ |
Electron topological transitions in the Mo-Re system
7, p. 549 |
Slyusarenko Yu. V. /1/ |
Formation of the final charge state of particles sputtered by an ion beam from a solid surface in the case of resonant transitions
9, p. 655 |
Smetanin I. V. /1/ |
Transformation of the field of an intense ultrashort pulse in a Raman-active medium
11, p. 762 |
Smirnov V. P. /1/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Snarskii A. A. /2/ |
Anomalously high 1/f noise in a nonuniform semiconductor
1, p. 16 |
Exact values of the conductivity exponents in the 2D case
7, p. 518 |
Snigirev O. V. /1/ |
Current transport mechanism in high-Tc superconducting Josephson junctions on bicrystals
5, p. 372 |
Sobolev A. Yu. /1/ |
Formation of the final charge state of particles sputtered by an ion beam from a solid surface in the case of resonant transitions
9, p. 655 |
Solov'yanov S. G. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Somenkov V. A. /1/ |
Observation of an anomalous transmission in x-ray scattering by a superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ crystal
10, p. 711 |
Soroka V. A. /1/ |
Square roots of Hamilton's equations for supersymmetric systems
5, p. 377 |
Sorokin D. P. /1/ |
Another version of the twistor-like approach to superparticles
9, p. 613 |
Starukhin A. N. /1/ |
Observation of fine structure in the optical spectrum of the fullerene C70 in a crystalline matrix
6, p. 435 |
Starunov V. S. /1/ |
Time evolution of stimulated Brillouin scattering during transverse laser pumping of carbon disulfide filling a capillary
12, p. 823 |
Stepanenko I. V. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Stisnov S. M. /1/ |
Raman scattering in diamond at high pressure isotopic effects
5, p. 329 |
Strukova G. K. /1/ |
Superconductivity above 20 K in barium-niobium-oxide compounds
6, p. 425 |
Sukretnyi V. G. /1/ |
Probability for the sticking of deuterium molecules on a W(110) surface at low temperatures (down to 5 K)
8, p. 569 |
Suzuki H. /1/ |
Anomalously heavy fermions in YbPdSb
10, p. 714 |
Svishchev A. V. /1/ |
Effect of polarization of the exciting light on resonant photoelectron emission from La2CuO4+δ single crystals
4, p. 272 |
Szmulowicz F. /1/ |
General expression for optical transition probabilities in the envelope-function approximation
10, p. 731 |
Tabachenko A. N. /1/ |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Talanov V. I. /1/ |
Modulational instability at sum and difference frequencies in media with a high-order nonlinearity
9, p. 629 |
Tapinskaya O. V. /1/ |
Dynamics of an adsorption-induced roughening transition as a phase transition in a vacancy subsystem
10, p. 699 |
Teplov M. A. /1/ |
Oxygen diffusion in TmBa2Cu3O6+x at room temperature
1, p. 30 |
Thuneberg E. V. /1/ |
Intersection of a vortex line with transverse soliton plane in rotating 3He-A: π3 topology
9, p. 659 |
Timoshenko V. Yu. /1/ |
Intense photoluminescence in porous gallium phosphide
4, p. 262 |
Tishkovskii E. G. /1/ |
Formation of a layered structure in the distribution of boron atoms initiated in silicon by ion implantation
2, p. 96 |
Tkachev V. A. /1/ |
Langmuir-Blodgett films of the fullerene C60 |
5, p. 361 |
Tkach V. /1/ |
D=3 Chern-Simons-Higgs SUSY system with an anomalous magnetic momentum
7, p. 494 |
Tkach V. I. /1/ |
Generalized twistor dynamics of superparticles
3, p. 145 |
Tkach Yu. Ya. /1/ |
Evolution of an impurity band during low-temperature application of a field to weakly compensated silicon with a high doping level
6, p. 457 |
Tkalya E. V. /1/ |
Accelerated decay of nuclear isomers during atomic-shell ionization
9, p. 619 |
Tolmachev A. V. /1/ |
Langmuir-Blodgett films of the fullerene C60 |
5, p. 361 |
Trefilov A. V. /1/ |
Anomalous attenuation of ultrasound in alloys with heterophase fluctuations
3, p. 213 |
Tronin V. N. /1/ |
Dynamics of an adsorption-induced roughening transition as a phase transition in a vacancy subsystem
10, p. 699 |
Troyanchuk I. O. /1/ |
Dilatometric study of phase transitions in ferroelastic materials of the La2CuO4 type
1, p. 20 |
Troyanovskii A. M. /2/ |
Formation of atomically smooth terraces during cleavage of bismuth crystals; dynamics of the terrace boundaries
2, p. 104 |
Amplitude of the atomic corrugation of a cleaved bismuth surface measured with a scanning tunneling microscope
4, p. 285 |
Troyan V. I. /1/ |
Dynamics of an adsorption-induced roughening transition as a phase transition in a vacancy subsystem
10, p. 699 |
Trubnikov B. A. /1/ |
Possible scenario for the birth of galaxies
11, p. 753 |
Tsetlin M. B. /1/ |
Effect of polarization of the exciting light on resonant photoelectron emission from La2CuO4+δ single crystals
4, p. 272 |
Tskhovrebov A. M. /1/ |
Fluctuation limit of measurements of the relative elongation of a magnetostrictive cylinder
8, p. 595 |
Tsokur E. B. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Tugai V. V. /1/ |
Maxwell supermultiplet in the Wheeler-Feynman approach
5, p. 305 |
Tugushev V. V. /1/ |
Thermodynamics of electron-hole fluctuations and formation of exciton phase in layered semiconductor structures
4, p. 267 |
Tulin V. A. /1/ |
Evidence for a multilayer superconductivity of BiSrCaCuO (2212) in rf absorption
1, p. 60 |
Turitsyn S. K. /1/ |
Two-dimensional solitons in discrete systems
11, p. 815 |
Tyurin A. I. /1/ |
Interstitial mechanisms for plastic low in the initial stage of loading during microindentations
10, p. 722 |
Uglov S. R. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Usachev A. E. /1/ |
Hole centers in LaSrAl1-xCuxO4δ in connection with magnetic Jahn-Teller polarons in La2CuO4+δ |
11, p. 775 |
Vanyan P. L. /1/ |
Fractal dimension of turbulence
4, p. 247 |
Varlamov S. V. /1/ |
Spectrum of elementary excitations and interplanar tunneling in layered cuprates
2, p. 118 |
Vashkovskii A. V. /1/ |
Observation of a parametric instability of a surface magnetostatic wave
7, p. 545 |
Vasil'ev B. V. /1/ |
Thermogyromagnetic effect
1, p. 47 |
Vedeneev A. S. /1/ |
Evolution of an impurity band during low-temperature application of a field to weakly compensated silicon with a high doping level
6, p. 457 |
Vekilov Yu. Kh. /2/ |
Electron topological transitions in the Mo-Re system
7, p. 549 |
Electrostatic energy of a multicomponent icosahedral quasicrystal with a basis in the case of a substitutional disorder
10, p. 706 |
Vengrus I. I. /1/ |
Current transport mechanism in high-Tc superconducting Josephson junctions on bicrystals
5, p. 372 |
Verzilov V. A. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Vieira S. /2/ |
Anomalously weak ferromagnetism of UxTh1-xBe13 (0.48<x<1) compounds
8, p. 574 |
Anomalously heavy fermions in YbPdSb
10, p. 714 |
Villar R. /1/ |
Anomalously heavy fermions in YbPdSb
10, p. 714 |
Vitusevich S. A. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Vlasov M. F. /1/ |
Average resonance parameters of 236236U |
3, p. 155 |
Vlasov S. N. /1/ |
Modulational instability at sum and difference frequencies in media with a high-order nonlinearity
9, p. 629 |
Vnukov I. E. /2/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Asymmetry of the photodisintegration of the deuteron by linearly polarized γ rays below the pion production threshold for the angle ϑ'p=60° |
8, p. 560 |
Volkodav K. G. /1/ |
Photoinduced changes in the fundamental absorption of C60 films
5, p. 326 |
Volkova L V. /1/ |
Neutrino limitation on primordial black holes inside the earth
2, p. 72 |
Volkov D. V. /1/ |
Another version of the twistor-like approach to superparticles
9, p. 613 |
Volkov O. V. /1/ |
Strong reduction of the Fermi energy of two-dimensional electrons in a parallel magnetic field
7, p. 541 |
Volovik G. E. /1/ |
Intersection of a vortex line with transverse soliton plane in rotating 3He-A: π3 topology
9, p. 659 |
von Klitzing K. /1/ |
Strong reduction of the Fermi energy of two-dimensional electrons in a parallel magnetic field
7, p. 541 |
Vorob'ev O. Yu. /1/ |
Excitation of intense shock waves by soft x radiation from a Z-pinch plasma
1, p. 3 |
Voronin A. Yu. /1/ |
Delayed antiproton annihilation in light atoms
3, p. 158 |
Vyaselev O. M. /1/ |
Existence of low-lying electron spin excitations in the superconducting state of the Tl2Ba2CuO6+x system
11, p. 810 |
. Vysotsky I M. /1/ |
A simple way to estimate the value of  |
6, p. 388 |
Wang S. M. /1/ |
Fine structure in the photoluminescence line of a quasi-2D electron Landau level: Initial or final state origin?
2, p. 89 |
War R. /1/ |
Anomalously weak ferromagnetism of UxTh1-xBe13 (0.48<x<1) compounds
8, p. 574 |
Wehler D. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Wendler L. /1/ |
Does the persistent current in a quantum loop depend on an electron-electron interaction?
9, p. 633 |
Winzer K. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Wolf T. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Wosinski T. /1/ |
Tunnel current oscillations in a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier heterostructure
6, p. 403 |
Yablokov Yu. V. /1/ |
Hole centers in LaSrAl1-xCuxO4δ in connection with magnetic Jahn-Teller polarons in La2CuO4+δ |
11, p. 775 |
Yakushkin K. L. /1/ |
Effect of intense UV flashes from laser discharges in gases: observation of a fast-rising photodissociation halo leading a shock wave
1, p. 11 |
Yan'kov V. V. /1/ |
The pinch effect explains turbulent transport in tokamaks
3, p. 169 |
Yarygin A. V. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Yerozolimsky B. G. /1/ |
New measurements of the antineutrino-spin asymmetry in beta decay of the neutron and restriction for mass of WR |
5, p. 311 |
Yusupov K. Ch. /1/ |
Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O7-x and YbBa2Cu3O7-x (90-K phase) single crystals
6, p. 410 |
Zabaev V. N. /1/ |
Parametic x-radiation in a mosaic crystal of pyrolytic
7, p. 506 |
Zakharchenya B. P. /1/ |
Detection of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic film in a Ni/GaAs structure from the polarization of electrons of the semiconductor
9, p. 650 |
Zakharov A. A. /1/ |
Superconductivity and phase separation in La2CuO4+x |
5, p. 340 |
Zakharov B. G. /1/ |
Direct calculation of the slope of the QCD pomeron trajectory
10, p. 678 |
Zakharov S. D. /1/ |
Shock acceleration of particles in a laser beam
5, p. 317 |
Zalesskii A. V. /1/ |
NMR in local fields at 139La nuclei in ferromagnetic manganites with a metal-semiconductor transition
1, p. 56 |
Zaretskii D. F. /1/ |
Resonant excitation of hyperfine levels in a bichromatic laser wave in connection with nuclear decay
10, p. 682 |
Zavaritskii N. V. /1/ |
Effect of yttrium on the increase in Tc of Bi(2212) crystals
3, p. 188 |
Zavaritskii V. N. /1/ |
Effect of yttrium on the increase in Tc of Bi(2212) crystals
3, p. 188 |
Zhdan A. G. /1/ |
Evolution of an impurity band during low-temperature application of a field to weakly compensated silicon with a high doping level
6, p. 457 |
Zheltukhin A. A. /1/ |
Maxwell supermultiplet in the Wheeler-Feynman approach
5, p. 305 |
Zherikhina L. N. /1/ |
Fluctuation limit of measurements of the relative elongation of a magnetostrictive cylinder
8, p. 595 |
Zhizhin M. L. /1/ |
Optimized jellium model for metal clusters
5, p. 345 |
Zhukovskii E. A. /1/ |
Thermodynamics of electron-hole fluctuations and formation of exciton phase in layered semiconductor structures
4, p. 267 |
Zoller V. R. /1/ |
Direct calculation of the slope of the QCD pomeron trajectory
10, p. 678 |
Zotova I. V. /1/ |
Cyclotron superradiance of a moving electron swarm under group synchronization conditions
7, p. 501 |
Zuev L. B. /1/ |
Space-time self-organization of plastic deformation of fcc single crystals
7, p. 538 |
Zverev M. V. /1/ |
Low-temperature kinetics of normal systems with a fermion condensate: use in describing the normal phase of high-Tc superconductors
7, p. 527 |
Zvyagin A. A. /1/ |
Antichirality and elementary excitations of effectively 2D quantum frustrated antiferromagnetic systems
8, p. 563 |